April 18, 2001


The H1-B Message Board

Tue Apr 17 21:13:55 2001
Views:It is true that today the dream has turned in to a nightmare and the fall of the IT tech area has began.When the fever of IT started there was a major BRAIN DRAIN in this field esp. from india and now the future look like a black hole. i hopw this situation does not get worse and the IT industry saves itself and the people connected with it.

Tue Apr 17 21:17:02 2001
Views:In my view the IT has reached a saturation point in US . So it is better to consider for options in Europe or Australia. i don't understand why people are worrying to go back to india as if they are going to some Jungle In India also there are good Jobs.

Tue Apr 17 21:17:12 2001
Views:Mera Bharat Mahan! We understood what America is! Understood that India is really a country of more freedom than US. I am going back to India, my own place on this earth.

Tue Apr 17 21:17:42 2001
Views:Seems like that all r going on that way only and wil soon will be coming back here.

Tue Apr 17 21:24:28 2001
Name:shailendra pal
Views:people who are competent in their field will definately regain their status. It is a temporary slow down things will improve soon. and one should not think about reurning india.

Tue Apr 17 21:26:34 2001
Views:This whole thing about increasing H1 B quota was/is a ploy by the big companies to secure cheap, high quality and dedicated labor.

Tue Apr 17 21:37:51 2001
Name:uday. vaidya
Views:just as one swallow does not make a spring, so a few jobs losses should not alarm anyone! there will always be jobs for professionals! the nasdaq and other markets are finding their right valuations. the boom is again round the corner, just hang aorund, all of you there!

Tue Apr 17 21:37:55 2001
Views:Well, we are not playing games here, its business as usual in US. Everyone uses everyone. IT professionals used their respective companies and made shit load of money, and the companies used the professionals, got what they needed from them, and are now getting rid of them, as they too are in it just for the money.

Tue Apr 17 21:40:40 2001
Views:I think its unfair to just throw H1-B workers out of the country, we should be given fair chance and time to find another job in these cases as we are not at fault As our so called "American Dream" is going to end soon, we should be now dreaming of "All H1-B workers , Green card holders going back to India and let Americans realise what are they without US", How about that ? Cheers

Tue Apr 17 21:53:21 2001
Views:I have gone thru' a lot of views posted here and found a lot you wondering about your social security contributions. Well I believe if you return to India after finishing the term of your visa or otherwise, you can get your social security taxes back. Talk to your lawyer about it.

Tue Apr 17 21:54:42 2001
Name:Shailesh Grover
Views:I've been following the H1B issues for a long time now - a couple of years. I've even raised my voice on NPR radio, San Jose Mercury News, LA Times - but all that was for the abuse of H1B workers by various body shops acting as contract companies. Coming to the issue of H1B being layed off before any other native american or alike - I think its fair to understand and face the realities of life. When you apply for an H1B VISA you agree - it is a temporary work visa - then why make a big deal. And moreover, if you were in India and had foreign workers the way we are here - what would you think the logical option would be - fire/layoff the citizens or the foreigners ? One will always protect their own people first and then look at others. Although the social security being deducted from the paycheck is a little extreme - there should be an option to get some of it back whenever one is out of status and is leaving the US to go back home. The party is over - its time to go back to India and look for different options. Maybe its EUROPE next....Good luck to all fellow Indians....

Tue Apr 17 21:59:08 2001
Views:I think the last few years had a boom with software. I myself have studied in US for 5 yrs and worked for 7. In the past 12 years i have never seen anything like the IT boom. The problem is that it was irrational and had to end sometime. The sad case is that the H1B to green card dream has evapourated for many. I also blame a lot of fake body shoppers for putting people in this trouble. Also it caused a lot of people from different disciplines to do a software degree of some kind and jump on the H1 B bandwagon. I might have done the same at that time. But recapitulating, i think the demand will be there but at a more steady pace. Hopefully all those laid off find jobs quickly. Else it is time to think why our great India didnt diversify its job space equally among all disciplines, rather than every discipline jumping on to a software class. I hope people look around US and see how the diversification is among many disciplines. I agree even here IT people are on top but a civil engineer is not in the pits!

Tue Apr 17 22:05:50 2001
Views: I think it is time for those without proper formal education to do at least a 2 year masters degree here in the US. Well its back to the early 90s when proper educational skills were valid. Those with "claimed" skills on their resumes, are now in "claimed" sections.

