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Date sent: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 02:36:36 -0700
From: Tariq Siddiqui <>
Subject: Comments

I await the day when a similar sum of money will be allocated for the "beautification" and "improvement" of structures which were either built by Muslims or have a predominantly Muslim ethos. Will Kalyan Singh's fascist government be willing to spend Rs 400 million on the Taj Mahal or the countless other palaces and mosques which do attract a significant number of tourists?

Tariq Siddiqui

Date sent: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 11:16:45 +0800
From: Ranganathan Venugopal <>
Subject: Jayalalitha

There will not be any more chances for the BJP to rule the country if it is yields to Jayalalitha's pressure. Just for the sake of power, the BJP has aligned with all corrupt politicians. So, politicians like Jayalalitha (who is nothing but a blot on the Indian political system) will break the BJP into pieces. Your report is also a biased one and you are not neutral at all.

Date sent: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 10:47:16 -0500
Subject: Dangerous Vajpayee

Your article has very clearly highlighted the true face of Vajpayee. I have no illusions about the 'Trojan Horse' that Vajpayee refuses to admit he is. Jinnah had prophesised exactly this situation that we find ourselves in today. The "moderate" and "respectable" Vajpayee will make the creation and existence of Pakistan more valid than ever.

Date sent: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 11:51:10 -0400
From: "Paul Varghes" <>
Subject: Ram Temple

I think it is absolutely ridiculous to allow Kalyan Singh's government to stay in power. Is Kalyan Singh a reflection of the people of Uttar Pradesh? If the answer is yes, then it is a sad state of affairs. I think we "the people of India" deserve better leaders than the likes of Kalyan Singh to take us to the 21st century.

Kalyan Singh and his pals clearly belong to the medieval period, when one group of people used whatever they can get to dominate others.

A concerned Indian citizen

Date sent: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 17:07:13 -0700 From: Mukund M Kute Subject: Dismissal of the DMK government

If enough evidence is gathered which shows that the DMK indeed had links with the terrorist organisations, does Mr George Iype want to say that the DMK government should not be dismissed just because Vajpayee said the BJP will not misuse Article 356.

In such a case, this article will be of good use. However, the BJP must place the report of the fact-finding team in front of the Lok Sabha, or publish a white paper on this issue backed by court cases against responsible people in the DMK.

Date sent: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 08:01:57 +0530
From: Ramesh Kumar <>
Subject: Make a map with temperature listing

I suggest you make an Indian map or world map with corresponding maximum and minimum temperatures, and if possible the forecast. Hope you will take up this.

Date sent: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 15:36:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: Vishal Sharan <>
Subject: Weather forecast!

It was really nice to go through your weather update. This gives us an idea of the climate in various cities of India, where ever in the world we may be. I was just wondering if you could include Ranchi in your list of cities. There are a bunch of people out here who want to have a look at Ranchi? It may also give the temperature of Jamshedpur as it's very close to Ranchi.

Vishal Sharan, USA

Date sent: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 16:28:54 -0500
From: FirstName LastName <>
Subject: Jayalalitha

It is a pity that a totally corrupt person like Jayalalitha, who should be in prison, is being afforded newspaper space and media time. It speaks volumes about the standard of politics in India.

Date sent: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 22:12:45 -0400
From: "Falvo Fowler" �>
Subject: Big Macs and Big Idiots

What keeps us from maturing? People who shroud their lust for power behind some religious garb. We blame the west for their influence, the west thanks us for the Kama Sutra. We blame the west for violence when we slaughter our brothers. We laugh at the racial segregation in the west, when we want our brothers and sister to marry ONLY within an archaic caste system.  

Whether you're a Hindu, Muslim, or Christian -- the basic doctrine, the doctrine that all of these religions have is respect and love. We talk of foreign influences. The rest of the world is grateful for a multi-ethnic environment. Yet, there are those among us who are against a movement towards building a better India. This will mean disclosing their inadequacies.

The East India Company is behind us. Leave it there. Realise we have dignity, we have honour, we have the power to be Indians. So to those deluded, them who call for a revival of Indian culture -- be strong, be willing to move forward, be Indian.

Date sent: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 20:00:24 -0400
From: Sridhar Seshagiri <>
Subject: Sadhus versus the Big Mac

If possible, please ask him (Ajit Mata) to get a life...


Date sent: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 18:27:32 -0500
From: "Balaji Prasad" <>
Subject: Gurumurthy interview

Mr Gurumurthy seems to have awakened in a wrong era. I was really surprised to hear his myopic viewpoint about the state of affairs in our country. It is people like him who are hindering India's march into the 21st century. This does not mean that the concept of swadeshi is shallow, but only that it is irrelevant in today's context.

In order to make inroads into this highly competitive global scene, we must discard this 'frog in the well' approach and adopt a more practical and aggressive approach. It has become trendy among the BJP and other Hindu factions nowadays to propagate xenophobic ideas under the name of swadeshi.

It's due to people like him that India is losing a lot of talent to the west. Agreed the system stinks but swadeshi is not the answer.


Date sent: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:13:18 PDT
From: "Srinivas Reddy" <>
Subject: McDonalds doesn't hurt anyone

I think McDonalds doesn't hurt anything in India. I think it should be taken as an example for hygiene and cleanliness. How many hotels in India maintain cleanliness. I have not gone to a McDonalds in India, but I have seen many McDonalds here in the US.

If there is something we can learn from someone then learn we must. Don't find excuses if you cannot provide similar or better service.


Date sent: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 23:36:11 -0300
From: james sojimon <>
Subject: Curry controversy in Britain

The article was just superb and spicy. Wahab should be banished to a place where he is allowed only water for his survival.

Santosh, NJ. USA

Date sent: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 08:03:55 -0700
From: "Chandru Narayan" <>
Subject: Wahaab's comment on tandoori in London

I fully support Wahaab on his comment. It is the same here in America. Indian waiters have a bad attitude towards other fellow Indians. Not all are like that, but we have too many bad waiters who are bringing the service levels down.

Date sent: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 22:19:31 -0400
From: Ray Bakshi <>
Subject: Spicy critique makes curry houses in Britain hot under collar

I don't know about Britain, but here in the US if you have ever gone to an Indian restaurant, you realise sadly that what Wahaab said about service is true. Quite sad indeed. The service in India in Indian cuisine restaurants is far better.

Instead of taking offense, maybe the restaurant owners can improve service. Or do they say that there is no scope for improvement?

Rishabh Bakshi

Date sent: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:59:15 -0800
From: David Fagan <>
Subject: Interview with Sanjay Subrahmanyam

The interview was interesting, especially regarding the question of myth versus reality. One hopes that Professor Subrahmanyam will write more biographies, eg, Alfonso de Albuquerque.

David Fagan

Date sent: Tue, 14 Apr 98 19:18:26 0200
From: Osman <>
Subject: Ghauri is REAL

A piece of genuine Indian nonsense. Not able to swallow the fact that Pakistan can develop something which the Indians obtained from Russia, you guys start crying like babies in the hope that someone will hear you. Stop behaving like this and grow up.


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