

June 21, 2001

Musharraf takes oath as president
According to informed sources, the chief executive will become the president of Pakistan while retaining the office of the chief of army staff.

J&K is disputed territory: Pakistan/PTI
An official Pakistani statement said 'final disposition' of the state was to be decided in accordance with UN resolutions.

Check rhetoric, Musharraf tells Vajpayee
Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee telephoned him this morning to discuss the details of his India visit from July 14 to 16.

Summit's backdrop of 'love' to offset past acrimony
But a senior external affairs ministry official said the summit would probably end without any concrete results, except for some confidence-building measures.

Ajmer gears up to receive Musharraf
General Pervez Musharraf, during his three days in India, will visit the dargah of Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti in Ajmer.

Will the Indo-Pak summit create history?
Will Prime Minister Vajpayee of India and Chief Executive Musharraf of Pakistan be able to make a decisive break from a past of suspicion and conflict? Express your opinion.

I was removed, says Tarar/PTI
Rafiq Tarar's reaction came hours after a government statement said he ceased to be Pakistan's president, setting off speculation that he refused to resign.

US, UK, Commonwealth unhappy: PTI
Commonwealth Secretary-General Don McKinnon said Gen Musharraf's taking over as president was indicative of the further consolidation of military rule in Pakistan.

Legislators to wait till Aug one for resignation
Thirty-six Manipuri legislators decided to resign en masse if the ceasefire between the Centre and NSCN (I-M) continued to include parts of their state.

Sonia, Jaya Jaitly urge peace
Congress president Sonia Gandhi appealed to the people of Manipur to desist from violence.

Manipur govt allows mass cremation of bodies
13 persons were killed in police firing on Monday.

Militant holed up in Kupwara mosque killed
A police officer said that according to their reports, at least three militants were still inside.

Bharat Shah collapses in hospital
The film financier accused of having links with gangster Chhota Shakeel is reported to be in a serious condition.

Another witness identifies Gulshan killers
Autorickshaw driver Sahibrao Fuke said he was present near the Shiva temple at Andheri in Bombay when the music mogul was killed.

'Monkey man' does not exist: Delhi police
An expert committee constituted to study the mystery concluded that the phenomenon could be attributed to stress, psychiatric disorders, alcohol-related illnesses and mental retardation of the people.

Babri case: CBI files review petition
The CBI move came amidst allegations that the agency's recommendation to advise the Uttar Pradesh government to issue a fresh notification had been pending with the Centre for over a month.

Jaswant calls for more Indo-Australian trade
The external affairs minister welcomed Australian investment in insurance and mining and sought an increase in exports to India, especially of LNG.

Security around US establishments in Capital tightened
The precaution was necessitated as the police was yet to probe the entire ramification of the conspiracy hatched by Sudanese national Abdel Raouf Hawash and his two Indian accomplices to blast the US embassy in Delhi.

Rajasthan notifies two child norm for employees
No state employee would be considered for promotion for five years from the date on which the promotion becomes due if he or she has more than two children on or after June one next year.

Hasina, sister to get special security
The Bangladesh parliament passed the bill amidst an opposition boycott. The government justified the move in view of the continuing threats to their lives.

BJP to strengthen grassroots workers
The party has decided to appoint one worker 'chief' of each parliamentary constituency in the country.

Senior citizen stabbed to death in Bombay
70-year-old Varsha Choksi was found dead in her house with her throat slit and hands and feet tied up.

'We will open our cards in court'
It is only the third day in the sensational Gulshan Kumar murder trial. Despite many setbacks - five of the 17 accused are still absconding - the police are sure they will snag the main accused, composer Nadeem Saifi.

High stakes and low expectations
'India and Pakistan are geographically ordained to live with each other even if they fight from time to time. We may question the timing of the summit, but the talks were, and are, inevitable,' says General (retd) Ved Prakash Malik.

A scarred kingdom
'New Delhi has to adopt a discreet and low-key approach in extending a friendly hand to Nepal,' says G Parthsarathy.

June 20, 2001

Summit to be held in Agra
General Musharraf will be arriving in Delhi on July 14 and be in India till July 16. He will also visit Ajmer.

Vajpayee upbeat on Musharraf's visit
The prime minister said he would call an all-party meeting to discuss the summit, but ruled out a compromise on Kashmir.

India will not shy away from discussing Kashmir: Nambiar
Ahead of the crucial summit, India and Pakistan are reported to have exchanged notes to analyse and comprehend mutual positions on the proposed composite dialogue on eight crucial issues, including Kashmir.