Tue Apr 17 22:07:00 2001
Views:Well..Well I am willing to help We have few openings Lokign for people here Please see and send me a resume that way I can track it with the concerned manager Thanks ajay

Tue Apr 17 22:07:54 2001
Name:B. S. Bhattacharya
Views:The US dot com bubble had to burst someday. And it did. There was no real value behind it. It was just growing with increasing bandwidth and not with consumer necessity. The Internet and Wireless can't survive just by themselves. IT is a supporting industry. It can't grow by itself unless the heavy engineering or science grows. I think the H1B holders who are affected are mostly to do with Web or telecommunication based development i.e. Information Technology for the sake of itself. I think those who are working on application software in stable industrial or business domains will survive. The lesson from this is that software should be focussed to the problems of the common man not just the whims of the Information Technologists or for swelling the bank balance of the H1B holders. All the time we software developers or communication technologists are focussing on learning and experimenting with novel technologies or vendor jargons. Do we ever think how many mundane problems did we solve for the common man or the producing industries at the end of the day? The future lies in value based industries not just knowlege based industries. It was the fault of the American managers but the price will be paid by the lowest rung the H1B holders.

Tue Apr 17 22:10:12 2001
Views:Can someone educated me with the concept of OUT OF STATUS, what is the H1B visa is not cancelled is the person still out of status after layyoff.

Tue Apr 17 22:11:01 2001
Views:As one person pointed out i guess many of us left our employers in the dust. At that time the employer could have told us we needed to have "committment" for the company and "sentiment". Now we are asking the same of an INS in a foreign country. Are we justified? maybe 'yes'. Are they justified maybe 'yes'. We can argue this for a 100 days, but it is better we blame India than US. It is because of the lack of jobs in other Indian sectors, that this IT flood happened. If a chemical or mechanical engineer could make the same or even half the IT salary, why the hell would he switch? Make sure India takes part of the blame before dumping the whole H1B issue on US.

Tue Apr 17 22:12:17 2001
Views:Hey guys! This is the correct time for Indians to think about our country.This could have been happened previously.Then we didn't face such problem. Our Indians are really fools.We are not knowing what we are loosing.We are not knowing where we are leading.We are the people of 100 crores.Every body they can't go to foreign country.We are the people to make our country strong. 3.Before questioning about American Government, Set right the things In India.Give the Rights for the people who needs in India.Then ask about the Rights in other countries. 4.We can make our Country proud by sharing the equal rights for every body and making our country Strong. 5.Same situation shouldn't be faced by our future generations.We make our future generations with self sustain by educating them with good habits,about our nature,about our culture,eradicating the untouchability,Fighting againest the castsystem. 6.Put all your experiance to motivate our country socially. 7.Borning as Human is great.But thinking like Humen is so Greate. 8.This is the time for Indian youth to think Humenly. 9.Not ONLY In America,things may repeat like FIZI,KENYA or in other country.So think like Humens not like Indians.If you think like Indian same things will repeat in future in any other country. 10.So not only thinking about this problem. We have to think about the following problems 1.above 50% of the people are uneducated. 2.Our Natural resources will come for another 20 years. 3.All Over world only in India is having Caste System.not only that in 20 crores of DALITS at least 5% are not educated.Another 10 to 13% are still treated as slaves and untouchables. 4.Where Budha has borned,that land is the

Tue Apr 17 22:16:13 2001
Views:Folks, Before speaking about the unfairness of removing H1B workers, let me ask one question to my fellow Indians.. How many of us have come to US with the right background, experience, and with an intention of improving the technology? Many of us are here for making some(or huge) money. I bet, but for the conversion factor of 1USD=45Rs, no one would have ever thought of coming to US. So, we have come here..made some money which wouldn't have been possible if we had stayed in India. Now, when the market in US is down and many of it's own citizens are getting laid off..we raise our corcerns about unfairness?? In my view, the unfairness lies in us only in asking for letting us stay even at their hard times. Let's go back with the little money we have earned and utilize it in India in building a better technology there..and improve things there as much to "ACCOMODATE US CITIZENS AS A PAYBACK" by letting them work in India on an "Indian H1B"!! Comeon folks it's time to improve India than to improve oneself!!

