April 18, 2001


The H1-B Message Board

Tue Apr 17 12:34:34 2001
Views:sir, i was the person who got papers for h1b-visa. i heard the news that it was to hard to get the job over there. please inform me when i has to go for stamping. when i could step over there? waiting for yours mail. thanking you, anitha.

Tue Apr 17 12:50:55 2001
Views: This is a tempoprary phase. Stick on over there and study and explore various options. I feel by about sep/oct things will look up again. gujral Mgt&IT Consultant,India

Tue Apr 17 13:33:23 2001
Views:My new H1B application was filed by the employer in December and is still pending with the INS. (He wants me there "YESTERDAY") Enquiries to INS through phone as well as the ones routed through the Co.'s law firm doesn't give any indication of the INS' requirement of additional info. It just states that the application is PENDING. Does it mean they have picked up my case to check the degree credentials or something like that? What could be the possible reason for this delay? From the official 30-60 days, it's been almost double the time. Can someone kindly throw some light on this? Thanks.

Tue Apr 17 13:55:39 2001
Views:The above is correct. Please guide who has recently obtained h1b visa and is MBA,MCP,E-COM PROFESSIONAL AND HAVING PEOPLETOOLS WITH (HR)AS SPECIALISATION. Is good at "peopletools(HR) & Oracle". 1.What is the scope? 2.Whether now or at what time market is going to be good for "peopletools(HR)& oracle" people ESPECIALLY. Thanx! Waiting for guidance.

Tue Apr 17 13:58:34 2001
Views:Come'on guys don't start talking about what's fair and what's not fair.Nobody promised you a job for lifetime when you came to US.Each one of you wanted to make quick bucks so you left all that you had in India and came running like insects flocking a dead meat.Just because you stayed in America for a few years doesn't entitle you to all that's American.Don't give the tax bullshit also, you paid from what you earned didn't pay from your pockets.Your American dream is over, atleast for now.Just remember you can't expect to have a sweet dream everynight sometimes you get nightmares also.So pack your bags and get lost.You are not welcome to India either, because I don't want my country to be a place for cowards.

Tue Apr 17 14:18:51 2001
Name:yashpal kapoor
Views:yes , if they don't have the jobs in states, then they should back to home.

Tue Apr 17 14:21:12 2001
Views:It will be there for another 3 months.

Tue Apr 17 14:22:24 2001
Views:it is better to come back to india.

Tue Apr 17 14:23:23 2001
Views:Situation is very Pathetic. US Govt should support the laid off professional instead of kicking them out of US.

Tue Apr 17 14:32:19 2001
Views:Well i can say only one thing... The guys who are most affected are the guys who COOKED up their resumes saying they knew a lot of things although they didnot know many of them in reality. Actually people from good Univs of India like IIT's, BITS, REC's are not having much problem. And even guys with MS degrees are safe as far as I know. I think many of lower level academic calibre(in a sense academically not highly qualified)have managed to sneak into US without proper skills or with skills they have acquired in a hurry at some local Computer Institute and these are the guys who are having much problem. But if you guys keep yourself updated regularly with latest technology I think you can survive this period. I welcome any comments. PDC

Tue Apr 17 14:47:25 2001
Views:I see a surge of messages favouring return to India. Why should Indian companies hire you? How many days notice you had given to Indian company before leaving to US? Did you finish the project or handed over them to the replacement? Even if you come back here to India why should companies trust you? Think for yourself, what you have done to Indian company is being repaid by US companies.

Tue Apr 17 15:11:51 2001
Views:H1-B is like a chopping block. It will be like pillow when everything is going smooth, you can lay your head and sleep. When axe falls your heads ought to be chopped off!!. Some of you took the pleasure of temporary pillow and waited till axe fell. Some clever folks had a deal with the chopping guy(company/INS) and went to real bed to sleep. So next time you sign for a document like H1B, please know when and where the axe can fall.

Tue Apr 17 15:13:48 2001
Views:I am an softwere engineer and i would like to know weather the USA will going to creat jobs for IT people or the market will be like this only, how much time it will take, i.e in months and if any body wants to shift from software field to there professional field like civil engg, whather they have oppertunities in US in civil engineering field. thank Q

Tue Apr 17 16:23:09 2001
Name:Champak Bhoomia
Views:Sare Jaha se acha hindosta hamara... Come to the real land of the opportunites....India It was because of India AMERICA was discovered...

