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Will the 'Dream Ticket' happen?

August 21, 2008
US Senator from New York Hillary Clinton, 60, is the other name that is mentioned most often. Sure, others have been tossed around - US Senator from Virginia Jim Webb, Former General Wesley Clark, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, to name a few - but those choices seem increasingly unlikely.

Hillary, on the other hand, has persistently cropped up in the discussion, owing to the media's dubbing of an Obama-Clinton ticket as the 'Dream Team' or 'Dream Ticket.'

While Hillary is obviously one of the most recognisable names in US politics, and still the favourite of many Democrats, the duo still seems unlikely to join up. Firstly, rumours have it that the Obama campaign is still peeved at the Hillary campaign's decision to turn decidedly and decisively negative as Mrs Clinton's chances as the nomination began to diminish. There's a lot of bad blood between the respective groups, which would take time to surmount.

Furthermore, while on one hand she is strongly supported by women and most Democrats, Hillary is also loathed by a large section of the electorate, mostly for her connection to husband Bill, the far Right's favourite whipping boy. This could spell disaster down South, the Republican party's base of support, and might result in a complete sweep of the rural, Southern vote for McCain.

As nice as it looks on paper, America might not be ready for a double minority ticket, particularly, again, during a time of war.

Image: Obama and Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius hold hands as they acknowledge the crowd during a rally in El Dorado in January 2008.
Photographs: Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty Images

Also read: US Prez poll: Huckabee, Obama win Iowa
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