Tue Apr 17 22:20:44 2001
Views:Nothing is unfair. Hard times that's all. I believe people don't have to leave the country until their H1 visa expires (To speak fairly that is what they were promised and that is what they applied for when the came to this country). I believe they are even allowed to search for jobs till that period. And believe me working for 6 years you have'nt contributed as much as an American working for a life time. And since everyone was promised only 6 years what is this cry about being unfair). The US govt does'nt have to give green cards to every one visiting their country. They have the most liberal policy in the world compared to anyone. In good times so many Indians came to this country settled here, Many became millionaires, Most of them live at standards better than the average American. So what are all this people complaining about. One question that comes to my mind is, that among the 40000 h1 employees laid of, how many had a chance to work in USSR. And all these people probably will go back to India much much richer than most Indians would have working for six years. Its time to go back and do something for your own country you deserting M..... F.....g RATS.

Tue Apr 17 22:25:01 2001
Views:if all of you guys (everyone on this page) would've been informed earlier (before coming to US), about coming recession/bad policies of the companies etc., then also all of you people would've done or accept anything to step on an Aircraft. Don't forget, India is one of the poor countries in this world. You should feel yourself lucky that you got chance to work in this country for few years. I know those South Indians who comes to US from the villages (where they cannot buy even a cycle) & they purchase new Camry/Accord in US. You should be thankful to this country(US) who is giving jobs to poor indians instead of their own Americans who are dying for even a job of Jr. programmer. You should be thankful to this country who is giving you 80-120K. Not even 15% of working American gets a salary more than 50K. OKAY, agreed, Americans used us.............."because WE were lucky". Well, don't bother about me, I am a Green Card Holder.

Tue Apr 17 22:29:17 2001
Views:lets wait and see

Tue Apr 17 22:36:28 2001
Views:What if the person files for H1-B after 30 days of getting laid off ? Did anyone got his visa approved ?

Tue Apr 17 22:46:07 2001
Views:I hate to say this , but it seems to be true B2B looks like Back to Bangalore(or Bombay). Just a Joke , dont take it seriously. I hate to see so many indians going thru this mess.

Tue Apr 17 22:46:25 2001
Name:Desi baba
Views:We should not come with such high expectations to USA. Shit happens.. Deal with it.

Tue Apr 17 22:54:51 2001
Views:Its sad guys,but if any employer/"desi recruiter" informs the INS of U being out of job and are served a notice then stick on here and demand your social security money.They owe U that!!Dont leave without that. If I dont get security then give me my money. And guys who came here with the intention of leaving India forever should b worried I guess, for others-- hey we had to go back some day then why cry.....but take UR money with U.I am sure we must have learned a lot from this experience.

Tue Apr 17 22:59:15 2001
Views:How secure are those who still have jobs?

Tue Apr 17 22:59:54 2001
Views:I am very happy that many are sent back to India following the IT recession in the US. Many of the young minds (I am also one) are under the false impression that US is the end of the world and their dreams come true only if they go to the USA. This has led to a complete betrayal of our parent nation, India. It is a gross act of betrayal by disowning our country and going to the USA. If one argues that they are a big source of Foreign revenues to our country, one must rethink. If we are very confident with our intellect and have the necessary intellectual capital, I am sure we will be able to produce state of the art s/w and h/w products and create a global market and hence a big source of Foreign revenues. Gone or the days where one used to blame the Government for its inefficiencies and discouragement. Today, IT has been identified as a key to ur country's future. Welcome back young minds. Try to create a better India and lead a satisfied life in our motherland.

Tue Apr 17 23:00:44 2001
Name:ravi venugopal
Views:WOrking in US has never been secure, as a fact, software jobs are not secure even in India. so why blame US ? Just coz its not near kith & kin ? the influx of H1 workers is huge and quality is bad, I am on H1 and i dont care if US strips me off my job, I can find one any where in the world. That is the real power of software , its not just USA & India, its beyond that

Tue Apr 17 23:06:24 2001
Name:Sashidhar Reddy M
Views:What i think in this situation is "You got to be a quick learner and keep going. Don't expect anything to go for longtime as development in the technology is pretty much fast compared to the earlier generations". Only the fittest will survive. To be or not to be secure, to or not to return are not to care about.

