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Date sent: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 14:54:53 -0600
From: "Lakshmi Raj" <>
Subject: AIADMK ministers flay Hegde, Jethmalani's ...

Some pictures of the-so-far-not-so-well-known people like Sedapatti R Muthiah and Vazhapadi K Ramamurthy would be good.


Date sent: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 14:45:02 -0500
From: Sony <>
Subject: VHP will 'dump' BJP if it 'ditches' Ayodhya

I do not think these are just political gimmicks. These people truely believe in what they say. These are natural outcomes of an inferior system. The only possible things that can change the system are: 1. A Miracle

2. A Disaster

These two factors force everything to be started all over.


Date sent: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 13:35:10 -0500
From: Chandrakanth Shet <>
Subject: Confusion worse confounded

In spite of being an ex-Congressman, one should complement Arun Nehru for his fair, unbiased and well-analysed article. Rediff should publish more of such articles.

Chandrakanth Shet

Date sent: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 18:51:58 -0400
From: Roman Almeida <>
Subject: McDonald cleansing

The VHP and the Bajrang Dal should use the same sadhus to eliminate corruption from our country. Can they? Or do they just pick on some honest and legal businesses that have every right to open up any where in India.

Keep us posted, and good luck.

Date sent: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 17:47:39 EDT
From: SKasim <>
Subject: McDonalds

I think India is progressing backwards. Things like these are really bad for India, the country should change rather than demand the closure of US restaurants.

Date sent: Tue, 14 Apr 98 13:09:52 -0800
From: <>
Subject: VHP cleaning our soceity

How the hell can a McDonald or KFC spoil our culture? Either they should stop saying that our culture is strong etc or stop crying over such things.

VHP or whatever!! India's youth is not going to do whatever you say. He is going to wear jeans -- that too Lee (if he has money), until some Indian company gives him another brand of the same quality, and better value for money. Just because you say so, the education system is not going to be cleaned up. Students will still cheat and teachers will still take tuitions rather than teach in schools, etc.

We first have to try and correct the moral character in our society. Try to mend the way we lead our life.

Doublespeak will do no good. The society has to be inspired. KFC/ McDonalds will not affect our culture. If you are such nationalists, then inspire the industry to produce more good quality products. Politicians should stop the policy of appeasement for their votes and pay attention to more important issues. Government servants should do their jobs seriously and with responsibility. Bureaucrats should stop taking bribe.

The list is long. First take care of these issues and then talk about these sadhus etc -- 90 per cent of who want to run away from responsibilities, and lead a carefree life. Then you want to stop beauty competitions because women are to be worshiped -- to play the role of a loving mother etc. Tell me know how many men think like this?

Date sent: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 09:59:20 +0530
From: Vikas Sukla <>
Subject: SC acquits 11 in infamous Radhabai Chawl case for lack...

Well, I do not have to say anything regarding the report, it's simply a factual report, which sounds perfectly unbiased. I will only say, this judicial ideology of ours, that 100 wrongdoers may be acquitted, but no innocent should get convicted, is playing havoc with psyche of the masses.

There is almost no believer in our crime laws. People have stopped going to courts to appeal against crimes. Well, the situation should be changed. A wrong doer must be convicted. The laws should be more strict, if some changes are to be expected about law and order problems.

Vikas Sukla

Date sent: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 22:24:32 -0400
From: "dinkar v. rao" <>
Subject: Fernades

The minister who single handedly sent IBM has caused more damage to India in the developement of the computer industury. He reminds me of little frog in well -- not aware of the outside world.

God save India from people like him.

Date sent: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 22:16:24 -0400
From: "dinkar v. rao" <>
Subject: Ghauri

Welcome to the arms race between the two poorest countries. India should promote industries and agriculture. If we are strong, it will be easier for us to defend the nation. We have to depend on our own scientists for this. China will always be a major threat to us unless it breaks up like USSR.

Date sent: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 11:32:51 +0530
From: "Barbara Noble" <>
Subject: Kumbh Mela

Thanks so much for answering my question on the conch. I live here in Key West, Florida, US (a coral island) and we call ourselves the Conch Republic. The conch is used as a logo on just about everything. And once a year there is a conch blowing contest.

However, I'm afraid there are few local live conchs, as they have been fished out, and shells generally come here from South America. In some of the motel/hotels big conch shells are used to hold amenities like soap, shampoo, lotion, etc. A poor use for the lovely conch. Restaurants also sell conch fritters -- a local delicacy.

How very interesting all this is. Again thanks for answering.

Barbara Noble

Date sent: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 11:31:05 +0530
From: Girija Shankar <>
Subject: Kumbh Mela

Good Article. Could have been published a little earlier though.

Date sent: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 11:30:02 +0530
From: "Uday Bhalla" <>
Subject: The Kumbh

You have captured the spirit of Kumb Mela through your photographs.

Date sent: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 23:38:34 PST
From: "Shubhlakshmi Mukim" <>
Subject: The Make a Wish Foundation, India

Read the article on your web site. Excellent!!

Could you please send their address, contact numbers, and other details to me as soon as possible.


Date sent: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 14:48:48 PST
From: "Sreeram Chakrapani" <>
Subject: Aliens in the dark

This is a very nice and true picture of the Indian male's attitude towards western woman. I am an Indian aged 26 years, and when I came to this country -- I also had the same attitude which is so vividly depicted in your article. Now after staying here for over seven years and being associated closely with a lot of American colleagues, many of them girls, my opinion about these phoren women has taken a radical change. Irrespective of their exterior, they also have the same values which the supposedly Indian female possesses.

Sreeram Chakrapani

Date sent: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 11:29:29 +0530
From: The Albertsons <>
Subject: The Kumbh

Thank you so much for your work on the pictures and descriptions about the Kumbh. The colours are so beautiful!


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