Tue Apr 17 16:36:36 2001
Name:Munish Gupta
Views:Sir, i think that US government should be lenient in it policies for indian software professionals who are being laid of from their jobs because of recession in IT industry. They must be given plenty of time to find other job.

Tue Apr 17 16:40:33 2001
Views:i dont udnerstand most of the indians taking it for granted for settling down in US. in my opinion make money when u have the opportunity and return back to have a better living. there should not be hard feelings and one should take things as they come. problem is "too much expectation".

Tue Apr 17 16:50:32 2001
Views:It is not fair to lay off the employess who has worked hard in US for them. They should get a proper chance to get new job in US and US goverment should support indian's for this.

Tue Apr 17 16:59:33 2001
Name:Ashish Saxena
Views:Hi , This has to happened what is happennig now,I remember when i got intervied by a person in very small house in Korol Bagh he was offering me 45K in US if I had 3 month of workig Java,see this is rediculus to accept these kinds of offers,so I think this is giving a good examples of the dream of US ending inNightmare,I think this will give people a time to think whart is best for them,I am happy this has happend,

Tue Apr 17 17:03:22 2001
Name:syed raza uddin
Views:i want to know the conditions of the students going on f1 visas(student visas). are they satisfy with that or not.

Tue Apr 17 17:07:45 2001
Name:sachidev kumar c
Views:The situation has two angles. One that the US Industry which lives more on hype than real health. The ability to sustain hype beyond a level has hit them badly. Most glaring aspect was the fall of the dotcoms.Indians can think very sharply when compared to the common man in US, more because of his background rather than a race factor. The dotcom model did not meet the challenge of the brain, when it came to putting up all sorts of projects and figures. So they failed. As for the geeks, many who otherwise would not make it in our brick and mortar got on to the IT bandwagon and somehow reached the US shores. Classical Management members will not touch them with a barge pole, from the point of view of their wholistic suitability. Their mentality, communication, attitude and even basic English is appalling. Also the skills they profess are of little use in typical industries. How many Engineers have wasted their education chasing this mirage. Sad for them and for the country which has invested crores in supporting their education. Hence, forth Govt.should evolve a policy whereby, Engineers who belong to general disciplines must be allowed to get into IT only if they payback the Govt. the full subsidy component. That may remedy future rot. For those who have to return from US, Govt. can create an IT employment bank and make available their services to Indian IT industry, which still will have need for skills. The remuneration across the IT industry must be rationalised by the will of all entrepreneurs. This will resole many issues. Also India will be really competitive in getting Off Shore projects. IT policies must be designed, directed and implemented by qualified persons only and not the half and unbaked politicians. These chaps barring their cell phones and a few standard terminology, know nothing about IT. I will be part

Tue Apr 17 17:30:43 2001
Views:what are the chances of an arts pg holder with a diploma in web related services and currently doing java -of going to the us and getting a job($60,000 p.a) after getting the sun certified(JCP )?

Tue Apr 17 17:34:26 2001
Name:Amit Trifale
Views:I think the main reason for slow down was the hipe created by .com companies. Many unqualified people reached US taking this advantage. At some point of time this balloon was to burst. Only sad thing in this is even the well qualified and intellegent people had to lose job.

Tue Apr 17 17:35:31 2001
Views:it is only because some people been there with very limited skill set and that not to real time experience . many consultants send people just like that ,with a fake experience . so all they have to bear and that not the real cream .

Tue Apr 17 17:49:16 2001
Views:Myself being a computer engg.and that too fresher hoped to be a part of Silicon Valley.But this sudden let down is sad and it is vey sad and tough for the people who have gone to do job there and now they are jobless. At end i can just hope that U.S govt will take some initiative and again revive the I.T industry.

Tue Apr 17 17:51:08 2001
Views:They should allow the H1-B holders to seek jobs there.

Tue Apr 17 17:53:28 2001
Views:One way to do the following is as defined below. This will define the final status of a service for the subscriber considering the status of all the attributes. This will have multiple entries for each status of a subscriber

Tue Apr 17 18:07:09 2001
Name:Mehul Mehta
Views:I think its a heap. Not to worry my dear friends Only think i can say is create enterprenaurship and this is the time to take over Usa in IT.... DONT QUIT .......

