April 17, 2001


The H1-B Message Board

Mon Apr 16 22:06:39 2001
Name:dr priyanka sharma
Views:you have limited your discussion to just IT job holders.H1B applies to all proffessionals.what i need to know is whether there is an actual cut in no. of visas or is it the companies which are wthdrawing their H1Bs?basically i NEED to know whether doctors on H1B are also likely to be affected?

Mon Apr 16 22:11:19 2001
Views:it is absolute unfair for companies retrenching people because of whom the said cos.have made a mark in the feild of technology as far as getting of some other job is concerned than that should not be a problem in any way because the deserving are always valued at any place and at any time

Mon Apr 16 22:11:26 2001
Views:hey guys, wat r u talking bout ??? US ppl using use & throw ?? & what r we ??? dint we come in this US for our selfish gains, to make money , for better life of our family ...leaving India. Du u guys feel u cheated India after taking all the studies, living out there ??? US had requirements , Indian labours were cheap, so they took advantage of it , Now these ppl r down & out with no finances , What do u expect ???. U r not citizen of country & I will in no ways suggest that we be treated on par with citizens. So go back home ... Thanx

Mon Apr 16 22:12:10 2001
Views:We claim to be 'hi-tech'. Not really sure what the hell that means. (Inspite of) Being in the heart of the valley during the Bubble.. and the.. Bust, I am not sure I fully understand the term hi-tech. If anything, its applying some scientific(rational) thinking. To the issue.. Its the law of numbers dammit! , nothing can keep growing for ever. go read Carl Sagan's 'Billions and Billions'. If you are really a techno geek who just loves software or anything for that matter, you should agree with Paul Erdos 'all you need is a paper and a pencil' Why dont we stop whining and be happy to be alive. Why the hell we fail to think of Gujarat disaster and similar 'unfair'ness? Get real! people ! Bless your stars you live in a wonderful world.

Mon Apr 16 22:16:21 2001
Views:It depends upon there saving which they have made when working !!They can use there saving for survival or come back with the money and be happy . for new guys gone just recently ...better try and do some other small jobs..

Mon Apr 16 22:34:07 2001
Name:Nitin Malik
Views:MAn just the other day read this article in hindusthan times the other day abt. software engg. being laid off and how ' bodyshops' all gone out of work .... i'm a 1st yr student doing BCA from Chandigarh. the thought of making big in the IT industry is alwyas there in my mind. Well after reading this article .. i had some serious doubts as to where this lowdown in the market is going to lead me. BCA as yet is not a very promising course here in chandigarh . However since it is going to be upgraded to a 4 yr course from next yr and new and latest course are going to be included i thought i saw a light at the end of the tunnel. What is in store for me...??? Also i wanted to know that are Engg. more better palced in geting jons in the IT industry ...or could people like me could also make it big.....

Mon Apr 16 22:34:11 2001
Name:Prakash Thakkar
Views:I have been let go. I have not been able to find software work. Next month, I am returning back to India.

Mon Apr 16 22:41:50 2001
Views:Media is presenting Bad picture of all H1B workers . All Indian Leading news paper's flooded with H1B news everyday.I think severity of economic slowdown is time being.

Mon Apr 16 22:52:09 2001
Views:If u are interested in staying here and getting the citizenship then i think Canada is a better option. U get your canadian citizenship in 3 years from the date of landing.....and u dont have to crib about H1B and its problems..... U agreed to be slaves so why crib...Slaves do not have any rights..If u have decideced to come here and work...then u should be prepeared for firings too...Why blame the companies and the US Govt...they didnt call U. YOU CAME...infact you RUSHED.......Life in the west... Now we can say India was good. i guess everybodys mantra would be i shouldnt have left my job in india. Running after Dollars (the factor of 45+ ).....MIRAGE.... SO remember "u are a king in your own country". james

Mon Apr 16 22:55:48 2001
Name:Pankaj Ahuja
Views:Hi there! I would like to know weather it is possible for people like me who are in the first semester of MS Computer science to still continue with the degree..or should I look for other career? Pankaj

Mon Apr 16 22:59:14 2001
Name:Sairam Srinivasan
Views:Hello, sometime back the question was 'How long is the boom going to last ?'. now it is 'How long is the slowdown going to last'. any opinions ? Sai

Mon Apr 16 23:12:25 2001
Views: I agree its a grim situation for all. Though it brings up lot of anguish about the H1-visa holder situation, One way we should be gratefull to this country as it had provided us with lot of opurtunities, money and dreams, Since they don't need us now the dremas need not die I belive geographic location should not hinder our growth. We have got the brains and the will power Lets make India a golden peigon again through her own soil. Best of luck to all.

