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Junk medicines, Swami Ramdev tells Toronto

October 16, 2007
He was reciting, singing, telling jokes and so it was relaxing despite each day's camp lasting 150 minutes.

"Check your weight each day before and after attending the camp and you will for sure lose at least a pound or two each day," Ramdev said. And then he asked people whether some of them have actually lost their weight as a result of pranayam. One man stood up to say he lost seven pounds in one day. Swami Ramdev laughed (obviously in disbelief) and then suggested: "Weigh yourself with your spouse as a witness."

Swami Ramdev's basic premise is: "You have to do three things: keep your breathing right, keep your body flexible and you should laugh where there's no cost involved," explained Rakesh Goenka, among the camp's organisers in Toronto, whose family also organised a recent camp in New Jersey. "Together these three things will lower your stress level and by doing some postures, which are very simple to do, his intent is to make the body elastic and with an elastic body lot of ailments will disappear."
Also read: Baba Ramdev case gets curiouser

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