Will the Indo-Pak summit create history?
Will Prime Minister Vajpayee of India and Chief Executive Musharraf of Pakistan be able to make a decisive break from a past of suspicion and conflict? Express your opinion.

'Ceasefire has nothing to do with Greater Nagaland demand'
However, NSCN (I-M) chief T Muivah did not emphatically rule out reiteration of the demand.

Manipur MLAs, MPs asked to resign: PTI
Army and paramilitary force personnel staged flag marches in Imphal and reinforcements were airlifted to the state even as fresh violent protests broke out on Tuesday.

Bandh called in Assam: PTI
Various organisations in Assam are supportive of efforts to establish peace in Nagaland, but not at the cost of peace in Assam.

No review of ceasefire extension: BJP/PTI
BJP General Secretary Sunil Shastri ruled out any compromise on the territorial integrity of the states in the North-east and said the ceasefire would bring peace to the region.

'The home minister does not know the ground realities in Assam'
Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi criticises the Centre's extension of the ceasefire with the NSCN (I-M) in the Northeast.

Vajpayee thanks Bombay for its hospitality
Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee thanked Maharashtra Governor Dr P C Alexander, the state government and the people of the city for the overwhelming warmth and affection showered on him.

Protests against Gadar in Bhopal
Apparently, it is the fourth film in recent times, afterZubeida, Dahek, Fiza, where a Muslim girl is shown marrying a non-Muslim.

Bajrang Dal chief surrenders in Hyderabad
Dr Surender Kumar Jain is alleged to have made provocative remarks likely to offend the sentiments of the Muslim community while addressing a press conference in Hyderabad.

Early India visit is a priority for Bush
Two senior officials of the US administration asserted that the president's intent to visit India early next year is part of a tangible commitment to further strengthen Indo-US ties.

Delhi is buried in the past: Sattar
Delivering the keynote address at the Carnegie International Non-proliferation Conference, Sattar ridiculed India's declaration of no-first-use of nuclear weapons, saying it was a recipe for war.

3 held for attack on Sachin's brother
Ajit Tendulkar was attacked at his home by three youths who were seeking entry into the MIG Cricket Club, where he coaches youngsters.

Six Pak intruders killed in Uri sector
This was the first time in the past three years that an encounter took place between infiltrators and security forces in the Uri sector.

Jaswant Singh in Sydney, meets Mahendra Chaudhry
A proposal by a consortium of companies for investment in a power generation and petro-chemical and fertiliser projects in Orissa would be among the issues to be discussed by Singh with Australian leaders.

Jayalalitha orders another probe against DMK govt
It pertains to the alleged inclusion of groundnut oil cake as an ingredient in the noon meal scheme for children. According to Jayalalitha, the oil cakes were later sold illegally in the black market as cattle-feed.

Panja to organise dissidents into party
Barring Trinamul chairperson Mamata Banerjee and party chief whip in the Lok Sabha Sudip Bandopadhyay, all other MPs had directly or indirectly advocated the need for Trinamul's return to the NDA.

Osama henchmen wanted to bomb US Embassy
Three arrested terrorists, believed to be associates of Osama bin Laden, planned to blast the US Embassy in Delhi, said the Delhi Police on Tuesday.

The resident non-Indians' take on J&K
'What causes rage about the LoC-as-a-border suggestion is that, without a dollar in return, it legitimises Pakistan's blatant, violent theft from India's J&K state in 1947,' says Arvind Lavakare.

June 19, 2001

13 killed, indefinite curfew in Imphal: PTI
13 persons were killed and more than 50 injured in police firing as people protesting against the extension of the Naga ceasefire indulged in widespread arson in the Manipur capital.

Advani denies Greater Nagaland move
The Union home minister denied that the decision to extend the ceasefire with the NSCN (I-M) was taken hastily.

All parties in Manipur oppose ceasefire: George
The NDA convener described the events in the state as unfortunate, but said there was no need to call an NDA meeting at the moment.

Koijam urges Centre to review pact with NSCN
The former chief minister of Manipur said the government should understand the intricacies of the Northeast before concluding agreements with any militant groups.

Govt dithers on Musharraf's address to India Inc
Industry sources said Pakistan was 'extremely keen' that the chief executive be invited to speak by a business forum during his trip.

Will the Indo-Pak summit create history?
Will Prime Minister Vajpayee of India and Chief Executive Musharraf of Pakistan be able to make a decisive break from a past of suspicion and conflict? Express your opinion.

Blast rocks Indian consulate in Iran: PTI
The consulate in Zahedan province bordering Pakistan was damaged, but no one was injured.

