It's Die Hard season, baby.
And before watching Die Hard 4.0 (also known as Live Free Or Die Harder) in theatres worldwide this Friday, we decided to revisit the three flicks that made this franchise what it is.
Die Hard (1988)
Bruce Willis' career broke through with this action sensation. Predator director John McTiernan was at the helm of this smash hit, featuring a typically 1980s lone cop action hero with muscles, a smart mouth, deep love for firearms -- and expletives.
Alan Rickman is the articulate leader of a terrorist squad, taking the residents of an LA office building hostage. Only, it's Christmas Eve, and unbeatable cop John McClane (Willis, of course) is, as he describes himself, quite 'a fly in the ointment. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in the a***.'
With his wife Holly as a hostage, much high-octane action is afoot. 'Do you really think you have a chance against us, mister cowboy?' asks Rickman's vile Hans Gruber.
'Yippee-ka-yay' is McClane's memorable reply, followed by that big bad expletive.
Text: Raja Sen | Design: Reuben NV