Sit on the floor. (May also be done seated on chair). If on floor, stretch out left leg in front. Fold right leg at knee. Hold right foot with both hands. Using hands, crank toes towards yourself and then take them back. After your get the movement right, synchronize with your breath so you inhale as you move toes away from body and exhale as you draw them closer. Repeat five to ten times. Then switch to left leg, to repeat the exercise with left foot and ankle.
Benefits: It encourages lymphatic drainage at the lower extremes. Relieves tiredness and stiffness that come with either standing for too long or being seated for long.
It works out the entire foot. In reflexology, all our organs have nerve representations in the foot: in effect, such exercises tone our whole body through a short cut. The mind becomes alert since all feet-leg movements affect the brain through enhanced circulation.
Also see: Yoga poses for a flexible spine