April 18, 2001


The H1-B Message Board

Wed Apr 18 02:46:50 2001
Views:Its not like only a particular section are being laid off their jobs .Hire and Fire is the policy for most companies when . We are bitter cos we have a lot at stake . once the economy recovers these ppl will start recruiting again .Theres hope still :)

Wed Apr 18 02:51:26 2001
Views:There is so much of monotony in this board right now that many people may not even read this one.If you people read the latest TIME magazine, there is a story on Layoff's from DELL. 5 people (All Americans), who were fired on the same day had very different story to share. One of them got 15 minutes to pick up his stuff and leave. He was told to make an appointment and come back to get any of his remaining belongings. Other person's boss was almost in tears, when he had to break the news to his employee. All this happened in the same location. These people do not have H1's. Thousands of people who have been layed off in Chrysler do not have H1's. It is just not happening to H1's. Every one who looses job feels cheated. More so in our case when we don't have any support of the establishment even though we have lived like everyone else - Paid taxes, social security, medicare etc. For all those who are in bad situation right now - Take heart. Things may improve. There are many of you worthy and talented. Your services will be required somewhere else. All those who took particular pleasure in bashing so-called low standard people, The once who came here for easy money, just hope that this does not happen to you. I don't think that any amount of realism will prepare anyone for a loss of job. Also, please donot be under the impression that H1's who lost jobs where not hard workers.

Wed Apr 18 02:54:06 2001
Name:Barun Guha
Views:The recent confusion is not exactly about H1B VISA terminating or out of status or something. It is mostly the down time in consulting business. It is tough to get a project quickly once one is over or a layoff happens. The point is that most of us want to stay here "somehow", get another assignment and continue. File Green Card etc. But H1B's main purpose is "Temporary Work Permit". We are trying to make it a way to get Green Card. So the term "temporary" is of no importance. We want to become "permanent resident" using "temporay work permit" !

Wed Apr 18 02:55:53 2001
Views:I think that it is a very good opportunity for India. With the economic slowdown and the impending recession it has opened a good channel for India to further its goals of becoming a software superpower. With companies trying to cut costs and with layoffs and many Indians being laid off and returning back to India, what we need to do is to leverage our low cost expertise to gather as many projects for offshore development or to make way for foreign companies to invest in a software development facility in India. Also with people retuening to India they can bring with them the expertise gained in the US and apply them in India to make India into a globally competitive software powerhouse.

Wed Apr 18 02:56:03 2001
Views:Most of the software developers whom I have come across in the recent years don't have the basics (there are some exceptions too). They lack the fundamentals of computer programming and are groomed overnight for the market here. It is time for those in this situation to take a look-back an update their skills. If they are really talented with strong fundamentals, they should not find it difficult to find another job easily. my humble opinion

Wed Apr 18 03:12:50 2001
Views:I think people here are looking for answers that no one has. When will this slowdown end? who knows it may never end or it may end next week. Do you believe in everyone that is in the business of telling you about how the future will unfold? Do you listen to a stcokbroker on CNN or CNBC and go out and buy the stock solely based on analyst recommendation. Look this dotcom bust has been long time coming it was a bubble that finally burst. Therefore, lot of h1b's will have to go back like it or not. However, we will see people coming to US regardless to pursue their economic dreams. Just like people came here in the 60's and 70's from India before this boom about 5 years ago. Things have a way of balancing out and I think it got out of control with influx of immigrant workers coming here and quickly finding success that took decades to achieve. As far as the arguement of the 'most qualified' being laid off first (immigrants) is ridiculus. Companies do not fire the most qualified people no matter what the downturn. I think it all comes back to taking something for granted that never belonged to you. Good Luck

Wed Apr 18 03:13:59 2001
Views:It is useless to blame anybody for laying people off. It was a self made problem. The H-1B people went there knowing very well the terms and conditions of H1 visas. Nobody fell at their feet and requested them to do so. Now they will have to face the consequences. You took the risk of going there to make more money. Now the risk has turned out to be a reality. So suffer. Those who want more money also have to suffer when the risk becomes reality. Dont blame anybody except yourself. You went their, you blamed India for all its problems, you lived the american dream, you shouted from roof tops about the bad roads, mosquitoes electricity in India. Didn't you? Till now you lived the american dream, now you are living the american nightmare. You deserve it. Not a drop of tear will be shed for your present condition

