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Text: Arun Venugopal. Photograph: Paresh Gandhi

Singh fantasises about returning to India and to the army but knows they would probably 'get' him for leaving.

He also knows his dream of becoming a world champion can only be accomplished in the United States, with its superior training and resources, and that people have too much invested in his career here for him to simply walk away.

His bayside apartment, for one, is completely paid for by Pat Doran, who runs an engineering and surveying firm in town.

Doran is a slim, thoughtful-looking man of 50. He grew up in Atlantic City and watched it descend from its heights as a popular tourist destination in the first half of the 20th century to a cultural backwater, emptied of many of its residents.

In the 1970s, the city started its recovery by building the first of many casinos, all of which can be seen in the distance, from Singh's balcony: the Trump Taj Mahal, Harrah's and the Tropicana, where Singh will be fighting Jermell Barnes .

Doran started training boxers by chance about 15 years ago. His idol is Joe Louis, who last fought in 1954, the year Doran was born. From watching tapes, Doran came to the conclusion that Louis was "the finest, purest, best boxer -- the most lethal fighting machine who ever lived."

He stands on the balcony, inquiring of Singh's back and greeting his friends with a flurry of Sat Sri Akals.

Also see: Death of a President

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