Mon Apr 16 23:14:51 2001
Views:H1 Visa means "Legal entry to USA for Technical jobs that have shortage for manpower". I am US citizen, studied in American university and pay $500.00 per month towards educational loans (not to mention other things). When I told this to one of my H1 visa people, study at government of India subsidized colleges (incurring almost zero educational cost), while when it comes to working, they think it is fair for US to let them live in USA, even if there are no jobs!! Guys!!! Let me remind you!! there are no free lunches in USA. Everything costs money, and it will be good for you and India if you move back....

Mon Apr 16 23:33:04 2001
Views:I think the ongoing slump and eco-slowness in US has considerably dampend many dreams as reported. But therez always silverlining as was being viewed by many. Any thing cannot grow continuously, its a natural phenomenon, only thing is its happening now, when there was increase in H1B quota. We will find again the most blooming ahead.

Mon Apr 16 23:36:52 2001
Views:I have question to people who have paid SSN Tax. If I decide to leave US. I should be able to claim my SSN tax paid so far. Social Security Tax is claimable when you retire. I am retiring from US at the age of 27. I want back my Social Security Tax back. Can anybody answer this question?

Tue Apr 17 00:12:53 2001
Name:Down To Earth Reality
Views:Hi, It is really sad to see so many people laid off in such a small amount of time. I have been in the valley for last 2 years and fortunately my company is doing well and no lay offs forseen. But a lot of my friends have been laid off by now and more on the verge of loosing. I feel sad for some of those. But I just dont want to show sympathy towards every one who has lost job. If you really know the reality, I think the silicon valley is not partial or at fault. I have seen some people from India coming here who cannot even talk properly to the people out here for more than 5 minutes. I have Indians coming here with any fake experience certificates. I have seen some inhuman shitty indians running small stupid consulting companies by getting people from India who know nothing about computers but pay 3 to 4 lakh ruppes just to get job here in the usa. I have seen people saying "If i get to work in the usa, I will get a lot of dowery." I have seen parents marrying off ( getting rid off ) their daughters to a stupid just because he was in the usa. Now when the silicon valley does not need some people who are from all the above mentioned category, whats wrong ? This is not partial. Lay offs are happening in bombay, banglore, hydrabad also. Is it partial or just down to earth ? I m not saying all this just because I have a good job or its easy to complain when my job is secure. I know there were some people who were in very good, big companies like cisco, IBM, SUN, Yahoo and were laid off. I feel very sorry for them. I have tried my best to give some jobs to some indians who lost their current jobs. And I am proud to give it to deserving people. I m prod to help some of my friends from india. But I still dont have any sympathy for any indian who has come here on fake experience, who has come here by paying money to get an job here, no sympathy fo

Tue Apr 17 00:28:03 2001
Views:Besides slowdown, There are lots of IT jobs for non H1's.Illegal immigrants from neighbouring countries can stay here and work..we H1B being legal and worked hard and paid taxes and N number of deductions in our paycheq, which we may not get any benefit(we are not asking for that) has to leave, is not fair.US should change their Green card process like UK, if you stay here in this country for 3 years or so, you get a green card.Rather than applying for a GC in this uncertain job market, where you have to switch often.We dont know how republican Govt. will take this problem.May be European countries should take advantage of this situation to get those experienced workers.

Tue Apr 17 00:36:47 2001
Views:Indians had a tradition of going to far off land taking all the risk and doing buisness. many have left for UK, Mid-east, America and survived there..And spread our traditions there.. Now there is a small challenge to this from America and i am sure, indians will survive this easily.. This week there is a cover article on Yoga in Time magazine..and just think how far we have reached in this land just amazes me.. :) WTG guys..

