April 19, 2001


The H1-B Message Board

Wed Apr 18 11:39:26 2001
Name:Rakesh Kataria
Views:the recent slowdown of US economy causes adverse effect on IT based industries.result is that Indian experts are loosing jobs in USA My view as a cost and management consultant are as follows: 1. Out sourcing is the best method in todays world and in future all the IT based companies in USA will be depend on Indian sofware companies so these experts have a great opportunites in India 2.India is the low cost & highly qualified manpower supplier in the world and present central govt. has given lot of facilities to IT industries in India so future of India IT industries more better than USA based IT companies so in my views these professionals should come to India & start their own business in India

Wed Apr 18 11:48:53 2001
Views:i think those who are engg graduates although there is problem in the field of IT they can still servive in the states & can get other jobs.

Wed Apr 18 11:51:00 2001
Name:who cares
Views:well lets face it. may of the H1 holders came here by just studying in one of those hopeless instituitions in hyderabad teaching java. They came here demanded 70k 80k and got it. now when time is tough, they have to leave because they dont know anything else. they never knew. it was just a favorable situation and lot of people cashed on it. companies paid because of less supply and more demand. now you pay for more supply and almost no demand. i know many of my friends laid off from startups and then got another jobs. they had skills and they had dont hard work during their studies. so they dont face problems. even now new graduates are getting jobs which means that we got a really bad lot of H1 people. i guess it is they who are to be blamed for this poor market. no one else. infact these H1 people made it difficult for talented people also. i guess they should just go back and not crib about it.

Wed Apr 18 12:06:17 2001
Views:Only if we understand 2 things. 1.The american attitude towards work - As long as u are useful to me i will keep u , if not get lost ! - There is no injustice done to people.It's their attitude and way of life and now u are tasting the other side of american attitude. It's suprising that people cry over the issue saying that it is "injustice".Boss, u are not a citizen of the country.Don't speak about ethics and values in USA.It's a wrong place to speak about. Moreover U have not done anything wrong to feel bad about the situation.Just bail out 2.America is not our country It's an alien country.How much ever u say about paying taxes ETC.If u are not a citizen of a country u don't have any stuff to claim there unless u are a refugee.I guess no one wants to attach that tag to them . The situation in India is "All major firms have frozen recruitment"

Wed Apr 18 12:25:06 2001
Views:It is very bad situation to be, Things have changed so drametically and everything is messed up, people, their plans, their life, all gone.. It looks like nothing is taken granted in life. Coming to H1 issue, it's very unfortunate that he has to leave the country, very sorry situation...........

Wed Apr 18 12:32:10 2001
Views:I hope this economy slow down of US will not continue for long Until India will became long term partner of US in its economy development MY BEST WISHES MAYANK SINGH M.C.A

Wed Apr 18 12:35:16 2001
Name:Naimesh Shah
Views:If a H-1 B holder in U.S.A. lose his job,How long will he permitted to stay in U.S? Within How much he has to have another job to stay in U.S.?

Wed Apr 18 12:35:53 2001
Views:US is not only the country where the IT Industry is or IT prof. is requried.

Wed Apr 18 12:37:48 2001
Views:I felt it is fair in true sense of what is happening with US Economic Slowdown. You peoples ditched my(our) country for money, inturn Americans did the same for you too. On Observations, I was quite happy with the situation, but not at the expenses of other's grief. Folks, come on. Why you peoples are struggling with those beggars? come back to India and stay with us. We are here to share our food with you all. You may not get the Job upto your expectation, but you get DIGNITY. You're nomore secondary citizens. Still, if you want to stay there after getting all kicks on the butts, then remember, one Indian from INDIA is laughing at you like anything. Ofcourse thats me. Please dont get me wrong.

Wed Apr 18 12:47:18 2001
Name:Rajeev Roy
Views:I beleive that though the INS is continuously saying that a number of H1-B visas have been issued this year too and since the cap is high, the target would be met later. They are trying to say that H1-B visa are still in demand and enjoy the same lure as earlier. I feel this is not so. Though many H1-B visas have been issued this year, most of those have not entered US on the fear of losing job or their companies have asked them to stay back. If a survey is done of the number of H1-B visas given this year and actual number of those in US, i feel it would be very less. People, in particular indians, have learnt that US is a dangerous place to go and it will surely ruin their career. The only solution to this problem is to give more rights and privileges to H1-B visa holders, so they can live and work safely in the US. Most of indians are having their passports stamped of H1-B visas and waiting either in India or abroad, sticking to their current jobs.

