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A fantastic fitness regime for 2008!

January 28, 2008
In 2008, finally, you are going to stick to your resolution and start working out! The problem with most fitness routines is that they become monotonous. This causes a majority of people to ditch their newly made promises and head back to the couch.

This new year, try a fitness regime designed to keep up your interest levels with diversity. This variety in exercise will keep your body challenged, giving you constant results!

You need cardiovascular exercises to burn the excess fat off your body. Spot exercises will not help to fight the bulge or your thighs, tummy or wherever else it's deposited. It is only cardio that helps rid your body of fat.

Resistance Training will firm up your muscles and give your body great shape. Stretching exercises are done at the end of every exercise session to improve flexibility in your body and prevent stiffness and soreness.

The '08 fitness regime combines all this to give you a complete workout, with amazing fitness benefits and results!

Cardio Burn

Day 1- Walk for 40 minutes at a non stop brisk pace
Day 3- Attend a one hour aerobics workout.
Day 4- Cycle (on the road or stationary bike) for 40 minutes at a non-stop brisk pace
Day 6- Swim/jog for 40 minutes at a non-stop brisk pace.

The following week, do only one of the above four exercises all four days of your cardio. The week after go back to the combination. Keep alternating every week.

Remember to warm up by starting out the exercise at a slow to medium pace for seven minutes, then go into the exercise at brisk pace.

End the workout by slowing down the pace again for seven minutes and wind up with a few stretches.

Resistance Training

Day 1- Weight Training
Day 2- Stability Ball
Day 3- Resistance Tube

You can do resistance training on the same days or alternate days as your cardio workouts.

Weight Training

You will need a pair of 3 kgs dumbbells if you are new to weight training. Men can start with 5 kgs.

1. Chest Flyes: Works your chest and front of the shoulders
Lie on a bench, with your knees bent & feet flat on the surface. Hold the dumbbells in both hands and hold your arms up in line with the shoulders, towards the ceiling, palms facing each other. Keep your elbows slightly bent. Gently lower both the arms out to the die bringing them down to shoulder level. Squeeze the chest muscles and lift the arms up to the start position. The movement mimics hugging a large teddy bear. Complete the move in 4 seconds.

16 reps, rest and repeat.

Text: Brinda Sapat
Illustrations: Uttam Ghosh and Dominic Xavier
Also read: 'I want to lose 20 kgs by December'


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