Tue Apr 17 01:23:09 2001
Views:Even though it is not as bad as predicted, some companies who gained from the pool of H1 workers should formulate a procedure to equalize the compensation untill end of the fourth quater. Moreover time should be provided after a layoff or the best case be H1 status not be dependent on a company. Even though the company does bad, the person holding the visa may be just an heavy weight. If in case he is not, he will certainly go back one day instead of living costly in the US for ever without pay.

Tue Apr 17 01:31:21 2001
Views:Chalo Germany.

Tue Apr 17 01:33:10 2001
Views:I noticed the following things when browsing this message board - 1. H1-B holders have to improve their writing skills 2. H1-B holders think its their birthright to earn the high salaries that they are used to earning in this country(if you knew a high school teacher's or your receptionist's salary, you would realize how high your salaries really are!) 3.They left India but the socialist mentality has not left them. Why should the government (Indian or US)help you if your body shopper screwed up or if you were stupid to quit a high paying job in india to come here and sit on the bench? How can your company continue to employ people for non-existent projects while they are incurring losses? These are equal opportunity layoffs, the jobs however are not. If you remember your labor certification process, it says that "as they could not find an equivalent American citizen to fill this position", they are hiring you. 4. Comparing H1-B jobs to slavery actually trivializes the hardships of slavery - working in this country is voluntary, slavery is not. I am a H1-B holder, tech worker from south india - just like most of you are.

Tue Apr 17 01:51:13 2001
Views: I have worked in india for a long time and have seen people dumping companies because they get their us job. they never gave even a days notice to the company. almost all of them used to go for a lunch and then disappear from the job and same evening they will catch flight for usa. if we do not care about others then why in the world we expect others to care. i am just sharing my view. its all business.

Tue Apr 17 01:57:42 2001
Name:Kumar Majethia
Views:The only thing we H1-B holders can do is to rally together and pressurize the INS to convert our H1-Bs to Green Cards. As somebody has already said on this forum, if we get together, we can really cause ripples.

Tue Apr 17 02:09:32 2001
Views:This is ridiculous. The whole american job system is a big HELL.I am surprised to see the most brilliant minds getting layed off and loosing their career in jungles. I experienced the lay offs and leaving back to my motherland with a lesson " AMERICA IS A LAND OF OPPORTUNITIES AND LAND OF OPPORTUNISTS. BEWARE."

Tue Apr 17 02:09:59 2001
Views:It is bad time for most of Indians who are here on H1B visa. Well every industry will face good and bad times, and this time it is software industy. Well guys don't worry , there will be good times to follow after this , so hold on and hope for the best.

Tue Apr 17 02:57:42 2001
Views:well..i don;t think it to be as abstract! this downturn is only for a few months..and yes, it was obvious as everyone was combing their way to IT..the hardcore knowledge was sounding being an El Dorado.. or simply a mirage But lets cross our fingers and sit tight..as who knows..we might have something rosier in store for us!!!

Tue Apr 17 03:46:43 2001
Views:The situation is created because of the dot com fever which was funded by the stocks, the money paid for IT people was reaised from the public as that fever is over and the companies are out of cash there is no need for so much man power (not just tech) As i feel that this is not only with H1's, when companies cut down they cut on contracts first who unfortunately happens to be H1's. I am an H1 myself and dons'nt feel secured on my job but still feel that its nothing unfair about the system or the INS... fell sorry for our guy's but they knew this was the risk. I would suggest to go back and wait for the better times to come. Good Luck !!!!

Tue Apr 17 03:50:15 2001
Views:Please do not use phrases like "lifestyles better than the boys from Hyderabad or Bangalore could ever have imagined. " Not everybody comes such backgrond where lifestyles like here in US are difficult to imagine. We are a strong nation, if not US perhaps some other country. This country needs us more than we need them. At least we should try to have this attitude and move on in life. I think this is a time to sit up and reliaze that everything that shines is not gold. Boys coming from HYD in particular should understand this. By doing a 3 month course in some remote area in AP, they come over here thinking of making millions and extract more of dowry. Those are the guys which would take maximum hit. For the rest, who are qualified and have not faked their resumes, they cannot be down for too long. They would surely bounce back.