Wed Apr 18 03:27:39 2001
Name:Sunil Singh
Views:I think we H1 guys never learn lessons. It is a tool for exploitation. A temporary worker who can be used and thrown. Any way our governments back home want only money from abroad, so they don't do anything to help us. And body shoppers the BIG and small are the main culprits who exploit, they will never let H1 visa get any better to a decent visa. What can we do to help ?

Wed Apr 18 03:29:10 2001
Views:We need to remember, that when we accepted a job offer to work in the US, we "Agreed" to the terms and conditions laid out by the INS. We "agreed" that we will leave the country if we loose the job. We "agreed" that we will pay income tax and social security even if we won't get it back. Now when it is the time to follow these rules, almost everyone is calling it unfair !!! Did we point out the unfairness of these rules, when we accepted that nice job offer ??? At that time all we are bothered about how much money are we going to make, but when it comes to going back home, we are pointing out the flaws in the law ?? Wake up guys, get real !

Wed Apr 18 03:47:44 2001
Views:I do agree that this recesion is effecting H1 visa holders a lot. we are losing our status and are forced to leave the country. if this is the case, then there is no way to go back to India as we dont have that sufficiatn jobs there. i think American govt should look into this issue and do something to increase the economy.

Wed Apr 18 03:52:13 2001
Views:This downtrend here might turn out to be fruitful for Indian IT companies. This is the time for them to grab the projects from here

Wed Apr 18 04:02:18 2001
Name:Madhav Patil
Views:I feel sorry for all this people having to hassel with all this tough sitution but belive me I was at the same stage 12 years ago but I did not giveup my hopes so hold on and keep your hopes high you are going to make it Madhav

Wed Apr 18 04:12:19 2001
Views:The condition for H1B workers are getting worse from bad. Something has to be done by the US government which seems to be of the view that, once they don't need us they wanted to chuck us out of this country. We pay lots of taxes and social security which ultimately may not be enjoyed by us.

Wed Apr 18 04:19:37 2001
Name:Mohan Shetty
Views:Guys instead of whining about anything let's have a better hope and I was laid off along with other 300 people in 2000 Nov but got another 3 jobs,joined one though it is for a less salary.When I was laid off I was going to an expensive school(still going) for my Masters.I tried hard and luck backed me up,so let's all hope for the better sooner and it will become better sooner. Everyone are doing business and no business wants to run loss.Wish me good luck and I wish you all very very best of luck.Please don't give up hope.

Wed Apr 18 04:30:09 2001
Name:Nirav J. Patel
Views:Actually, they should return back to INDIA because INDIA needs talented, skilled, and experienced people in many growing states of country. Those are the future of INDIA and if they all go to foreign country then China will be ahead of us because there will be a big gap to develop these kind of people once again so, it is better that they must come back to INDIA and help the country and make INDIA super power in IT and many many more fields ...

Wed Apr 18 04:30:38 2001
Name:Yankee Dollar
Views:Friends, welcome to capitalism. Think about it - if you had a business that was going through rough times, what would you do ? some of you might say - i'd look after my workers or some such stuff - BUT that is not capitalism. A lot of the H1B people I've encountered have been very sub-standard; some of them need to be canned. But I'm sure a lot of good people are affected too - that's unfortunate but that's life.

Wed Apr 18 04:36:43 2001
Views:I think the hype of dot coms & new technology has come to an end, people need to realize that we need to consider that IT industry is new & now all the industry is computerized & new versions will follow till we exist. So we need to look for job in industry which is not software developement but software oriented. I mean don't aim to be always in software company like Infosys or Wipro instead you could be in Power Corportion or Health industry as a software programmer. This way we can spread ourselves easily & still be employed as a software professional rather than recession professional. It is now time for surival of the fitest in the race of software development. thanks

Wed Apr 18 04:47:50 2001
Views:hope the market will improve by jun 2001

Wed Apr 18 05:32:48 2001
Views:IT was a buble in the sense that 90% of the pay checks for H1-B workers came from the investor's pocket and not from the real market.

