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Daya Anand Manikan.

Age: 35.

Reward: Rs 1 lakh.

Wanted: In the Purulia arms drop case.

For the past nine years, the CBI has been on the hunt for five Ananda Margis accused in the Purulia arms drop case. One of the fugitives is Daya Anand Manikan, a Singapore citizen of Indian origin.

The others are Acharya Suranjananda Avadhoot, Acharya Saiteswarananda, Acharya Jagadiswarananda Avadhoot and B Rameshan.

The Bureau hopes Manikan will fall into its web like the main conspirator, Acharya Tatbhananda Avadhoot, whom the CBI arrested early this year.

Avadhoot fled India after a cache of AK-47 assault rifles and ammunition was airdropped near the Ananda Marg headquarters at Anandnagar in Purulia district in West Bengal.

The CBI believes Manikan is abroad. Interpol has issued a red corner notice against him.

Also see: Lights out!

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