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Text: Arun Venugopal. Photograph: Paresh Gandhi

He decided to make an unannounced visit to the United States. He had come in 1996, for the Atlanta Olympics, and kept in touch with super bantamweight Debind Thapa, Nepal's first professional boxer, who had settled in Atlantic City and was being trained by veteran trainer Clarence Butch Mitchell. Before long Singh had a manager and trainer in Mitchell's partner, Pat Doran, and a job as a security guard.

Singh's story often sounds like that of any other immigrant. But, of course, back home in India the army wondered where its star boxer had disappeared. News reports suggested he had traveled to America and quotes from army officials revealed their resentment at his departure. As far as Singh knows, they refused to officially label him a deserter.

"They were supposed to throw me out after three years," he says. "My dad told me they did not, and I was really happy. I feel like I'm still in the army. In my heart, I'm still in the army."

Also see: Kargil: The Great Fightback

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