Wed Apr 18 05:36:43 2001
Name:H1 From India
Views:The worst thing is that they cut social security tax from H1's salary and they don't return that money if a person is getting laid off or going back with his/her own reasons. H1 people don't get any social security benefit though they pay social security tax. H1's are just getting robbed.They are just getting robbed on the name of Social Security. I don't need green card to stay in USA but give me my money back thats what I just need.

Wed Apr 18 05:42:39 2001
Name:Rishi M
Views:Think of the long-term effects on the preeminence of the United States if it loses all its highly skilled workers!! Now is the time for us to reverse the "brain drain". Take what you have learned and move back to India. You may not make the most money. But you will make India proud. You will make your children proud. You will be able to stand up proudly and say with your head held high, I AM INDIAN!!

Wed Apr 18 05:45:51 2001
Name:Girish Yadav
Views:I'm also a H1-Visa holder and I think today in the time of recession in the US IT industry, H1-B Visa holders are most affected, but still the doors are not closed. Thinking in the optimistic way is the only way out in this situation.

Wed Apr 18 05:47:00 2001
Views:people, The economy is really bad ! Companies are laying of people left and right. Indians, americans, everybody is being sacked !H1B people are the worst affected cos they are not sure whether to stay and search for a job or go home to India. This is the time to associate yourself with organizations like ISN etc...Networking can help land a new job here or in Good luck to ya all. Cheers

Wed Apr 18 05:52:13 2001
Name:achut ramaiah
Views: very correct. lot of my friends went in flocks to usa and are returning . bad times no doubt. do you think the slow has such an impact . hope it will pick up are we not global it crashes and the coffee crops failuere in brazil then now us god bless. what next sir

Wed Apr 18 05:54:27 2001
Its all a shame.
We pay huge just because we are trapped here
Let see.

Wed Apr 18 05:56:15 2001
Name:Sumant Bapat
Views:I think there is still great demand for good people. Problem is for those under qualified or not so good guys who could come in the wave of economic boom. I know many arts and commerce students who got jobs in Java and all. If they are fired, fair enough. If one is good in his field, there are plenty of places where he can still get very good jobs.

Wed Apr 18 05:57:10 2001
Views:I still have job but I don't care bout losing it and going back to my country INDIA... :) BUT I WANT MY SOCIAL SECURITY MONEY BACK. WHY DON'T THEY PAY MY MONEY BACK ?????????

Wed Apr 18 05:59:09 2001
Name:New H1

Wed Apr 18 06:00:17 2001

Wed Apr 18 06:09:52 2001
Views:Dear Guys, All the US Employers have taken advantage of the new laws. I am sure there are many like me who have paid / paying $50000.00*2 years*20% of social security tax = $20000.00 (Rs.10,00,000) as my kidnapping fees to the US government for these 2 years, and the mental, in-humane laws and regulations of this government, even if u come legaly, follow all rules and regulations and pay the taxes There are no lawyers to fight on H1B holders behalf for not having cut the social security tax on us. Can there be a voice from the Indian Government? Does anyone care for H1B's? who come apart from their families for helping the country through investments? THanks to rediff that it has made this link available on the front page! Samir

Wed Apr 18 07:01:16 2001
Views:Helo everybody, those are all valid views and I appreciate your feelings and thoughts... But while reading through them did any one of you ever imagine that if we walked back to our soil with dignity & pride and formed one big IT mega force, then where would all the IT giants in US go and hide? Statistics show that in all major IT establishments in US, theres an Indian holding a top rank... Its "the" time for us to show to the entire world that we are the backbone to a majority of the fortune companies... I would only want to know from all of you out there as to who would be willing to join hands to form this Mega force back in India in a couple of months (maybe)? Why cant we have a Microsoft or Apple in India who can rule the IT Industry? Companies like Infosys have gone below expectations because they depended on everything here in US rather than seeing what strenghths they had within them to compete against the big guys in the US market... Just a moment of thought for all and we need not worry about returning back... Lets make our nation proud than show a sorry face to others in this alien land... 'The Nations future lies in the hands of the youth' - as said by a great person... Lets prove that right... Keep Smiling so that others dont feel pity on you - Pity is the worst you need now... and please dont go behind money... it ruins a person, a family and a nation... Take Care all of you...