Six killed in boat mishap in Orissa
At least six women were feared drowned in Nabarangpur district in Orissa after their boat capsized in river Bhaskel, senior police officials said on Monday.

Copters to oversee security during Puri rath yatra
Threats of possible terrorist strikes have forced the Orissa government to use helicopters to monitor security.

Vajpayee to land in Delhi on Tuesday
However, the prime minister would start working from Thursday onwards, according to a senior government official.

Taleban presenting harsh picture of Islam: Iran
Iranian foreign minister Kamal Kharrazi denounced the Taleban regime's attempt to segregate Hindus, saying it disgraced Muslims all over the world.

Illegal immigrants were headed for Britain
Britain is usually the final destination for immigration gangs who smuggle in people through circuitous routes that invariably pass through eastern Europe.

Dosanjh wants to take time off to think
After a drubbing in the provincial elections, the former premier of British Columbia is considering going back to his old profession -- law.

DMK mounts legal offensive against Jaya
It moved the Madras HC seeking a CBI probe into three corruption cases against Jayalalitha and court-appointed Public Prosecutors in cases filed against her in special courts.

13 electrocuted in Bihar
The 13, most of them children, were electrocuted when they came in contact with a 11000 kv high-tension electric transmission wire at village Gopalpur in Patna district.

Pakistan cuts defence budget by Rs 2 billion
This is the first time Islamabad has slashed defence spending. In real terms, the cut could be worth Rs 3.50 billion.

'The government is intolerant to any criticism'
Yubaraj Ghimire, editor of Kantipur, Nepal's largest-selling newspaper, says he was surprised to know that he was charged with treason.

Why the Indo-Pak summit is doomed
'Pakistani armymen and its surrogate terrorists brutally murder people in Kashmir every day. This is not a nice tete-a-tete between neighbours: we have barbarians at our gates,' says Rajeev Srinivasan.

June 18, 2001

4 killed in rain-related mishap in Thane: PTI
Four youths drowned while they were swimming in a pit full of rainwater. In another incident at Bhandup, four children were injured when part of their house collapsed.

NC leader injured, five killed in J&K: PTI
Militants hurled a grenade into the house of NC block president Ghulam Nabi Hakeem at Village Pusal in Pulwama district of south Kashmir.

'No alcohol found in Dipendra's blood': PTI
A senior military doctor has claimed that no trace of alcohol was found in the blood samples of the late crown prince.

Onus on Pakistan to restore peace in J&K: Bodansky
The director of the United States Congressional Task Force on Terrorism said there would be no peace and stability in the region unless Pakistan gives up its attempt to acquire Kashmir to make up for Jinnah's 'lost heritage'.

June 17, 2001

Attempt to blow up US embassy
A Sudanese national, suspected to be an associate of international terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden, and his Indian accomplice have been arrested by the Delhi police.

Top counter-insurgent killed in J&K: PTI
Hizb militants Saturday gunned down People's Patriotic Front president and founder of the Muslim Mujahideen, Ghulam Nabi Azad, in Anantnag district.

J&K is an integral part of India, says govt
The assertion came a day after Pakistani military ruler General Pervez Musharraf sought to downplay recent remarks of External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh on the issue.

Naxalites kill 12 'police informers' in AP
While six bullet-ridden bodies were recovered from Vattimalla forest in Sircilla sub-division, about 150 km north-east of Hyderabad, six more bodies were found at Rudrangi village in Chandurthy mandal.

King Birendra tried to shoot Dipendra
The injured King picked up the 9mm caliber MP-5K automatic sub-machine gun, which Dipendra had thrown.

Paras confirms marriage theory
The official report into Nepal's royal massacre quotes Prince Paras as saying that the family's opposition to Dipendra's marriage plans led to the killings.

Cong CM's asked to cut costs
Congress president Sonia Gandhi asked all 11 party chief ministers to make the party-ruled states appropriate models for others to follow.

21 killed in Bangladesh blast
A bomb exploded at a political rally of the ruling Awami League on Saturday.

Gogoi meets Advani: PTI
The Assam chief minister voiced strong reservations over the extension of the ceasefire between the Centre and NSCN (I-M) to Naga-inhabited areas beyond Nagaland's borders.

Women may be inducted as fighter pilots
Women fly only transport planes and helicopters of the Indian Air Force.

Goa CM now takes on university
Manohar Parrikar has dubbed Goa University a 'mere PhD-producing machine' involved in several financial irregularities.

BJP plans to play Ayodhya, Atal cards
Two-day state executive meeting under way at Saharanpur, ahead of assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh.