Tue Apr 17 23:14:38 2001
Views:Hi, I am an Indian H1B. I donot think (personally) that my job is at stake. I asked my manager, he says he needs me very much !! (remember I am just a C/Solaris Programmer not Java/EJB/JSP). So, If you have talent and guts there is no fear of loosing a job. ("Koi tumhara bal bhee baka nahi kar sakta hai" !!) Jai Hind. -Stud

Tue Apr 17 23:16:43 2001
Name:Gagandeep Singh
Views:America was build by immigrants. If it wasn't for them there would have been no USA. Now again history is repeating itself. Previous immigrants laid the foundations of what is USA now. Most of the people on H1 plan to immigrate to US. We all know in IT that this is a bad phase going on and it will pass. But people in Washington are living in self-denial or maybe protecting their vote bank. Whatever is the reason be we all made USA leader in IT and it will be there great loss to lose us. Europe was in self-denial that they don't need Indians to run their high tech industry & they were proved wrong. Not today but tommorow we all will be remembered.

Tue Apr 17 23:18:15 2001
Name:Chetna Sood
Views:It's tru that many indians (H1B visa holders) are getting affected and for them. the outcome of being laid off is not just losing a job but also losing thier legal status to stay in US. But The above statement "they have been the first to lose thier jobs" is wrong. The mass lay-offs are not tergeted at any community, I know many as many American collegues of mine being laid off as Indians.

Tue Apr 17 23:26:06 2001
Views:Firstly,What's the big deal?It is not the end of life if you have to leave America.Immigration laws are not grossly unfair.They have every right to protect their citizens.Thats what they do.H1B workers are purely 'on demand' workers and when the demand is not there then it is natural for them to lay off.Why everybody is crying so much ? If not here then our own country is there.what is wrong with our India ? I understand everybody had a dream to earn here and make themselves financially sound back home.In that case this is unfortunate to happen.But lets move on.Lets go and make india stronger with what we have learnt here. What say guys ?

Tue Apr 17 23:31:07 2001
Views:As the US economy has come down it hit the IT industry into the recession.It takes much time for revival.It is adviceable that the employees who have been laid off should search for another job in India or in the Europian countries and not in USA.

Tue Apr 17 23:36:55 2001
Views:Melting down of US economy is reality and everyone has to face it. As most of the H1-B job holders work on temporary basis through consulting, it would be difficult to manage under these circumstances. People who work with projects on consulting basis will take a severe blow as corporate world has taken a reverse stand on allocating big budgets for consultants. Though consultants who are Permanent residents and citizens get more money, Indian consultants who work through H1-B visas get only 1/3 - 1/4 of that money. More over, laying-off non H1-Bs are not really worrying factor as they can find another job at their own will and at their own sweet time. Whereas H1-B holders have no other choice except get out of this country. But current immigration law may allow you to stay if you had applied for new H1. But those things are out of question, when the market itself is down. But if one can cut down their salary rate and look for some full-time positions, they may able to survive for some extended period. More over, H1-B holders have to cut down their lavish spending spree. They have to live life on their own parameters. New cars, Boss system, fancy furniture, expensive apartments should not be their priorities. In places like Boston, CA, NJ, Indians have influenced the hike of apartment rents by taking up apartments for huge rents. I know my relatives ended-up loosing when they bought all new things which were expensive, including car. There is no point in blaming or crying, when everyone knows this situation might be a reality. Under this circumstances, it is better to work some Indian companies which have personal considerations, unlike American companies. Also, if you work with an Indian company, your chances of working with the same company back home is brighter. But one has to be really careful when they select these companies as there are cheats around, esp companies whose based is from certain geographica

Tue Apr 17 23:40:39 2001
Views:Why hard feelings?. Did we born in US?. This was an opportunity to learn and make money. We have brothers and sisters back in our mother land. Let us go back and try to improve our country. Think everything happens for good.