Wed Apr 18 07:10:52 2001
Views:The economy down turn is having more to show in the coming 6 months atleast. All these things happening around will settle a year afterwards. When ever a new business revolution happens, there is a general rush to earn money by setting that business. This is applicable to dot com business,communications,software and even Prawns and msuhroom business. There is no govt body which controls the supply as per the demand in any business. We see these kind of plunges and they are GOOD to happen. Because they bring LONG TERM stability to the business. If anybody who can just relate these changes to natural physics, System before coming to OR to come to come to EQUILLIBRIUM consumes lot of energy and there after it just requires minimum to run in EQUILLIBRIUM. So, my fellow Indians, we need to face this situation for sometime (as per me 12 to 18 months from now). In between we might see some growth but that would be less amount and for less time. One reason for the failure of economy growth is the Technology change is too faster than ever. Another reason is in US, many big comapnies MIDDLE MANAGEMENT is USELESS. They don't really manage anything except for their position in the company. They don't foresee anything which is an essential skill for a Manger. Finally, what is the big Deal? Max, we will go back to to our Motherland. That's All. As somebody said we should start some technology forum and develop newer technologies in and for India. I know this difficult in these days to have united movement as no body is bonded with stronger relations due to net.

Wed Apr 18 08:03:56 2001
Views:Well my friends, I have gone thru all of the views. Some are quite sensible. I appreciate that. But some views are totally baseless. Most of the people are trying to show themselves as sacrificial animal. Remember we are on H1, a temporary visa. We came here because they had some jobs for which there were inadequate manpower. US companies wanted skilled workers, software engineers wanted a luxurious life. It was mutual interest that drove engineers from India, china and many countries. Now the opportunity is no more that green. So some people would have to go back. Well... I understand its really difficult. Moreover I am just surprised to read that H1 people were the first to be fired. I disagree, my company has fired around 50 people and there were only 4 h1 employee. Friends lets not criticize US or the market or the government. Let's first understand this. US economy is not at all contrilled by government. The internet has failed. The responsibility is ours too. How can anyone justify 200$ per hour rate for developing an obscure website. Let's hope the market would regain its old vigour. Cheers pankaj

Wed Apr 18 08:08:37 2001
Name:Indresh K Singh
Views:I do not know what to say one way being a consultant is safer here, as it gives you enough time to look for another job, other way it is the most riskiest one and prone to lay-offs,because of the cost.It is not the Java or the Web designer's who are affected, all of sudden it seems that the Telecom openings are also drying up, joining school is an option which I am exploring to hang out here for as long as I can, as I am a bachelor and I can afford to hang out on my own, in any circumstance, but still with no sign of things improving for next 6-9 months, it really really scares me deep inside. Let us see, what happens, I m here to survive at any cost and that's my mind-set, as at some point one has to pay the price for good or bad, I feel. Chao .

Wed Apr 18 08:15:26 2001
Name:Rajesh Kumar Verma
Views:H1B Visa holders should go back to their backhome country as they can work from their and earn US dollars from their home due to advancement of Internet. Now anyone can develop software at home and sell to the whole world from home. It is not necessary to go in Silicon valley or to leave their home country. Who has talent should use it. No matter where is he/she.

Wed Apr 18 08:17:56 2001
Name:Dipu Mohan
Views:Its really painful to ask H1b workers to leave the country. They have financial investments here. So they should get time to find a job out here..If not getting a job for a long time they themselves will leave the counmtry..

Wed Apr 18 08:46:05 2001
Views:This is a typical american life cycle,which happens every couple of years and this phase is one among. It is very very obvious that indians were the hardest hit as IT industry and especially .coms were dominated by them. Why should it be not fair when indians were laid off after all no indian ever complained when they were drawing and average of 60,000$ and were extremely demanding. Now that they are getting laid off, all hue and cry starts. come on, give everybody a break guys and learn to live realistic world.

