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'Adam's Bridge a man-made structure'

July 31, 2007

In our series on Ram Sethu and the Sethu Samudram Canal project, we had earlier interviewed world-renowned tsunami expert Dr Tad S Murty and Dr Kalyanaraman, a researcher on the subject.

This time, we discuss the feasibility of the project with Geologist Dr Badrinarayanan.

Dr Badrinarayanan was former director of the Geological Survey of India. He was also former coordinator of the survey division of the National Institute of Ocean Technology, Ministry of Earth Science, in Chennai.

As a geologist who has done studies on the geological aspects of the area where Sethu Samudram Canal Project is being undertaken, Dr.Badrinarayanan puts forth some interesting findings on the area in an interview to Shobha Warrier.

As a geologist, how do you describe Ram Sethu? Is it a man-made structure or natural formation?

It is not a natural formation; the top portion of it appears to be a man-made structure. To understand what I am saying from the geological point of view, you have to get to know several things.

What is known as Adam's Bridge is originally a natural grade divide separating the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean to the south. So, the geological aspects are different on either side.

Text: A Google image of Adam's Bridge or Ram Sethu.
Reportage: Shobha Warrier | Photographs: Sreeram Selvaraj

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