Tue Apr 17 18:08:58 2001
Views:All you H-B guys are practically opurtunist's...who run away with limited guys are basically labourers (Well termed as technocrats) guys deserve this! Have fun and come back to reality

Tue Apr 17 18:15:40 2001
Name:Manoj Singh
Views:I think there should be some kind of benefit being by the govt. because after all these guys have come to help the economy here.Also there should be some kind of help given by the govt. to get these people some smaller(less paid) job for the time being.

Tue Apr 17 18:15:59 2001
Name:Rajesh Saravanan Dharmarajan
Views:Its no use grumbling about the H1B rules and procedures, remember we are int hire land. The game is different, the rules are different, they are the ones who set them. We Indians all have come here accepting this fact and it not unfair that we are told to abide by them. So no more grumbling. We had some good times, we enjoyed that. Now we will all be having some bad times, so people who prusue an American dream, ought to have the will to survive through the tough time. Find some way to do it. But for others who think that they have had enough, out motherland will always be there. The situation there is not that worse, it still has opportunities for those who are ready to prove their mettle.

Tue Apr 17 18:16:21 2001
Name:Ajay Kumar
Views:I think US IT market going downward due to INDIAN Software and other country software. They have minimum clients. Us software coust r high.

Tue Apr 17 18:26:44 2001
Name:Dipayan Chakraborty
Views: Yeah, the situation is grave. But it needs careful thought and analysis. Just a year and half ago it was I.T, I.T. and I.T. all over and many people without considering their aptitude or attitude went into the IT bandwagon without even realizing if they suited for a career in I.T. The industry was also supportive and this caused the problem. With such hue and cry over the internet and IT hapenning at the same time and more and more US companies opening their offshore developmenmt firms out here in India these people went head over heels into joining the IT bandwagon. Now the situation is grave no doubt but the actual funding per se has not dried up. Funds are still available albeit for the original ideas and only those ideas that can be put into real world practice and from which revenue can be generated. So, what will happen is that all those Tom , Dick and Harry will get flushed out of the scene and people with original skill sets and attitude will only survive. Moreover, the maximum chunk of people retuning from US are those into front-end application development speciall Java. This overdependence on Java was also a major drawback, I don't deny the fact that Java is an excellent language but with front-end application development there is always a threat attached that any time a new language can hit the market and people who are quick enough to catch into them will survive. But as they say heroes rise from graves only so is the case with the IT industry. There is opportunity in this scenario and Indian IT companies should now leave going in for low-end development and they should moce up the value-chain going in for high-end development. Lastly I would say: "OPPORTUNITYISNOWHERE".

Tue Apr 17 18:27:01 2001
Views:there is no problem . long live h1b visa , u.s.a is great , there no problems please dont scare people.

Tue Apr 17 18:28:40 2001
Name:peter john
Views:this will change for the better within 6 monts

Tue Apr 17 18:32:58 2001
Views:I agree, whatever is happening to H1-B people in the hi-tech industries is unfortunate. But lets face it... H1-B visa is a temporary work permit. There is no guarantee of H1-B extension after 3 years. So we have to be prepared of adversities. H1-B visa holders need to be more flexible in job whether its reallocation or kind of job or even salary. In the boom market, many people ignored this fact and did things that could have been waited (like buying house or an expensive car) Its a tough time for everyone in the slowing economy. Even people with Green Card are worried about mortage payments, child care when they are laid off. The best thing what we can do as an individual is begin supportive to those who are in trouble, irrespective of whether he/she is in H1-B or GC. Use your contacts and help them in every possible manner. Hope this down trend ends soon.

Tue Apr 17 18:43:28 2001
Views:In the current situation in the US, will there be any effect on the student visas?

Tue Apr 17 18:48:42 2001
Views:Its time to apply the experiance gained in US to Indian benifit. Like "Mandal Commission Reservation" in late 80es this Lay off is a BIG blessing in disguise for our country. Lets make business plans...

Tue Apr 17 18:50:23 2001
Name:Prixit Arora
Views:I don't know about the people who landed here in peak era of NASDAQ but i came her in the recetion . i feel the air is too negetive here. and insecurity is only thing you feed your discussions with . sometimes one feel he is in kind of trap, one way leads to india which is now too small for his american ego another walking in dark direction where you can't see your own foot landing on recesion hole. they will take on any pain to keep them alive here.

Tue Apr 17 18:53:05 2001
Views:I think there is not much to be afraid of. This situation filters up the immature or untalented who have been flown for the necessity of the companies.The talented may not necessarily feel worried.

