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'She is denying me because her friend has a crush on me'

August 1, 2008

karishpi asked, I am in love with a muslim boy and he is forcing me to convert

Love Guru answers, Are you comfortable with the idea of converting? I don't think anybody has the right to demand that anybody else switch religions for their sake -- I would not give in to such a request. It will also make your parents unhappy, no doubt. Nobody should impose their beliefs on you.

siddharth asked, me and my girlfriend have been qarreling over many things and we keep on fighting and arguing very frequently. we can talk love only for 1-2 days and then we again fight and then again normal and again we fight. actually i want my girlfriend to realise her mistakes and then admit it.she becums so hardshell that she doesnt admit anything and then we fight. she hated my anger like anything as i m a hyper person but from the last couple of months i've changed this and now to some extent i m mormal.please help me.i dnt wana loose her but i m terrified with her this kinda attitude

Love Guru answers, Siddharth, you need to explain to her that she can't always be right and that she, like everyone else, has faults -- it's only normal. Tell her that you know that you have a bad temper and you've curbed it, so she too should accept that she is stubborn and should learn to be more flexible.

mam asked, one month back i married. but my old girl friends is distrubing me on phone regularly and ask me to call every day. is it right to call her after marriage?

Love Guru answers, She's a part of your past, so let her remain there. Don't jeopardise your new marriage because of her. Tell her that.

psycosh asked, my cousin sis (17yrs old now), when she was in her 9th std, happened to see a guy (25 yrs old now), who comes to her school to pick up his sister and smile at my sis everyday for a year. then that guy disappeared. but my cousin has sincerely been thinking of that guy since then til now for 4 years. Recently,she happened to meet that guy and started to talking to him seriously. i doubt that guy is not serious about the relationship but my cousin very serious and wants to marry him after quite a few years. I strongly adviced my cousin not to be serious about the relationship.but she is not listening. im little worried that guy might take advantage of her. do you think she will change her mind eventually since she is very young now ? how should i handle this case? i dont want my sis to be cheated

Love Guru answers, It's only natural that you're worried about her. The age gap between your sis and this guy is too much because she's still in her teens -- it would be a different matter if she was 24 and he was 32. Tell her she's too young to accurately judge his character. Go along with her to meet him for coffee or dinner. Be friendly, but the very fact that you go will show him that she has someone who's watching her back. If his intentions are good, you'll be able to tell. If not, I think after meeting you he'll be the one to back off.

red asked, how do i convience a Gl who is denying her love for me because her frd has crush over me .. :-(

Love Guru answers, Tell her that you both have feelings for each other, while with her friend it's only one-sided. If you both gently explain to her friend that you want to be together, she'll be hurt but will understand if she's a real friend. Tell her that just as she's putting her friend's happiness first, her friend should put her happiness first. It's not like you're going to date her friend just because she's saying no.

Ashwini asked, hi hello i m new actually i love a girl she also love me but till now we not see each other i dont know wht i do plz suggest me yar i only talk with her in chatting & phone plz help me LG

Love Guru answers, Meet her in person. What's the problem here?

Guru asked, I am a S/W engineer and have lot of work to do. Recently I got engaged. We two live in different cities. My fiance says thats I not romantic because I couldn't spend much time for her. And says I am dominating because I don't accept her suggestions, like rent a 2BHK rather than 1BHK, don't buy secondhand car and for our marriage get me a 2.5Lakh necklace. How to tackle this kind of situations

Love Guru answers, Tell her you don't mean to be dominating and would gladly listen to her suggestions if only they all didn't involve spending more money than necessary!

aslam asked, iam in love with a married woman 6 yrs older to me who happens to be my sister-in-law also. she also had the same feelings for me for a couple of years but after my marriage to her sister she maintains distance from me though she never speaks ill of me to anyone.iam not sure whether she loved me or she used me for her temporary loneliness and getting her sister married. but now i cant forget her and more so we are sure to meet occassionally as we belong to the same family.i also try my best not to affect my wife and keep her happy. What should i do ?

Love Guru answers, Aslam, stop obsessing over your sister-in-law -- instead, put the same effort into building a relationship with your wife. She has done the right thing by maintaining her distance from you, because she cares about her sister.

Also read: 'I delayed proposing, now she's marrying someone else'

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