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Our people are on the march

This last year saw a marked change in the global perception of India as an influential actor on the international stage. This was a recognition of our emergence as a strong economy; of our ability to adjust to change - economic and social; and, of our capability to shoulder responsibilities - global and regional. Overseas Indians have contributed in a major way to this changed perception and my Government has recognized their contribution by launching the Overseas Citizenship Scheme for Persons of Indian Origin. We are also planning to grant voting rights to Non-Resident Indians. By hosting the 2010 Commonwealth Games and bidding for the 2012 Asian Games, we hope to enhance our global stature further.

In conclusion, I return to the theme I began with. Our country is destined to regain its due place in the comity of nations in the 21st century. However, there is much we must do at home to realize this potential and fulfill the aspirations of our people. My Government is committed to doing so through the National Common Minimum Programme.

Today the economy is poised for better performance. My Government believes that our people will respond handsomely if we pursue policies that invest in their capabilities and liberate their creativity and enterprise. This requires good governance. Good governance today implies more efficient use of public finances in sectors in which Government must invest, and less Government intervention in areas where individual initiative can achieve more. No country has prospered by printing money or incurring excessive debt. Only through hard work, higher productivity and prudent management of resources - human, natural and financial - can prosperity be achieved. My Government is committed to the judicious management of public finances, to the efficient management of public utilities and enterprises and to the pursuit of reform, in all its dimensions. At the same time, there is a need for maintaining communal harmony and promoting an inclusive society in which every section of society feels secure, empowered and confident about their future. My Government is committed towards creating such an environment so that the latent potential of our people can blossom and create a new India of our dreams.

Honourable Members,

This is an important session of Parliament. The people of our country, who have sent you here as their representatives, sincerely hope that you will make the best use of the time available to represent their interests. I urge you to devote your energies to a mature consideration of the business of both Houses of Parliament and act in the best interests of the country and our citizens. Time is precious, please do not waste it. You have my best wishes in all your noble endeavours in the service of our people. Jai Hind!

The President after casting his vote in the 14th Lok Sabha Election in New Delhi.

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