Tue Apr 17 04:37:05 2001
Name:Sunnyvale Resident
Views:Hey guys, Don't just dream that the life is filled with luxery of cars and thousands of dallers. It's not as it looks but much worst. You lose all of these and starve when you are in sillicon valley(worlds' 5th costliest to live) for 2 months without job. I'd strongly suggest for the married people who are willing to comedown here that stay back in india if you have job which can support your family because there aren't enough jobs(and even place to live) even for those who already here and on 'bench'. And i'm sure married people cannot efford to live here unless making atleast $80K per annum. And you still wanted to come down here then i'd say 'Go to hell'.

Tue Apr 17 04:48:40 2001
Views:I don't agree that H1-Bs are targetted first when it comes to lay-off but it's targetted to those who are not technically strong enough. We had some layoffs in my company and none of the H1Bs are layed off because all are technically good. So people who are without any enterprise experience will lose the jobs if market still continues further like this.

Tue Apr 17 05:18:22 2001
Views:First of all, your sentence "Is it fair?" did not quite go with the situation. There is no question of fairness or unfairness in this situation. On one hand u are saying this is the promised land. The Americans never invited anyone first of all. All the opportunity seekers and bootleggers came here on their own and many came illegally and scores through body shoppers. SO when there are bad times it is good that they are asked to leave. But knowing the Indians, they will wash dishes but not go back. The taste of fast cars and dust free environment is too good a deal to let go so easily. And last of all, H1-B means temporary work visa. When times are bad there is nothing unfair about them being asked to leave. It means they can work as long as their employer wants them to. U can raise an issue if Greencard holders are asked to leave tomorrow. After all, America has not taken the responsibility to solve the unemployment problem of the whole damned world.

Tue Apr 17 05:30:52 2001
Name:magesh kumar
Views:hello folks, yes the situation is not good as it used to be, you can compare this to the early 20 centuary where there were 100s of car companies and as the marked matured only those with good business models survied , the same holds good for IT industry, all those dum .coms like pets.com, flowers.com, and many more with no proper good ideas will vanish. say from few years from now only those IT companies which resemble auto folks like bmw, benz, ferrari would only survive.

Tue Apr 17 05:37:30 2001
Views:All is fair in capitalism and business. Why gripe?

Tue Apr 17 05:39:51 2001
Views:I am H1B holder and am fresh into US with big hopes.Now I'm scared to death to see how things have changed.Hope this nightmare would end soon .

Tue Apr 17 05:47:55 2001
Name:Jaswinder "Apple Ape "
Views:1. This is a boom and burst cycle. This time is not to stay. 2. Its wrong for anybody to "assume" that life in the US is easy. Its better than India, though. I have been to Bombay and there are all "Bhaiyas" there. 3. Software Consultants specially the AP guys have infested the US. They manipulate their resumes and make things worse for the other Indians. This practice should be stopped. So, that even in the tough times people who can perform can hold on to the jobs. 4. P2P does not help in these times. Its pure merit that matters. No short cuts there. 5. There is no job security in the US and that is the reality. 6. Why should anybody expect anything from a foreign country.... Go Back... and be happy in your home land if you dont want to take the risks. Else live a life with the risk.

Tue Apr 17 06:05:12 2001
Name:Santosh Singh
Views:I strongly feel that they should nto be asked to go out.... not untill their tenure is over. They should be allowed to look for another job in a stipulated time for say 3 months or 6 months. And if nto then they can be asked to leave country.

Tue Apr 17 07:01:04 2001
Views:we think only contractors r responsible for these situations. they take so many money without doing any any job

Tue Apr 17 07:49:35 2001
Views:everybody is seeking for new oportunities and money makes many things in usa we r getting these oportunities along with the money so all are trying to mark their own style coming to job security do u think that jobs in india are more secure? my answer is no b'use my friends are suffering from the same in india ofcourse they have many alternatives in the same way i think in usa also many alternatives are there so they can try there itself if we have the pluck we can attract the luck i wish them ever success