Tue Apr 17 23:42:44 2001
Views:hey lets face it, most of the H1Bs are gold diggers with the sole drive of making quick bucks when the going is good. Inspite of all the hulla hoopa of india being a sofware super power & the highest exporter of software our guyz still want to cross the seas to the west, is it really justified. We are labor that comes cheap, most of us are at the lower end of the pyramid working on mind numbing projects. We find people taking Computer Science / IT in engineering with the only goal of making it to the US not cause they r really interested. With this lamentable situation the present scenario was soon to happen. Frankly speaking the once who are really good are not being laid off, the excess fat is being shed & that is good for the industry & economy. I will stabilize soon and only the very best will succeed which is fair enough. Asking the Indian American associations to lobby is highly shortsighted, shows total self centered attitude and nothing else. One needs to think why most of the layoffs are in IT sector, there are a lot of Indians in other sectors on H1B, why are they unaffected ? So its time for introspection & rethinking. I personally mean no ill will to any of the people but I stongly belive in "Everything Happens For Good", so tighten your belts , go back & try and rebuild our INDIA

Tue Apr 17 23:43:03 2001
Views:They have every right to throw tech workers out, but a sufficient time should be given to move out. 10 days is too short. We are not robots that get can be deployed anywhere and at anytime.

Wed Apr 18 00:00:43 2001
Name:Fresh H1B!
Views:Got laid off on H1B? Being asked to go back to India ? Don't Worry. I know people/companies who maybe willing to do a fresh H1B for you. If you have had at least 2 years of US- IT experience, contact me a for a fresh H1B, maintain your legal resident status in US. Don't go out of status or leave the US in desperation.

Wed Apr 18 00:01:16 2001
Name:Rajesh Singamsetti
Views:I think it is perfectly alright to ask the H1 holders to leave usa.uncle sam called indians when he wanted them and now when the work is done he says bye.I think they should return to india and not stay in the mercy of the americans,india is not rich but it can always take care of left india,but india was always in your heart. come back to your own traditional branches and leave happly in india and forget everthing as a bad dream. usa and are coming back

Wed Apr 18 00:06:56 2001
Views:I think when u are laid off and don't get a job, returning back to India or finding some other engagement is the best. Coz the expenses and debt will go on accruing on your head without any source of income. And since u have the H1 you are good enough to stamp back to US when the market is good!! Good Luck to all my Desi Bro's

Wed Apr 18 00:07:27 2001
Name:Manil Asija
Views:I think the H1b exodus to India hasn't satarted yet. Because somehow HIb holders find permanent jobs in American firms if they do not get projects through their Desi consulting companies. But whats gonna happen next may be the scariest part. MayBe !

Wed Apr 18 00:10:39 2001
Views:I guess it would not be so easy to survive in this Booming US from now on. The people who survive in this recession period would be recognized as top-notch guys laters...

Wed Apr 18 00:15:09 2001
Name:kanchan mahesh
Views:All that goes down must come up. That is the physics of the industry and I am sure that we(H-1) will come through unscathed.

Wed Apr 18 00:19:41 2001
Views:I heard a couple of days back that INS is detaining students in India. The students who have graduating or will be graduating in and around may and who have already got their EAD(workpermit to work without H1 for one year) have not been allowed to come back to US. How true it is and can INS do that? Please advice

Wed Apr 18 00:26:15 2001
Name:Bhaskar Reddi
Views:While it is a sad experience for young people,they never really understood the terms and conditions that cover the HB1 Visa.That visa never guranteed a permanent residence.And yet folks got married and have children,thus creating a crisis of sort.As adults,we have to take things seriously and act responsibly.There is no point of blaming someone for our decisions.I am here for 32 years and I have seen it all. Rgds VB P.S The article by Annu Gupta Esq who writes a column for Indiapost,a Los Angles paper that was published last week should be an eye opener for all.

Wed Apr 18 00:29:24 2001
Name:Sastry Dhara
Views:I think India "mass produced" software engineers, to meet the growing demand. In most cases, the people coming in to the US had little or no knwledge of software development. They just learnt a coupel of languages and landed in the US. Because of the huge demand, they could land jobs. But, ultimately the quality of work suffered. In my view, this also contributed to the " bust" in the USA. Many start-ups burnt billions of US dollars on these "novice" programmers, who produced nothinbg but "reowrk" for other engineers. If anybody cared to notice, none of the folks going back to India have "significant" experience in the software industry. If they did, they would easily find othe jobs. America would never let a "competent worker" leave its shores.

