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Yoga for ankle: Goolf Naman
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Goolf Naman (Ankle bend)

This maybe done seated on a chair or on the floor. If on the floor, stretch out right leg in front. Inhale. Exhale. Bend foot at ankle, moving toes towards the floor, as far as you can. Inhale. Draw the foot back so the toes are curled towards yourself. This is one round. Do up to five to ten rounds. Then repeat for left side.

Benefits: Strengthens the tendons at the ankles, so they can take the pressure of your stride. Both legs get a powerful work-out. Preventive in any ankle injury. Toes are re-trained in the natural art of grip, thus powering your stride and helping to take the load off your ankle. Balances both hemispheres of the brain.

Also see: Yoga: Mudras for spiritual progress
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