Tue Apr 17 08:09:53 2001
Views:Hi, Yes, this's a very unfair way of treating people who add 10's of billions of $ every year to US economy if not 100's. But, see the reality. We are able to add that much value because the infrastructre is well set in this country. These people must have toiled hard to set it up, whereas in our country to whatever the reasons may, we weren't able to. It's their country, they built it with their sweat and blood, so they have the right to choose whether to live with you or not. We are just taking the easy way out by going out of the country and working for others and making quick money. Lazy people can only complain... Sounds hard, but it's the truth. Looking at it from another angle, what's happening now is nothing that's not expected. It may last for sometime, but the world will definitely not go into dark ages. IT has added tremendous value to the world and it keeps adding it. We Indians have the potential to extract great benefits out of it. We may just have to grit our teeth for sometime and use the business knowledge gained by working outside the country and try to build better software. Don't you notice something? All these developed countries are shit scared about immigrants. Why? Just because we work harder and it scares them. It's all a very good telltale signs. We are in the right direction, I guess... On a more practical note, just don't leave US as long as you feel bold enough to get a job. This is just a democratic country and they won't drive you off unless there is a public furore about it. How many of us in India are worried about Bangladeshi immigramts? Average American couldn't care less about us, so I don't see any immediate problem by staying put though you lose your job. Of course, when a day comes that you don't see a chance of getting a job, it's not financially viable to stay there, pack them.

Tue Apr 17 08:27:21 2001
Name:Anil Shende
Views:"Hum Honge Kamayab!" It's so sad for all of Indian IT. We were in dreamland. It is difficult to digest bitter facts but here we are left facing. However, IT is the in thing and this temporary phase will give way to better opportunities. This is not the first time we are facing though impact is harder. Hopefully new vista will open up. Afterall we have brains and patience that is part of great Indian heritage!

Tue Apr 17 09:30:31 2001
Views:There are different opinions that the slow down will last for 2 quarters ,1 year or more than that.What would be the exact period the slow down will last

Tue Apr 17 09:32:47 2001
Views:it is not at all fair to ask h1-b visa holders to leave usa. for these people have contributed to growth of america's it trade. can't america look after them for a little more time and extend their visa status for at least three months so that they can find gainfull employment. should the it filed come up ,please imagine a situation when educated professionals boycott h1-b visa status and ask for permanent residence.this can happen if more bad experiences with h1-b visas. b.r.c.nair

Tue Apr 17 09:37:44 2001
Name:Mitesh Bohra
Views:I think, its time for a clean up. This is the time where those Toms, Dicks and Harrys, who would just do a few months of software crash course, would be met with reality. Only the best will survive. That's how it is in India as well. The hugely overpopulated country offers the best example of "Survival of the fittest". And that's not an unusual situation with Indians. It's true that a lot of good folks out there are caught up in this whirlpool too but sooner or later they will find their shelters and rest of the crowd would have to head back to home to find something.

Tue Apr 17 09:49:10 2001
Name:Gopala Krishna Behara
Views:They should be given another job, as they are qualified professionals.

Tue Apr 17 09:53:24 2001
Views:Hi, Now some of H1-B holders realising the importance of mother land. Where lacks and lacks of ruppes have spend on their education. Actually they would have served for their mother land and made it more strong instead of running behind the $$. The sceret of China success is the same. They have made all graduates and post graduates made compulsary to serve their motherland atleast some period. And this is what we indians need to do for our country too. And make out country the best in world instead of running behind the $. So it may be a bit late... but lets work TOGETHER and make us proud of ourselves as an INDIAN. Jai Hind.

Tue Apr 17 10:00:31 2001
Name:sidhartha kumar kar
Views:As we are seeing the present scenario, the companies are the playing with the life of the Indians. Because the companies came here to take indians ,no indians went USA to search jobs. Now it is not safe to work there. Better we will work in India.And make silicon vally in India ... no need to go abroad.

Tue Apr 17 10:17:03 2001
Name:haraprasanna parida
Views:i think they should come to india and try here.bcoz the job securit is not there.

Tue Apr 17 10:31:41 2001
Views:They should find job there and survive. If they will back india again those who are doing courses.

Tue Apr 17 10:41:38 2001
Views:I am positive that the current slump in IT industry is going to be over by the end of May or June. We must all stay put and hang in here. It's going to be better, better than before.

Tue Apr 17 10:45:42 2001
Name:Navin Patel
Views:They should search for another job and fight to settel to there.