Wed Apr 18 13:07:53 2001
Name:Hiren Shah
Views:India should become selfsufficient and not totally dependant on US economy.India and Indian government has wonderful chance of luring many US software giant to Make their Indian subsideries into their Main Head Office and thier US offices into marketing outlet.

Wed Apr 18 13:18:28 2001
Name:Balakrishnan P
Views:It is really unfortunate to have a Change in the US govt. and expected slow down in the economy, which directly hits the Indians working in US. H1 B holders after loosing the job, it is better return Home, rather staying there and spending whatever there have earned....

Wed Apr 18 13:24:44 2001
Views:It is really frustrating to face no-job situation after working for a couple of years in US.They should return to India with the money they saved,forman association of American Return Indians,make a huge capital base and anvest in sectors in advanced Technologies so that INDIA CAN DO ALSO pROJECT EXPORT

Wed Apr 18 13:27:15 2001
Views:It is very hard to hear about the h1-b holders. They should be allowed to search someother job in any other field. Because most of the people are not exactly from the computer department. Most of the people shifted their carrer to IT and travelling in that path. This is a very bad moment they have, now the US government can allow them to search a new job in any other field. Just saying go back , is not fair I pray god to have a solution for the exploitation that happened.Who knows what is the situation over there???????????????

Wed Apr 18 13:27:44 2001
Views:you get what you deserve

Wed Apr 18 13:45:30 2001
Views:If someone loses his/her job then we do symphatize with his/her luck. I wish everyone good luck.

Wed Apr 18 13:46:31 2001
Name:Gaurav tejpal
Views:Though its neglgency on the part of indian govt.that before taking the dicision on h1b visa they should have taken the precaution measures for the IT labour sending to US(knowing that its a bubble economy) but now its the sole responsibility of US govt. to provide suuport to the ITpeople as they have worked for their countray.

Wed Apr 18 13:58:28 2001
Views:Yes, They come back and work for the country.

Wed Apr 18 14:08:27 2001
Name:H1B Layoff Airlines
Views:Check this out Laid-off H1B holders. We have great flight deals for you. California-Hyderabad direct every half-an-hour. (We are partial to Hyderabadi's since most of them showed fake qualifications & experience when they went to the US.) Chandra Babu Naidu will personally welcome you at the airport when u arrive. Bon voyage.

Wed Apr 18 14:08:45 2001
Views:hi, situation is really bad.gotta think abt it.

Wed Apr 18 14:35:54 2001
Views:Everybody know that hire and fire is very often in U.S. Don't drop in with pack of dreams and should not feel we are also American once we are out of the Airport. There is nothing called permanent job funda overthere, except in some very exceptional cases. For everyone in the world Bread and Butter is their utmost need. Forget all the dreams come back once you are laid off that too in this situation. you haven't born there atleast. Otherwise you need to spend the hard earned money without salary. Rest depends upon on everyone.

Wed Apr 18 14:41:30 2001
Name:Syed Feroz
Views:I think US should provide another jobs.

Wed Apr 18 14:44:01 2001
Views:hello, i got h1 visa , and i went to go us in june , how it would be the job prospects for me in us , i have 21/2 years of experience in sys admin of sun solaris , i am mca degree holder please forecast my future sekhar

Wed Apr 18 15:03:26 2001
Views:point # 1: this is not the voice of a disgruntled person who had wished to go to amreeeka. point # 2 (and hopefully point # last) my view is this: the indians who have been working at silicon valley are doing the software equivalent of shovelling coals into a bin. most of them do job work for dull projects. and the 'yessar, coding i do saaar' mentality of the average south indian (average is the right word) was just in line with this kind of work. hope these people come back to earth soon. talk of mediocrity amidst a shower of gold leaves.

Wed Apr 18 15:18:38 2001
Name:IT worker
Views:