Chohan will be prosecuted for past crimes: Dhindsa
The Akali Dal politician said those former militants who wanted to join the mainstream should be allowed to return, but there was no question of pardoning their past deeds.

Proposals to acquire AJTs, aircraft carrier run into rough weather
The British Hawk manufacturers have refused to budge on the price, while the escalation projected by the Russians for a refit of Admiral Gorshkov is about $350 million.

Hold elections or face sanctions, Canada tells Pak
Canadian Minister for Foreign Affairs John Manley told his visiting Pakistani counterpart Abdul Sattar that Pakistan's return to democracy would be a key element in the re-establishment of full relations between the two countries.

Will the Indo-Pak summit create history?
Will Prime Minister Vajpayee of India and Chief Executive Musharraf of Pakistan be able to make a decisive break from a past of suspicion and conflict? Express your opinion.

Daddy Extraordinary
Nirmala Iyer worships 'a very ordinary' person: her father.

Vajpayee, Musharraf ideal to solve J&K tangle: Bhat
The Hurriyat chairman told that his organisation represented the political aspirations of the people of Kashmir and could never be sidelined.

Fresh fodder for Laloo's friends
Finally, there is a breakthrough into the scandal closest to the RJD chief's tender heart. Capital Buzz. Gossip from the Delhi durbar.

June 16, 2001

Musharraf seeks to change history
The Pakistan chief executive said in Islamabad on Friday that he would seek to make a "new beginning" with India in summit talks next month.

Bhat, Geelani under house arrest
The Hurriyat has asked people to hold demonstrations after Friday prayers against the Charar-e-Sharif blast and the Shangus mosque siege.

Indo-Pak summit around July 10
July 10-12 has been described as the most suitable period for the crucial talks on Kashmir and other issues.

'Musharraf to visit New Delhi on July 9': PTI
A spokesman of the Indian High Commission in Islamabad, however, denied the Jang report and said dates were still being worked out.

India should involve Hurriyat: Abdul Sattar
'Too early to discuss Kashmir's sovereignty,' says Pakistan's foreign minister.

'Four gentlemen sat down for lunch and decided to invite Musharraf'
Former external affairs minister K Natwar Singh fires another salvo.

Will the Indo-Pak summit create history?
Will Prime Minister Vajpayee of India and Chief Executive Musharraf of Pakistan be able to make a decisive break from a past of suspicion and conflict? Express your opinion.

Amarnath Yatra begins at ID card counter!
Jammu and Kashmir government officials denied that pilgrims were facing problems getting identity cards in Delhi.

4 BSF jawans hurt in blast on Amarnath route
Officials said the IED was planted at Athnar, 8 km from Pahalgam, which serves as the base camp for the yatra.

Army chief meets Advani: PTI
General S Padmanabhan Friday briefed the Union home minister on counter-insurgency operations in Jammu and Kashmir.

Nepal probe report could backfire
The shoddily produced report has left several unanswered questions and numerous loopholes that could end up as key weapons in the hands of those opposed to the new monarchy.

High-powered committee set up to study report
The shoddily produced report has left several unanswered questions and numerous loopholes that could end up as key weapons in the hands of those opposed to the new monarchy.

Uneasy calm in Nepal
People in the Himalayan Kingdom are slowly coming to terms with the findings of the probe panel that their late Crown Prince Dipendra gunned down his father King Birendra and other royals.

Ghimire released on bail: PTI
The editor of the mass-circulated Nepalese daily Kantipur, and two others were arrested last week on sedition charges.

Naga ceasefire angers Samata
Agitated leaders Thursday said they were not informed about the government decision to extend the ceasefire with the Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland (I-M).

Punjab police may arrest Chohan on return
A 20-year-old case of sedition is pending against the Sikh separatist at Anandpur Sahib.

Goa police to summon two IAS men
V H Pachuau and J K Dadoo had allegedly signed files related to illegal notifications issued during the tenure of former power minister Mauvin Godinho, who is charged in a power rebate scam.

Indo-Canadian relations on the upswing
Canada and India realise that there is greater benefit in expanding the political and economic relationship, increasing trade and using the burgeoning Indo-Canadian community as a bridge between the two countries.

Police see politics in Oldham riots
Police believe there is a link between the recently concluded general election and the rioting in Oldham, a town populated by poor whites and a diverse ethnic community.

BSF thwarts intrusion by smugglers
A Bangladeshi was killed and two others were injured when Border Security Force personnel opened fire.

