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Aboard the USS Nimitz

July 10, 2007
We were divided into groups of 15 to view the ship. Petty officer Jason Penny from Wisconsin took charge of our little troupe.

We arrived at the top deck where a basketball game was in progress. Rock music was playing.

The atmosphere was very casual and appealing. Peppy music as soon as you entered the belly of the ship. It was pretty much like going to a big US city -- walking in the Village in New York, for instance, blaring music, chatting folk and a game of basketball.

There were a lot of sailors waiting to get off and head to Chennai. They had not been off the boat for five weeks, ever since the ship left Jebel Ali, near Dubai, and were restless to do some sightseeing.

Of course, they organise a lot of on-ship entertainment for the boys. Like the band Aerosmith came on board in Dubai and played for them. And Spiderman III was shown to them before it was released elsewhere.

A lot of them asked us for details on where they should go in Chennai -- what to eat and what to shop for. They were interested in trying vegetarian food as well. And going to the malls.

The US consulate in Chennai had booked about 176 rooms for them in several hotels, mainly for senior crew. When the Nimitz docks, the crew usually participate in various social service activities to project a goodwill visit -- like help clean the beach or visit schools as was planned for Chennai.
Earlier slide show: July 4th celebrations in New Jersey
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