Wed Apr 18 00:30:41 2001
Views:if all of you guys (everyone on this page) would've been informed earlier (before coming to US), about coming recession/bad policies of the companies etc., then also all of you people would've done or accept anything to step on an Aircraft. Don't forget, India is one of the poor countries in this world. You should feel yourself lucky that you got chance to work in this country for few years. I know those South Indians who comes to US from the villages (where they cannot buy even a cycle) & they purchase new Camry/Accord in US. You should be thankful to this country(US) who is giving jobs to poor indians instead of their own Americans who are dying for even a job of Jr. programmer. You should be thankful to this country who is giving you 80-120K. Not even 15% of working American gets a salary more than 50K. OKAY, agreed, Americans used us.............."because WE were lucky". Well, don't bother about me, I am a Green Card Holder.

Wed Apr 18 00:31:16 2001
Views:scarry !!!!!!!!!!

Wed Apr 18 00:32:40 2001
Name:Ravi Bharadwaj
Views:Rediff's interview with Eyleen Schmidt was so confusing that you can't make out anything on what she has to say 'Typical American diplomacy'. Can anybody tell me, if we go back for good what happen to the money that is being cut as social security tax from our paychecks.

Wed Apr 18 00:37:34 2001
Views: I think people are so emotionally caught up in this whole issue. I have many friends in big companies on H1B. THey are not being laid off. I dont know of any Indian friend of mine who got laid off recently. SO I think some of the bitter messages are only one side of the story. But I remember readin in an American webiste how Americans feel that the low paid H1Bs are preferred over US citizens. I also saw that some people who have been in US for long are disturbed that many Indians come in droves these days and make more money than them are jealous. And for people who are here, please do not advise others to go and serve motherland. THey know what to do. If you are here in US enjoying the material luxurues, dont bullshit to the other person about patriotism. Good luck people.

Wed Apr 18 00:38:45 2001
Name:Sanjeev Jani
Views:Not only H1B visa holder is affected by this current recession but US citizen or green Card holder also. This problem is everywhere in USA. Currently, the scurity of job is very less bec. everyday i am reading bad news. I talked to some people in india, they are getting very good pay in IT Industry.

Wed Apr 18 00:51:27 2001
Views:I am on H1B. I have visa with one company. I am here since abt 8 months. My company could not place me on project but I worked on in house project and continiously got half the salary from my compnay but it was without pay-stub. Now by my own try I get a good project. The new company made contract with my H1 holder company for two weeks and now it is ready to offer me permenant job. But I don't know how to settle H1 transfer with new company in this situation. New company is also small and never did H1 transfer before this.

Wed Apr 18 01:04:41 2001
Views:To bee or not to bee a hatch-one-bee? Not to bee:

Wed Apr 18 01:11:37 2001
Views:All these people talking about that Indian Associations should do this and that to the aid of these H1 workers, where were your contributions to the Indian organizations when you were busy making 100k or more a year the past few years. Most of these guys (H1 visa holders) got lot more pay than the national average and they still lived in shameful conditions thinking that they could save money to go back home when the time is tough. I dont see anything wrong with saving for the bad times, but well, these are the bad times and use your resources to go back home and live a decent and comfortable life. I dont understand why we have to be sympathetic to these H1 workers as they came to USA and landed in lucrative jobs and made huge money and bought expensive cars. They were not sympathetic to the not so fortunate Indian brethern while everything was going so good for them. Then why should other Indians who started their lives like any other US immigrants working in gas stations, hotels and convenience stores, etc. worry about you.

Wed Apr 18 01:12:46 2001
Name:Brij Kishore
Views:Today is very sad day for me. some of my coworker was laid off by the company. People were very sad. Companies highup talked few minutes and try to tell us that this good for the company and good for the future of rest of people. This is a similar seen every where. In this country, sentiments of the people or hardship of the people has no matter. The looser are those people, who have less stability in US and these are H1B holder. No body bother wheather they will get a new job or loose their status. The major problem are with those people, whose children are studing in the school. Since they will be out of status and have to take their ward back to India and some of them may even loose their one year.

Wed Apr 18 01:16:20 2001
Name:Parminder Narang
Views:Most of the persons who lost there jobs are either the persons who have migrated just few months back or they are from such Colleges in Andhra Pradesh,Tamil Nadu or Karnatka.Most of these persons were from colleges that are not at all good and or paid big donations to get there degrees.They were working for small companies that came up during Y2K and during Dotcoms time.Big ones like Microsoft,IBM,EDS have laid very few of there Employees.I feel there would be few who will be laid off.If these persons have real talent they can take oppurtinity and can absorb themself in European markets.

