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| June 28, 2003 |
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|  'We will see a power revolution now' With the Electricity Act coming in, you will see the kind of revolution and investment in the power sector like you have seen in the telecom sector in the last 10 years, says Ramesh Kymal, Chairman, Greenpower 2003.
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May 16, 2003 |



'TiE firmly committed to free trade, open markets'
Companies now look to do with $5 mn what they would earlier have done with $30 mn. There are some constraints but economics finally will decide matters and false barriers will soon fall, says Sridar Iyengar, TiE president.


April 25, 2003 |



'Indian firms are not in a position to do HRO'
'At present most HR shops in India are either captive, which are shared service centres or they are global service providers,' says Patni Computer GM and head (BPO) Sanjiv Kapur.


March 26, 2003 |



'Maharashtra revenues up Rs 700 crore'
Maharashtra Finance Minister Jayantrao Rajaram Patil says the state's revenues are up -- and defends the government's provision of subsidies for sugarcane growers.


