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Date sent: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 11:55:59 -0500
From: "Andrew E. Nevin" <>
Subject: Mukesh Ambani

Very good.  I would like to hear more from India's industrial leadership. I applaud his insistence on education as a priority. We are a company planning, under India's newly liberalised mining and foreign investment laws, to produce substantial quantities of copper, zinc, lead and silver from an Indian ore deposit.  In other countries where we have initiated such developments the local people are the major beneficiaries of jobs, infrastructure, schools, clinics, training, etc. We believe the private sector and increased foreign investment are two major engines for such changes.

Andrew E Nevin

President and managing director, Pebble Creek Resources Ltd, Vancouver, Canada 

Date sent: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 09:53:12 -0500
From: Srinivas Murthy <>
Subject: Mukesh Ambani

Mukesh Ambani's optimism is well placed, but it is perhaps too far fetched to imagine his hopes of getting 50 million people in the IT sector bringing in a trillion dollars, for Indians are no great consumers of software as the world knows.

The Western markets are saturated with products and after the year 2000 fad fizzles out, India is left out in the cold. For youngsters to thrive in newer technologies like the Internet and electronic commerce, India needs massive improvement in the telecommunications field, which Mr Mukesh didn't mention.

I wish Mr Mukesh, being one of the top most industrialists of India, had some comments on quality and international standards for Indian products, and the concept of consumer satisfaction and value for money.

Srinivas Murthy

Date sent: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 14:36:50 +0530
From: "Guru Chopra" <>
Subject: Ambani's vision of India 2020

I congratulate Mr Ambani on such deep comprehension of our strengths and, more importantly, such effective articulation of his highly credible vision.

But I think the most challenging task is to effectively communicate this vision to the powers that can implement it. How can we make Vajpayee and Advani see it with even half the intensity of the author's thoughts? If these two persons see the excellent (even) political logic of it they can gather around themselves persons who can start translating this vision into reality.

Looking around for people who are close enough to the powers and have a sufficiently modern outlook to appreciate what Ambani is saying, one thinks of Chandrababu Naidu. If he is sold to this thinking and takes it to his heart he has the necessary clout to persuade people in power to persue this line. Another person who I think has a chance of understanding this, is the BJP's Govindacharya. I feel a tremendous urge to make our leaders (the PM and HM) see the logic of Ambani's vision, and would be delighted if Rediff finds a way around.

Guru Chopra

Director, Galt Consultants, Jaipur

Date sent: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 18:32:37 +0700
From: Shree Chandran <>
Subject: Mukesh Ambani

An excellent commentary. Hope the leadership takes steps to at least look into the recommendations.

R Chandrasekaran


Date sent: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 13:39:32 -0700
From: Sagar MSK <>
Subject: Mukesh Ambani...

Your Special on Mukesh Ambani's speech is really great. Putting the entire text on the web makes people visit it at their leisure, read it and imbibe the many wonderful points. I believe who ever reads the article will start contributing to a greater India 2020.

I hope you continue to put up such good, motivating articles on your web site.


Date sent: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 12:25:47 -0700
From: Vandana Chandnani <>
Subject: Mukesh Ambani

The article by Mukesh Ambani on his vision of India 2020 was really nice. It would be nice to get other leaders of Indian industry to talk about their views.

Good work, Rediff!


Date sent: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 12:18:02 -0700
From: "Sheila Gupta" <>
Subject: Renaming Ahmedabad to Karnavati

I think it is GREAT that people of India are finally standing up for themselves.

Amit Kumar Gupta

Date sent: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 14:09:59 +0800
Subject: Renaming Ahmedabad

I find the whole idea utterly illogical and really a waste of time. I've lived in Ahmedabad for 3 years, don't care about historic facts, all I know is Ahmedabad should be called Ahmedabad only..

A regular reader of your features..

Date sent: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 17:02:56 -0700
From: "Srinivas Murthy" <>
Subject: In UP, you can have the moon

So much for good governance. On one hand you get to hear that the judge trying Jayalalitha's cases is transfered to Assam, on the other hand, there are sadhus and VHP activists promising to teach McDonald's a lesson. It only took this long to understand that there is basically no difference between the Congress, the BJP or any other party. Like some one said in the forum the other day, it takes either a miracle or a disaster to get the country free from the clutches of crooks.