Wed Apr 18 01:22:42 2001
Views:The professionals who came to US for 5 to 6 years back are well settled and they enjoyed life lavishly. so if they really want to encourage other country mates who came to US very recently, they should volutarily get back to india to make freshers to settle in their life and give them a chance to come up.So that they can reduce some competetion on between their own brothers from their mother land. But who will Bother?????? Jimmy.

Wed Apr 18 01:23:22 2001
Name:Sam Samuel
Views:H1 Visa is clear show of how capitalism works. Corporations will do anything to get employees and when the situation changes they will do anything to enhance share holder value. I don't see anything wrong with it. This is not a socialist system, where the govt. or corporation owes anything to their employees. Make money when and where there is money and don't lose sleep over it. IMHO, people when they applauded when the congress passed the bill, should carefully look at what was said during that time. This is a "temporary" visa to fill "temporary" needs and these are "temporary" workers. So, I don't understand why there is huge cry over lost jobs. Even citizens like me will be losing jobs and we go and find another. Nobody talks about the amount of money made my desis and desi companies in the last two years. I don't remember hearing any talk of prosperity and obligations. One day you are up and one day you are down. Tough luck...

Wed Apr 18 01:30:42 2001
Name:Rohit Jain
Views:I think recession has taken a set back espesially to fresher in IT after completing their higher education in has also taken a back, i mean the most suffer are the new H1 B holder, who have lost their job. It is also effecting the indian IT market as recruitment here is also slowing down n many companies r in the verge of closing

Wed Apr 18 01:34:47 2001
Views:People who had come here have got what they wanted; a nice job, a lot of money and exposure to American work structure, over and above that it's no ones right to get anything. Why don't people just find jobs somewhere else now. Look in Europe, in other Asian countries etc. Any self respecting person should just leave the country before getting into an illegal visa status. That way the person would atleast have a way to come back when the situation is better or something. Bottom line: GO FIND GREENER PASTURES!!

Wed Apr 18 01:36:33 2001
Views:The Logic is Simple. Demand- Mostly arised because of the NOT-IT companies EXamples - Consumer Goods, Banks , spending huge amounts to bring there traditional businesses Online. Now that is done , every Do-Little Three chaired company has a web site. These increased traffic Complimented Huge Server Sales: Benficiary SUN, IBM , Compaq Just to name a FEW ( needed to Launch Them ), Databases needed to Store info (Oracle , IBM ) Infrastructure and other things (Cisco and DOT-COMS )... One Question to ask our selves is?? How many Companies are left to buy a set of IT Infrastructure and hire people to webify there Productline? In my View , VERY FEW .. So there will be Technical Breakthroughs , which will enhance ther current infrastructure .. But .... as more and more products get obsolete ..They will get scraped off and will lead to more lay offs .. There will be Openings but Nothing close to the Demand we Saw in the past Years ...

Wed Apr 18 01:41:59 2001
Name:Argee Venkat
Views:these are the guys who pushed off from our country leaving employers and projects in the lurch many a time to fill their pockets in the promised land. in a capitalist country where dollar is king what else can they expect. they have a home and a homeland to go back to and contribute towards the great indian dream (if it exists). they have enjoyed generous government subsidies in their education and now they want to be part of the "sue me/sue you" culture. so be it. what they gave india is what they get from america

Wed Apr 18 01:52:42 2001
Name:Mohammed Zaheer Hussain
Views:I think we should pack our bags and go back to India and come back here when the going is good. Let us all agree - we came here to make money. Some have and some have not. Well, you can always come back to the US when the going is good! But to spend your savings here without a job, in my opinion, is not worth it.

Wed Apr 18 02:45:54 2001
Views:I feel there is no point in crying over the present situation. I feel pity for the REALLY talented software professionals but I dont have any sympathies for those manipulators , the so called software engineers who have come here through some unethical means just to satisfy thier cravings for gettting false social recognition and prestige. this has to happen to the highly immoral, unethical, and those people who think that money is the only thing in life, and for those persons who always take easy way out to satisfy thier dreams. They have in someway spoiled the whole work environment. So attention manipulators, its time to pack your bags, and beat the retreat. And for those really talented pool, there is no reason to worry as you can make your presence felt anywhere in the world. I think this would really hurt some people but someday they have to swallow the bitter pill. bye

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