Tue Apr 17 18:56:09 2001
Views:Though i am not a H1B holder working in the US, I can pretty much relate to the current situation in the US technology markets..I think ppl shud take the situation as a challenge and try and upgrade their skills..learn new skills that r in demand..if that doesnt help should return to India ..there are still a lot of opportunities available..though not at the astrnonomical salaries ppl are used to in the US. People who r really good shudnt worry.. ppl with less marketable skills shud have known that the times wudnt be good all the times..ppl blaming the H1-b system..shudnt be complaining..they were allowed to enter the US as demand there far exceeded the supply...since the gap has come down now..its only natural that they wud be asked to leave..thats how the american society works.. good luck then........

Tue Apr 17 19:14:48 2001
Views:I think that it is part of the game however disconcerting it may sound. Imagine the same situation in India. If we were the mecca, and American workers on visas worked here, as Indians wont we look after our own first ? It is not worth getting emotional about this issue but look at it with maturity and deal with it. I am not saying that the lws are fair. That is a separate issue in itself. Well the market swings up again, We'll be BACK !

Tue Apr 17 19:16:54 2001
Views:I feel very bad for the people who are caught in this market downturn. But is it unfair? I do not think so.The rule of the game was known before the game started. The 'American dream' is based on open market - by much touted by NRIs. The open market has it's rewards and risks. What do you expect the american corporation to to when they can not sustain their employee by revenues? Obviously - lay-off. Last two years, the H1B peoples had so much audacity that they are going to take US by storm. They started believing that the americans are dumb and they have superior brain etc... In reality the US has a short term shortage of people to fix their Y2K mess. Now that is over, there is suprplus. I think it is high time to realize and ackknowledge the Indian's modest place in American economy. A company just by .com name does not bring revenues. What is wrong going back to India? Don't we love our country? How about the people in India getting laid off for market-economy? How about all the branches of enggr. other than computer has respectable place in the Indian industry. This dose of reality was long due. And it's here and face it.

Tue Apr 17 19:18:46 2001
Views:Can I change over to another Employer from the existing one when I am on H1B status ? Will there be any legal complications ? Do I have to take prior permission from my current employer ? I would appreciate your feedback.

Tue Apr 17 19:19:17 2001
Views:There is no choice for them except returning to India.

Tue Apr 17 19:20:02 2001
Name:Paul Paul
Views:Hi Guys!! I am a H1 guy and working here for last 5 years in one of the biggest company in the world. Now there is no more scope in USA. I am going back to India. Why should we work here . If u are interested, come and let 's go back to india and work for our own country. Thanks Paul

Tue Apr 17 19:23:08 2001
Name:gururaj nayaka
Views:how long this sutuation will occur. is there any chances to impro it jobs

Tue Apr 17 19:27:07 2001
Views:This is the time to send a CLEAR message to all those "STILL DREAMING THE AMERICAN DREAM" that they should wake up. Not that all would lose their jobs, not that the economy would never get back on track, not that we should cry for being hired and fired at will, not that we should be treated BETTER than most workers ...But just plain fact that America as people back home dream is not true in its entirety. How many people have told to friends and relatives back home that they bought a car within a couple of months of landing here but did not tell them that they have to pay $1000 for it monthly?.. How many of you have told that you were on bench getting $10-$25 dollars ( More?? ) a day and living in squalid conditions in the so called guest houses ( Now don't tell me you don't know what it means for people back home..Definitely something very great to live in correct ? )..How many of you have told that most cabbies , news paper vendors , motel workers who are here are illegal and non-american..Did you ever find an American selling a News Paper or managing a Gas station.. Come on America thrives on slavery in one form or the other..( Yes some would prefer to nothing back home...But for God's sake tell this too ).. You would be surprised to find so many people slipping into America illegally..and they trace an Iraqi bird if it enters into their territory... How many of you have told that you have to PLAN to get ILL just because you would have to take an appointment from the doctor? I know people would sigh to even think of it..But if we are as responsible as we are in an alien country India has hopes.. How many of you would NOT pay taxes if the IRS shows some relaxation? EVERYBODY? Just because law in India is not yet in place and implemented we are getting away with not paying our taxes.. Yes I too am not sure how to stop corruption.. But can we dismiss our country to oblivion of corruption? Pay

Tue Apr 17 19:30:13 2001
Views:Its very very unfair to throw out people as we use a toilet tissue. America has used them for its betterment and should be a part of their misery too.