Srinivas Murthy

Date sent: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 01:57:00 +0800
From: "DR. RAGHU" <>
Subject: UP

Does the PM know about this? I can't believe this can happen in a country that is as advanced as India. Please let the PM know about this. I am sure he will sack the errant CM and his ministers. After all, he had spoken against Sanjay Gandhi's extra-constitutional role. What is the home minister doing about this? His silence is rather disconcerting. I remember him once saying about babus --"they were asked to bend but they chose to crawl !" So the civil servants have not yet changed all these years!


Date sent: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 12:18:18 -0700
From: Mukund M Kute <>
Subject: Now throw Buta Singh

Would the press bring the list of the ministers who they would like to be removed? This way the BJP goverment can take a one time decision and we will close this chapter for the time being.

I agree, Buta Singh should go. Anyway, the BJP does not need this sole MP any more after winning the Patna and Udhampur seats.

As regards the political cases against BJP leaders in the Ayodhya case, we cannot equate these political cases with corruption cases. Tomorrow, If the Marxists are sued for following their ideology and links with the Naxalite movement or the Congress for Partition, we will have to differentiate the political nature of these cases.

Ultimately, it is a fact that the fractured verdict given by the Indian people has compelled the BJP to work with all -- good or bad -- to provide a stable goverment. The BJP leaders by themselves are honest and the BJP as such should not be blamed for associating with such elements.

Next time, give the BJP a majority and see if they accept any corrupt minister. The BJP has remained by far a party of honest leaders. Nobody can deny that.

Date sent: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 12:22:14 -0500
From: "T.R.N. Rao" <>
Subject: Buta Singh and Congress culture

When Buta Singh said that he 'possessed Congress culture', did he miss something? He perhaps meant Congress corrupt culture. The word 'corrupt' is somewhat redundant when it comes to the Congress and so Buta can be excused his slip.

T R Rao

Lafayette, LA

Date sent: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 00:28:38 -0400
From: "Rohini Verma Ranjit Kohli" <>
Subject: List of MPs with cases

An excellent compilation.

Date sent: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 09:03:30 +0100
From: <> (ALN Reddy)
Subject: The Rediff Interview/D R Karthikeyan

Excellent piece. D R Karthikeyan's personality inspires and also makes us proud.

Date sent: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 09:32:48 -0400 (EDT)
From: Ramesh Nagappan <>
Subject: Nadars now banking on Jayalalitha

Ganesh Nadar has sourced a baseless story on the Nadars. I regret to mention it.

He should look at the recent polls, especially at the Nadar-dominated areas like Tirunelveli, Trichendur and Nagercoil. More than 60% of Nadars voted for the DMK and its allies. Kadambur Janardhanam and Ramarajan acquired near full votes from the Thevar and fishermen communities.

I had a detailed analysis of votes acquired by my relatives Sarathkumar and Dhanushkodi Adhityan. Look at Nagercoil constituency. Dennis polled more than 80% Christian & Hindu Nadar votes than the BJP but he lost votes from the Hindu Vellalar community.

Looking at the Mercantile bank problem, Vajpayee or Karunanidhi or Jayalalitha -- neither can solve this problem. It has to be resolved by RBI interference. Nadars are very well aware of this situation. Right now, Ramachandra Adityan is trying harder for a breakthrough using Vajpayee's finance ministry influence.

There are more Nadars which hate Jayalalitha than this small highlighted crowd. Without their support it is impossible to make 100 crores. There is a big list of Nadars who burnt their hands during Jayalalitha's regime.

Ganesh Nadar has seen the tip of the iceberg through a key hole.

Ramesh Adhityan

Harvard University

Date sent: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 10:39:55 -0500
From: Sony <>
Subject: Language issue could rock Vajpayee's boat

This kind of nonsense is only to be expected in a country where the only common things people share are:

1. History (British rule)

2. Arranged marriage.

Let us continue to demolish mosques, change the names of the places, blame the British and move onto the 22nd century.


Date sent: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 18:42:46 EDT
From: SubLak <>
Subject: Language

I despise the notion of a novice language like Hindi being given the status of an official language. North Indians could not accept a fair formula like the JVP formula which would have made compulsory for a North Indian to study a South Indian/Dravidian language. So why should I as a Tamilian, accept a North Indian language as an official language?

To me, Hindi is as foreign as English, even though I know Hindi fairly well. If you think it is too difficult to make all state languages official languages, then take the official status from Hindi, and make English only the official language. I cannot stand the Hindi fanatics of the North.

S Subramanyan

Date sent: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 18:35:54 +0400
From: silver star <>
Subject: Veerappan

It's a shame that both the Tamil Nadu and Karnataka governments cannot catch Veerappan. How are they going to protect the lives of poeple in these two states? Let them call the military if they cannot.

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