Arrest warrants against Bihar BJP leaders
Nand Kishore Yadav and Navin Kishore Prasad Sinha have been charged with non-clearance of dues to the State Bank of India, Futua branch.

Sena to move court over Srikrishna report
Shiv Sena leader Narayan Rane said the Maharashtra govt's decision to implement the report was aimed at wooing minorities and was 'unjust' to the majority Hindu population.

RSS leader Pingle hospitalised
The veteran Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh leader was admitted to a hospital in Pune, after he suffered a heart attack on Friday.

Omar Mukhtar is dead
Anthony Quinn's death transports Vijaysree Venkatraman to her childhood -- and to a certain theatre in Madurai.

The red star hangs over Nepal
'Whatever the truth behind the palace bloodbath, the advantage now lies with the communist extremists,' says Brahma Chellaney.

Foul weather over Kyoto
'Defeating Kyoto is ultimately a political objective, and the American president may well achieve that. Nature is not as easily bested. Statesmanship is the ability and willingness to recognise the difference,' says Ashwin Mahesh.

June 15, 2001

Two Indians survive Morava accident
Seventeen people, all illegal immigrants trying to get into Germany, are believed to have drowned. There was also a Sri Lankan survivor in the accident.

Solution must fulfill Kashmiris' aspirations: Musharraf/PTI
Gen Musharraf said this during a meeting with PoK Prime Minister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhary as part of consultations with political leaders ahead of the summit with Vajpayee.

27 hurt in grenade blast: PTI
The grenade meant for a security picket landed in a busy market at Bandipora.

Bomb defused near secretariat: PTI
A three-wheeler, containing two improvised explosive devices, was detected by personnel of the Special Operations Group.

Ambassador to Pak arrives in Delhi
Vijay K Nambiar arrived to hold consultations on the visit of Pakistan Chief Executive Pervez Musharraf.

Eight militants killed in J&K: PTI
Five of the militants belonged to the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Tayiba outfit.

'Musharraf's performance is one of missed opportunities'
'Musharraf is going to suggest that India keep Jammu, Pakistan keep Azad Kashmir and the Indians give autonomy to the valley.' Exiled former Pakistan prime minister Benazir Bhutto says the general comes with too much baggage.

Dipendra killed the royals: Report
A two-member commission handed over its report to King Gyanendra on Thursday.

NSCN (I-M) agrees to extend ceasefire in Nagaland
The decision to extend the ceasefire was taken at a two-day meeting between NSCN (I-M) leader T Muivah and Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's special emissary K Padmanabhiah in Bangkok.

Ceasefire extension welcomed
NSCN (I-M) was under tremendous public pressure to continue with the ceasefire in the interests of peace.

Negotiations can solve Ayodhya issue: Advani
The Union home minister said a consolidation of all pending cases in various courts would not solve the matter.

North-east has more money than it can spend
A whopping Rs 3.24 billion under various rural development schemes remained unspent in the fiscal 2000-01 out of a total allocation of Rs 9.76 billion meant for the seven north-eastern states.

Pro-Telangana AP Congress MLA suspended
Sircilla MLA Papa Rao is accused of criticising the Congress and joining an outfit working for the creation of Telangana.

Suspect in Brahm Dutt Dwivedi's murder held
Rajpal Nai, a gangster from western Uttar Pradesh on whom there was a reward of Rs 10,000, was arrested from the yard of New Delhi railway station on Wednesday.

Monsoon session to begin on July 23
Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pramod Mahajan said the session would last 40 days instead of the usual 20 or 22.

Fears of flash floods in Orissa
With the south-west monsoon active over the state and more rains expected, water level may rise in all rivers, including Bansadhar and Rushikulya.

'We are Hindus': US lawmakers
The US House of Representatives condemned the Taleban's edict requiring Hindus to wear a yellow badge as a mark of identity.

Salman's claim on CCCC rejected: PTI
Designated Judge A P Bhangale was of the view that the actor's claim could be entertained only during trial after he deposed as witness.

Et tu, Katrina?
'It's a sad state of affairs when people think soft porn is needed to sell T-shirts and skirts,' writes Sujata Prakash.

What validity does a Vajpayee-Musharraf deal hold?
'What guarantee does India have that any deal reached between the present leaders will be acceptable to the next set of Pakistani rulers? The argument that this time New Delhi is dealing with the Pakistani Army, the actual leaders, is flawed,' says Amberish K Diwanji.

Unfulfilled hopes
'The all-India services have been a mixed bag. But it is difficult to agree that they have succeeded greatly in pushing up standards of administrative professionalism or ethics,' says former CBI director R K Raghavan.