Tue Apr 17 19:31:12 2001
Views:Welcome back to Bharat Bande Matram Bhart Mata Ke Jai Mera Bharat Mahan

Tue Apr 17 19:38:09 2001
Name:Manisha Paul
Views:I had left my job 3 months back and was undergoing training in Java based and e-commerce curriculum. The news of retranchment comes to me with a great shock. The good side being that the best brains will be back as a result of which thier earnings will be spent on Indian Soil. we may see the birth of Silicon valley Trained entreprenaurs. They are surely not going to be seen sitting on thier backs . The IT dreams may have been shattered but they are techniclly better equipped to serve the IT industry. It now remains to be seen how IT savvy people like Chandra Babu Naidu shape up their game plans to use these techy brains to invest in our infrastructural projects. All is not lost they are surley going to be recruited by East Asian Countries and super powers like Germany

Tue Apr 17 19:51:50 2001
Name:Sachin Nagane
Views:well well well!!! I want to say to all the H1Bs...I know that all of you are good people..highly educated and intelligent. But you are really cowards. You ran away from your country in fear of the dirt and dust that fills the atmosphere, the corruption and bureaucracy that is so deeply penetrated in the society. Now here you are begging again to US government to allow you to stay here even if they dont want you here. If you have GUTS , put pressure on them...UNITE and FIGHT but dont beg.Dont dishonour yourself and your country. Even if you have left your country ..the country has not left can always come back to your homeland...because thats where you belong to.... you have nothing to loose except few cars and some hard earned bucks....but what you get in return is peace of mind that is valuable than anything.... right??

Tue Apr 17 19:54:03 2001
Name:Sathya Jayapaul
Views:I am on H1B and don't think my company is going to lay off me anytime soon, but I've already started to look for jobs in India. I think it's high time I got back my self-respect and return to a country where I can feel respected and valuable as a citizen. Whatever America claims about equality, it's a country with a lot of racism still around(though not too obvious), and I'd rather be a king in a poor country than a slave in a rich one! I'm sure India needs a lot of talented and technically qualified individuals to help boost it's economy. India has the potential to become a superpower, and educated people like us need to contribute something towards that. Had I spent the money that I just gave away to the US government on social security taxes(that I'll never get back) towards helping someone in India, I would atleast have felt some happiness! Fellow H1B workers from India - let's all return to our country and help in making it a nation that everyone would envy!

Tue Apr 17 19:58:18 2001
Views:I have not been laid down, nor is my job under fire... but i feel i should go back to where i come from, coz i think it is time i started doing something for my mother land. Money is all they care about, what is there in it for me, utterly selfish i must say, there laws are there to facilitate them, this is corporate us for you. it doesn't take you anywhere, money money money... it must be money in the rich man's world.

Tue Apr 17 20:07:03 2001
Views:The same folk who cry blue murder when they get laid off here in the US wouldn't think twice before firing construction workers, maids, or other casual laborers in India. Why do you think you have more rights than them? Sure, the way H1B workers are treated in the US is unfair. But to take advantage of people has been the nature of all business for thousands of years. We are now at the receiving end. That's all. When the going was good, how many of you helped those fighting just causes all over the world? Don't expect anyone to help us now.

Tue Apr 17 20:10:54 2001
Views:I am happy i came in here to the USA, through an Indian Company (Satyam). None of my collegues have a problem of getting back for all the branches of our company in the USA, have adequately ensured rotation of our staff on various projects and there's absolutely no cause for worry. Only goes to prove It is always better to be part of a trusted name (especially an Indian trusted name).

Tue Apr 17 20:17:11 2001
Views:In IT world change is the only thing that is constant. Todays situation is due to economic slowdown a technology (java) is in less demand. IT techies are always ready to learn fast. They can fight for their survival in US by learning the technology which is in demand and prove they are fit to cope with any situation. In IT working scenario the job security plays a less critical role. Every IT techie will look for project/contract to get him more money than a permanant job. Once his assignment is complete he is tend to look for new assignment. It is purely survival of the fittest.

Tue Apr 17 20:26:40 2001
Name:Sunder Nagarajan
Views:It had to happen some day. We Indians take pride in selling ourselves short. The US brought in "hi-tech hamalis" to help them tide over their Y2K problem. You got your bakshis, now bye-bye. Did anyone seriously think they would be reassigned to some other job?