Wed Apr 18 08:54:54 2001
Views:I beleive that it a most foolish thing to ask that even in these days of recession Indians in America should not be asked to leave. What should America care for Indians or Americans??? I believe only we Indians are foolish to overlook our national interests for our outdated and hipocratic ideas and principals and not the Americans who are always guided by their national Interest. But yes, this is true that for us the people who still have jobs the future is almost unpredictable. Any time we may be asked to leave and we must be mentally prepaired for this. And also any way we have not toiled enough to build such a nation to enjoy its fruites. We Indians have not made their own country develpoed so we lose our right for asking for the best living standars and higher incomes; to seek which we have come here and continue to be here. FIRST WE NEED TO MAKE OUR COUNTRY PROSPEROUS.

Wed Apr 18 09:07:15 2001
Name:sudarshana reddy
Views:It is better to come back to there home country and start there own occupation with what they have earned or else they can try for jobs on there basic technical degrees.

Wed Apr 18 09:24:26 2001
Views:Those who have stuff will stay in market and others have to wait and see.

Wed Apr 18 09:25:33 2001
Views:This is not fair with Indians,

Wed Apr 18 09:28:43 2001
Name:samir gorey
Views:I am scared with the recent job cut.. is it going to affect me in india also..

Wed Apr 18 09:46:16 2001
Name:Ilango M
Views:I sincerely believe that we are making big hue and cry about these ABCD's (America Bound Confused Deshis). I really wonder why shoule we make such a big fuss about such a meagre percentage of indians (about 1%?), who had nothing but the green-buck-bug-syndorme. While many of the engineers who have been slogging here in Indian industry, these guys have been making a filthy money. It has worsened to a situation, where a practicing and successful surgeon, regretting to have not done computer engg.. I would like to condemn those who have been writing sympathetically about these specimens, while they so nonchallant about the 80 million odd Indians going to suffer a lot in the wake of the WTO, IMF, GATT and what not? I fervently request you to stop this non-sense and let these guys take care of themselves, after all it is their decision to go to US with the green-card-green-buck syndromes Ilango M

Wed Apr 18 09:50:44 2001
Views:Hi Guys, I was reading all the messages posted here on the rediff forum about the impending cutback in jobs in the USA due to the slowing down of the economy. I , like most of my colleagues, back home in India faced a choice where to go for my higher studies and a job after I finished my masters degree. While most of my colleagues chose the USA, I by a stroke of luck chose Canada. Now after 2.5 years I am a Permanent resident here(equiv to the Green Card of the USA). Guys dont feel frustrated, as I know the VISA policy of the USA suckzz. I was denied a US visa to attend my interview in Seattle at the Canadian Consulate last year, but i somehow made it. Guys the economy of Canada is very much similar to that of the USA...It is however not as competitive with regards to salary rates. But What you can do is apply to Canada for IMMIGRATION and you may get it. They need skilled workers esp in Software and computers. Check out this web page for more information :- http:/ You should be aware that Canada and the USA are part of NAFTA (along with MEXICO). This means that if you become a citizen of Canada you can legally work in the USA and still keep ur canadian passport ! Look into this aspect. When you cant beat the system...go into the system ! :-) Hope this will help many of you guys there whom I all know dont care abt such slogans as "Mera Bharat Mahan" etc etc...we all need the cash and the cash is here !

Wed Apr 18 09:54:16 2001
Name:Rajesh Johar
Views:I feel its a temporary phase and things will improve by June-July.Our indian task force is going to live in US for long..I assure you they are still in better position than others. and if the work force is getting laidoff in these days...there are less indian than others. I am positive we have alot to do there and our brothers are going to stay back with better job in coming days..

