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Junk medicines, Swami Ramdev tells Toronto

October 16, 2007
Organisers of the camp in Toronto wouldn't reveal the total amount raised. In any case all the money that's collected through registration and sponsorship will be sent to Haridwar where Swami Ramdev has his headquarters. There the money is used for education and healthcare of persons with lesser means, said Anil Bhasin, lead organiser of the camp in Toronto.

He said 3000-4000 people go to the centre in Haridwar everyday and get free medical help, free medicines. And Swami Ramdev is also raising funds "to scientifically explore the benefits of ayurveda and yoga," Bhasin said.

Swami Ramdev announced the names of donors to underwrite the camp's expenses: Anil Bhasin, Mohinder Singh, Raj Pahuja, Anil Chopra, Satish Thakkar, Sanjeev Sethi and Georgie Bhalla each gave $25,000. Many people came forward to donate Rs 100,000 for life membership to Swami Ramdev's centre in Haridwar.

This was the first time the yoga guru has held a camp in Toronto, and is likely to return for yet another camp in 2009.
Also read: In defence of Hindu gurus

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