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May 21, 2005

'IIT alumni's success has been phenomenal, but. . .'
Sudhakar V Shenoy, founder, chairman and CEO, Information Management Consultants, Inc, says 'if we do not pull up the next generation, we would have failed.'
'IITs must be known for what they stand for'
Rajat Gupta, Senior Partner Worldwide, McKinsey & Company, Inc says IITs must branded in the same mould as Harvard, MIT and Stanford.
I am a big fan of Manmohan Singh: Jack Welch
The business legend says India can match China if Manmohan Singh stays in the saddle.

May 20, 2005

'CDMA 450 can lower costs to a tenth'
'I think, CDMA and GSMA will merge as they advance. In both cases wireless is getting packetised.'

May 10, 2005

'PSU banks are BIG competitors'
ICICI Bank CEO K V Kamat speaks about the banking scenario in the country and the bank's future plans and strategies.

May 06, 2005

'The current rules don't help Indian pharma'
I think it would be good if phase one trials were totally freed up.

May 04, 2005

'Microsoft is reacting to the market'
Microsoft is reducing prices because Linux is more competitive

May 02, 2005

'Cyber theft case rekindled BPO debate'
But the incident showed that we did have good security in place because it did not involve any breach into our network, says MphasiS CEO Jerry Rao.

April 29, 2005

'Some rate signals coming up'
The interest rates that we have now, including the interest rate measure that we have announced, should be treated as benign.

April 26, 2005

India to be teleradiology hub!
Imagine a radiologist sitting in Bangalore reporting on the CAT scan that was performed minutes earlier in the ER of a hospital in Philadelphia. Sounds like science fiction? Not any more. That's what the US-based Teleradiology Solutions promises.

April 21, 2005

'Soon some people will access Internet only through cell phones'
Very soon there will be people whose only experience to computing and the Internet would be through a mobile device, says Naresh Gupta, Adobe senior vice president.

April 20, 2005

Oriflame: A Swedish makeover
It may not be making money, but Oriflame is optimistic about India

April 16, 2005

'Legal battles have scarred Irma'
Amrita Patel, chairman of National Dairy Development Board, and one-time protege of Varghese Kurien, has been silent till now on the raging controversy over the legality of Kurien's chairmanship at the Institute of Rural Management Anand.

April 13, 2005

'DTH will drive Indian cable industry growth'
China with a growth rate of 25 per cent and India at 18 per cent, are among the fastest growing markets fueling the boom in entertainment

April 01, 2005

'China is not much more successful than India'
Prof. John Harriss of the London School of Economics says the huge investments in China have been mostly done by overseas Chinese rather than by international companies.


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