Wed Apr 18 09:59:20 2001
Name:Venu Madhav
Views:Dear all, According to me, the todays status in US is not a direct cause or effect of the IT industry, but it is because of the other industries on which IT industry directly or indirectly depends. The US government should take care of each and every person there. After all these were the persons who were given Work Permit by the US govt. itself. These people have been given a lot of respect and have been called to the US to get their work done. They are paying only for work done by these people who have gone from countries like india. They are not being paid simply. They are being given work proportionate to their work.I think they should not be sent back to India, only because today the condition of US govt is miserable. They should think of the future and give protection to each one of them. Otherwise I am sure none of these people will ever beleive the US govt or US employers and i am sure they are going to divort themselves to UK or Singapore.

Wed Apr 18 10:00:39 2001
Name:Samir Gorey
Views:Hallo.. i am reading that lot of people is talking about coming to india and finding a job.. but to me the indian job.. is also dull and there r rumours oif layoff in the indian companies also... can some body tell me how long this recession will continue...

Wed Apr 18 10:13:17 2001
Name:Mariya Arul Raj
Views:The fair decision would be to allow them get another job and continue to work.

Wed Apr 18 10:21:55 2001
Name:A C Shekar
Views:Here is my two bit on the ongoing lay off saga.. First of all, I do not agree with the rhetoric of "is this the way to treat us after we served ..blah blah". We all came here to make money. Period. And the US welcomed aliens like u and me since there was a critical man power shortage. Now that there is no shortage, we are asked to go home. The industry is not a social welfare organization that has to think of the welfare of employees H-1B or otherwise. It is all based on the fundamental bottomline of revenues and profits. Once that very foundation of a business is under attack, employees become redundant. According to me the question of "giving more time to search for a job .." is irrelevant if we do not have any pretensions about why we came here. Let me try to explain my point with an analogy. Say, I am a manufacturer of something, say soaps, and a particular market has been buying my product for the past so many years. Now say, this market decides to stop using soaps. My business obviously will go down, but it does not mean that I can plead with my market to get mushy or get considerate. Now put ourselves and the C/C++/Java skills that we ply in place of the soap, and the US in place of the market and u will get the message. It is purely business. No romance here, only finance ! The sooner we realize this truth, easier will it be for us not to become sentimental about being laid off or returning home in two weeks.

Wed Apr 18 10:23:10 2001
Views:Wake up desis! wake up! You guys crib that you pay Social security, taxes and build American economy; you claim that you slog your balls here; you claim that you worked your ass off - All for Uncle Sam. WHY CAN'T YOU PUT IN THE SAME EFFORT WHILE WORKING FOR INDIA? You guys Drain INDIA's RESOURCES, then become an overnight expert in java/kava/lava, Ditch your country and actual field. Now why should you crib when IT ditches you? Most of you rode over the IT-BOOM , now its time to suffer with IT-DOOM. You are not doing anything extra-ordinary by paying taxes - you are just paying a part of what you are being paid. Only one question - when you can improve the american economy - why can't you go back home, flush out laloos and jayas and make your country a better one? Welcome to the real-world. You'll always be a second-rate guy in an alien land. You'll be welcomed when there is a demand and dumped unceremoniously when there is a doom. There is no problem for the talented/trained - its only the overnight experts who are facing the music.

Wed Apr 18 10:28:42 2001
Views:Common people, everytime there has been a downturn in the US economy, layoffs have occured - remember the recession of the early 80s... The EPC and oil industries were hurting at that time & now it is IT. These are definitely not targetted at any particular nationals either... I have myself seen many Americans getting the axe in my prevous job. Talking of unfairness, I do remember, not so long ago, people calling up their bosses from the airport on their way to the US telling their intent to leave (well-paying, I am sure) Indian jobs. So how fair was that?? Stop cribbing people. Get on with life..

Wed Apr 18 10:38:30 2001
Name:A brave Indian
Views:you all people are bull shit. when you needed money, name and fame you went to the US and now when they are firing you are boasting of your indianness. why did u leave india. remain in US for some more time and don;t come back to India. the doors are closed. you deserve this treatment. Keep it up Americans. Kick them off.

Wed Apr 18 10:59:27 2001
Name:aniruddh patoley
Views:lets find some solution for unrest amongest it professional in india

Wed Apr 18 11:35:16 2001
Name:b. venkateshwar reddy
Views:yes, if they lose their job they should return to india there is no reason in staying there if he has no job.

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