Tue Apr 17 10:52:52 2001
Name:Shakeel Ahmed Khan
Views:Well the situation about H1 visa is grim. The people who left india dreams that once they reach america they will make good fortune. But Americans pay attention only to their profits selfishness. When i hear of the slump of economy in IT field i feel depressed because one of my friend is also in usa. I don't know what will happen to his future.Really the IT field is suffering a slashdown and the Indian IT professioal has to bear the grunt.

Tue Apr 17 10:55:53 2001
Views:Dear H1B holders, H1 was always a temporary visa status. The rules, formaulated years back, explicitly state that those without a job would have to leave within a certain period of time. So, in-spite of knowing it, why crib when you have to face reality? Dear friends, try to recollect how many of you even BOTHERED to find out this information before running behind your agent for a H1B visa. do not sit and blame the US Govt. We people need to be blamed for 1) not putting the effort to understand the rules and regulations and 2) having got to the US through unacceptable means. Sorry folks, the economy might revive, but never enough like old times. So please pack your bags and take the next flight home. We will be extremely glad to have you all back - afterall its your motherland!!!

Tue Apr 17 11:09:54 2001
Name:Raja Rao
Views:its the responsibility of the Govt of US, since they are unable to supply the demands, they have increased the HIB quota ,created hype that millions of jobs in US.

Tue Apr 17 11:18:07 2001
Views:Onething should be admitted, all these things are just water bubbles, all will be fine in course of time..............

Tue Apr 17 11:20:48 2001
Views:It is seen that 40-50 companies have started laying off their employees in India and still there is no much sign of improvisation in US. What would be status of Indian companies in other 2-3 months time if this continues. What is the time you feel that we can come out of this recession.

Tue Apr 17 11:26:43 2001
Views:what is the future of those who are yet planning . will the people come back.

Tue Apr 17 11:30:56 2001
Views:Now companies specially Indian companies are treating H1B people like animals.Use them upto last, if money is not coming from them send back to india. If a person works 3 months for a company, company get all cost back from that guy and through them out.

Tue Apr 17 11:32:52 2001
Views:Hi, I wanted to know if the Big 5 consulting companies have also laid off people...Shelly, may be you can throw some light on this..

Tue Apr 17 11:32:59 2001
Name:Josef Menendez
Views:I guess the problem stems from the fact that most of the H1-B's forget that they are infact temporary employees. The rules may not be humane but are mighty clear. You are taking a chance to make a good life therefore there are risks involved. If you can make it, well and good. If you can't well try again. From a practical point of view, the recession should not last for more than 6-8 months so sit tight and bide your time. BTW most of whom have been laid off were not really well qualified!!

Tue Apr 17 11:36:22 2001
Name:sajid mohammed
Views:It is really bad that this thing has happened. My papers got filed and so i spend a lot of money on learning latest trends and learn from some appropriate institute. so i spent a lot of money on that. i dont know what my future is?

Tue Apr 17 11:46:11 2001
Name:Deepak Edwin
Views:indians are resilient, capapble of overcoming any setback; the need of the hour is more pathbreaking ventures like sameer batia; we need these jobless people back home to dictate terms from india - globally. tomorrow, when the recession is done with, we should be able to dictate terms from bangalore and chennai - not california. Pramod mahajan has to act - act fast, provide better infrastructure, get road shows to sell india from india and not sell indians; together we can do it.

Tue Apr 17 11:47:01 2001
Name:Ranjit Shringarpure
Views:The government is left with no other alternatives in such a situation. But given the expertise that the H1-B professionals possess, I believe, the axe HAD to fall on those who do not perform extraordinarily. Survival of the fittest as they say!!!

Tue Apr 17 12:13:25 2001
Name:Shoukat Ali PV.
Views:So many have lost their jobs and many more are in the que of loosing what they have.It is high time to do something by all means to protect this high tech peoples who have gone there believing their promises on a new era. The Govt.should intervene now and do all the possible help to them to retain their status or to repartiate them and place in positions realising their expertise and experience. Shoukat

Tue Apr 17 12:18:55 2001
Name:Roby Jose
Views:This cut down in IT spending by US firms has led to a situation that here after only the real professional will find his way in to the world of Infortmation Technology rather than what has been happening so far. This is a good sign, and it is going to be survival of the fittest

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