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'I want to break them up so I can date her'

August 1, 2008

vikram asked, HI Love Guru , I have come in contact with a girl who told me at first meeting that she is in serious relationship with a guy who's away for studies . But even that i could resist my self getting involved with her , i told her very frankly that i love her very much but if she truely loves someone else i appreciate that and she respects my feelings too . LG, pls tell me how shall i go ahead with this kind of relationship because i feel once that guy will be back she may not consider me as she is right now , because i some time feel that the reason we came closer is the absence of that guy only .i cant live without her , i m madly in love with her pls guide me

Love Guru answers, She considers you only a friend. And she loves her boyfriend. She's been honest with you too. So there's nothing that you can do about it -- accept it. And it's not a nice thing to try and break up a relationship for your own reasons. You can't force somebody to fall in love with you, just as you can't force someone to fall out of love with somebody else. No guidance required here my friend, only graceful acceptance.

sprakash asked, my gf is still studying... we are engaged now... but it will take another two yrs to complete her studies... I want her to b with me always

Love Guru answers, So wait till she's graduated. Don't be so foolish and insecure as to interrupt her studies. Be mature about this and give her as much time as she needs.

ravie asked, hi love guru, i was in love with a girl who used to study in my college, four long years we loved each other deeply, one fine day she told her parents that she is in love, her parents did not agree, now she said she cant leave her parents, i have decided not to live any more... whats ur opinion?

Love Guru answers, My opinion is that you are taking the coward's way out. Strong people face up to the bad things that happen to them and take them head on. I know of single mothers who look after their children and work alongside even after a divorce, 10 to 15 years after marriage. They are fighters and in the long run their lives are happy and fulfilled, because they never gave up in hard times.

Ricky asked, Hi LG, I have a girlfriend since one year. she was 4 years elder than me. she was married girl and her husband was died in road accident. she hide this past of her from me since we met. during our affair I didn't commit anything to her because I was not sure that what is happening between us is real love. Meanwhile she got marriage proposal from one army officer. she asked me about our marriage so I told her to wait for 1 year then we will marry. I was serious in my commitment. Then she revealed her past and asked me still you want to marry me? I said yes but she is not ready to wait for 1 year. what I can do? Please help me.

Love Guru answers, Ricky, tell her that your intentions are serious and that true love can wait a year before marriage. She is being unreasonable about this -- ask her why she is in such a rush anyway? Compromise instead -- get engaged now and marry a year from now.

mallika asked, I am 22, just broke off a my guy wanted to have a physical relationship. I wasnt prepared for it and he blamed on me saying that you dont beleive me........Was it my problem? What to do?

Love Guru answers, Well, if you're not comfortable getting physical, Mallika, he just has to wait -- if he doesn't, let go of the relationship. If, on the other hand you do love him and want to get physical, you should conquer your doubts and learn to trust him.

devilgirl asked, HI LG. I am muslim girl and i love hindu boy. we wanted to get married. my family knows about us and they accepted our relationship but that boys family is not ready to accept. what should we do?

Love Guru answers, Go ahead and get married. If his family has any sense, they'll come around eventually -- if not, you'll be spending the rest of your life with a guy you love and both of you will be happy.

namrata asked, i have asked several times. i havent received answer. i am in love with someone and i want to know whether he love me or not. pls let me know his guesture or behaviour, through which i can figure out that he love me.

Love Guru answers, Follow your instincts -- what do they tell you? Does he call you often? Does he confide in you about his life and troubles? Does he compliment you on your appearance and try to be around you as much as possible? M ost of all, does he behave toward you like you behave toward him? If the answer to all these questions is a yes, he's interested.

abzct asked, HI LG, I have been in frendship with a girl for some time now, and we like talking to each other. but she avoids topic of luv and relationship, baaki saari topics par we talk at lenght..Whenever i start giving a hint that I have soft corner for her, she just keeps ignoring me.. Which makes me feel she is not interested... How should I resolve this..

Love Guru answers, Stop hinting -- come out and say it. If she says no, you'll know for sure.

Also read: 'I love my maid -- should I leave my wife?'

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