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'Wife or mistress -- how do I choose?'

August 1, 2008

hariesh asked, one of mu friends wife want to have physical with me . She is continuosly forcing me to have her. Pl suggest, can I fulfil her desire once and say goodbye.??

Love Guru answers, No you shouldn't. Tell her that she's very attractive but you care about your friend, her husband and don't want to do anything to hurt him. And don't let her convince you otherwise.

neev asked, Any would listen me PLEASE..........i loved a gal but she was nt interested and ma one sided love went on for a year then finally i left, then 1 more where she proosed me after 6 months of frndshp and left me after 25 days,i cant forget her and then i am lov wid a gal in pakistan bt no use as india-pak nt possible.but i have heard true lov happens only once.then wats this..?? i am confused help me,,,,...please

Love Guru answers, That love happens only once is a heap of rubbish. You love, sometimes lose, but then you learn to love again.

Raman asked, Hi LG, I have a very serious problem with my 14 years old son.Wheneever my son see some hot poster outside home while going/coming from coaching classes, he get tremendously excited and starts behaving very abnormally. Some of these behaviours is such that peeping through windows or peeping from the roof-top. Is he sexually abnormal? Shall I have to take him to a pshychriatist (Doctor who treat mental deaseases)? Is my son mentally disbalanced ? Please reply this mail. Thanks // B. Raman

Love Guru answers, Raman, maybe you need to have a chat with your son? It's normal for teenagers to be curious about sex and sexually appealing posters etc. You need to sit him down and give him the whole birds and bees talk. I think he's old enough now.

vrs asked, Dear LG, my story is different from others...please help me.. 4yrs back i met a girl, i proposed her, after 1 year she agreed to my proposal...& we got intimate in our relationship, she was very much committed to me, couldn't even think of anyone else,while this all was on a continuous basis she met a freind in college and got herself diverted from me.....initially she told me he is only her freind later on she confessed that she has kissed & hugged him also.........I forgived her....saying that you have to become like she says....that she has diverted herself and can't be that committed as before.......!! This hurts me a lot......bcoz it has been years........i am in love wid her & now she also doesn't want to say that she LOVES me...what shud i do to get her back with the same committment??? Please answer me!!Please LG!!

Love Guru answers, Listen, this may hurt you but you need to realise that people grow up -- your girl has grown up and thinks differently than she did some time ago. If you want her to behave the way she was, it's not going to happen -- I think she's also grown out of her relationship with you. If you want to avoid being hurt anymore, I would suggest you call off the relationship amicably and remain just friends. You may not want to take my advice, but believe me, in the long run it will be the best decision and will save you from more pain.

Singhania asked, Im married since nine years & hv child of 5 yrs. There was nvr romance in the marriage. I met an interior who did my house 3 years back and gradually we fell for each other. My family came to know about it in May and since then my relation with the nterior was disturbed. Suddenly, she found another guy and fell for him. The guy eventually dumped her in three weeks. He understood that she has an affair which she is hiding. Now my family knew about this due to my condition. Now my wife says u hv to choose between two of us. U have to snap all ties with her. While I cant commit etc to the interior she is an addiction to me. Well for my wife I cant loose her eother for my family and stabilty. What shall I do?

Love Guru answers, People are known to overcome their addictions. If you don't overcome yours, you will lose your family. At least your wife is giving you the choice of remaining with your family -- another woman might have kicked you out the moment she learned of your unfaithful betrayal.

Love Guru says, That's all we have time for today, people...see you next week, same time, same place! Till then, good luck and God bless -- email me at if you like, but please await responses patiently!

Also read: 'He refuses to marry me till I graduate'

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