Tue Apr 17 20:28:42 2001
Name:Vinayak Gurjar
Views:Its a very diffcult situation here in the US of A for IT people on H1Bs

Tue Apr 17 20:29:42 2001
Name:Anupam Tandon
Views:If they are open on moving away from the Silicon Valley to other areas in the US there are still jobs around. Maybe not as paying as the ones they had but then the cost of living won't be as high either.

Tue Apr 17 20:44:08 2001
Name:neeraj kohli
Views:Well from the begining even before coming to US every H1B holder new that there is not a greater job security in US compared to India or even European companies..We have often heard that in US companies you are fired in seconds and not in that way I would say everyone is prepared .. In view of the current slow down obvoiously the companies will fire H1B's and then if need US permanent goes with the US policy of safe guarding their own people first..and if we think from their point of view it seems logical ofcourse want to take care of your own children before you come to the resue of your neighbours.. The only thing we should fight for is that and immigrant worker who comes to US legally should not be deported after layoffs like this..there should be no time period for him to find a should be totally left to him if if wants to stay here and find another job and if he has means to do that let him stay.. Another thing I would question is the social security refund for all those who go back.. Regrads Neeraj

Tue Apr 17 20:44:58 2001
Name:Janaki Ram
Views:H1B visa jobs are just another kind of slavery for americans it looks like. They need people, they get them, they take taxes and all the money they want as social secuirty, medicare etc.. Even a fee for educating americans while filing for H1 and then let you go if there is no work. With H1, there is no security for jobs. But we Indians should be proud of ourselves and should not be begging for their mercy. I think we should consider this as a temporary opportunity and make your money and should be happy to come back to India and work hard. What we have seen so far those who came last two years from India are the ones who are going back mostly. There were so many people without real experience came from India as a part of this boom and they are struggling to survive. Many of them I have seen even don't have the degree certificate. This is ridiculous. Even though this could affect good people, a correction is inevitable.

Tue Apr 17 20:46:05 2001
Name:Sameer Jadhav
Views:Friends, From my past experience, this is just going to be a passing phase. People who have good experience and have got sound knowledge have nothing to worry about. Just hang in there and it will soon be fine... Sameer

Tue Apr 17 20:48:29 2001
Views:All this whining isnt going to help.You try Yoga from Ancient India and it might calm you down. This postings will only get you depressed and frustrated. Actions speak louder than posting on message boards. DO something instead. If you dont like USA, get the hell out of here and go to your "true" motherland. Pollution,corruption and "culture" are ready to welcome you

Tue Apr 17 20:48:43 2001
Views:I think it's not fair to lay off Indian Software Professionals becoz of their Intelligence and Quality to Lead.Their Economy is wholly dependent on indian professional so if all the Professionals(who are at high positions) got together then it will be a great loss to US.

Tue Apr 17 20:49:20 2001
Views:As far as the "working for other jobs" ...we can't ,because the H1 tells that what kind of work we have to do i.e skilled worker to do software work. And regarding security ,no individual in US has the job security, because it is always a one-way bond and not 2-way between the employer and employee or contractor.

Tue Apr 17 20:55:02 2001
Views: This is totally unfair.If they want to layoff either they should allow us to stay to get a new job or give us compensation and our social security money and may ask us to leave the country.

Tue Apr 17 20:56:57 2001
Views:Hi, I don't understand why all the ppl out there have to crib abt their status being lost after being laid off. U should have accepted it in the first place when U were coming to US on H1 and chasing that US dream. It was always on the card as H1 is for temporary workers and it is not that rules have changed overnight it was there always. So lets better serve our mother country as there is no place in the world where U can come back and still find peace and tranquility then ur homeland.

Tue Apr 17 20:58:01 2001
Name:R.Raakesh Kumar
Views:They can be in the America and they can be given a chance until they get another job. once they get the job the H1B Visa can be continued and their services can be continued.

Tue Apr 17 20:58:55 2001
Name:Sridhar Patnam
Views:Dont Worry be Happy, Apne Ghar Mein Bhi Hai Roti

Tue Apr 17 21:09:23 2001
Views:As h1b persons r considered temporary,then why should we pay taxes like the citizens and permenent residents do?It is indeed very unfair to send these guys away.The INS rules need to be revised.

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