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Our people are on the march

Honourable Members,

The Nation is proud of our Armed Forces. My Government has paid renewed attention to the requirements of our national defence and the welfare of ex-servicemen. A Department of ex-Servicemen's Welfare has been created to focus on their issues and assist the families of our brave jawans. We have approved an improved pension scheme for our ex-servicemen who retired before 1996, particularly our jawans which will benefit over a million ex-servicemen. By pursuing defence modernization in a systematic manner, Government has strengthened our military capability. This approach, taking account of our strategic environment and drawing on our technological prowess will guide us in the coming years.

Honourable Members,

The foreign policy of my Government is, as has always been the case, guided by enlightened national interest. It has been oriented to enlarge our policy choice. My Government has made vigorous efforts to build friendly and cooperative ties with our neighbours and to strengthen SAARC. India regards SAARC as an important forum for regional cooperation and we look forward to Afghanistan joining SAARC as its eighth member. The entry into force of SAFTA on January 1, 2006 was a landmark. India will have the privilege of hosting the next SAARC Summit and in that context the several initiatives we have proposed shall be pursued.

My Government has taken several steps to improve our relations with all our neighbours. The landmark visit of the Prime Minister to Afghanistan in August 2005 has reinforced our commitment to help in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. There has also been good progress in increased people to people contacts and bilateral trade with all our neighbours, including Pakistan. The spontaneous outpouring of sympathy and assistance from the people of India for the victims of the earthquake in Pakistan underlines the goodwill among the peoples of the two countries. While we remain concerned over infiltration and cross-border terrorism and expect Pakistan to fulfill its commitments in this regard, we reiterate our commitment to the composite dialogue process with Pakistan. The opening of new bus links between Amritsar and Lahore and Amritsar and Nankana Sahib and the opening up of the Khokrapar- Munabao rail link are further steps in promoting people to people contacts between our two countries.

We attach high importance to strengthening our relations with our global economic partners. Our relations with the United States underwent a substantial transformation in 2005 and we carry forward our strategic partnership based on the July 18 Joint Statement of the Prime Minister and the US President. Government expects that the country may gain access to international cooperation for enlargement of our civilian nuclear energy sector based on the reciprocal commitments of India and the US in the Joint Statement. Parliament will be appraised of the on-going discussions on this subject in this session. The India-US relationship also encompasses many more important issues. Major initiatives are underway to encourage the expansion of investment, trade and technology transfers, accelerate cooperation in agriculture, health and human resource development, in cooperation for energy security, a framework for defence cooperation and expanding cooperation on key global challenges.

My Government has continued to pursue the objective of a comprehensive re-engagement with Russia. Our time-tested friendship with Russia has led to the growth and development of extensive ties of cooperation in the fields of oil and gas, trade and investment, nuclear energy, space, high technology and defence. My state visit to Russia, the annual Summit level meeting between the Prime Minister and the Russian President and a large number of cabinet level exchanges will give impetus to this. Government hopes to further strengthen our relationship, specially in areas of strategic importance in the days to come.

We are working to build our relationship with China on the basis of our strategic and cooperative partnership, forged during the visit of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in April 2005. A positive start has been made in the second phase of discussions between the Special Representatives on the Boundary Question based on the Agreement on the Political Parameters and Guiding Principles signed in April 2005, and we are looking forward to this process gaining further momentum.

Our ties with the European Union and its 25 member states have expanded considerably. India maintains strategic partnerships with France, Germany and the UK, with regular interactions at the highest level. Prime Minister Blair had a fruitful visit last year which strengthened the relationship between our two countries. The forthcoming visit of the President of France is expected to give a new thrust to our relationship with this important and influential friend.

Our "Look East" policy was further strengthened with India's participation in the historic East Asia Summit held in Kuala Lumpur which has the potential of defining the future regional architecture. The Prime Minister of Singapore H.E. Mr. Lee Hsien Loong paid a State Visit to India in June 2005 during which Singapore and India signed a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement which has become a benchmark. Our interaction with this region is active; we hosted the President of Indonesia and the Prime Minister of Thailand. Recently, I myself paid State Visits to Singapore, Philippines and the Republic of Korea which have strengthened our relationship with them.

Our relations with Japan have been reinforced by high level interaction and dialogue. The global partnership established between India and Japan acquired a fresh orientation during the visit in April 2005 of the Prime Minister of Japan and we look forward to a close and cooperative engagement on bilateral and global issues.

My Government is paying close attention to our ties with the countries of the Gulf region that has become home to over 4 million Indians and a major source of supplies of our oil and gas. We were privileged to receive His Majesty the King of Saudi Arabia, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, as the Chief Guest at the Republic Day 2006. This visit has opened a new vista and enlarged our traditional ties. The Emir of Qatar visited India in April 2005 followed by the First Lady recently. We attach very high importance to West Asian issues and remain supportive of the efforts of the international community in finding a just and durable solution to the problems faced by the Palestinian people so that they may achieve a state of their own. At the same time we attach high importance to our friendly relations with Israel which we hope to strengthen and diversify.

The President with students at the Mughal Gardens on 17.02.2005.

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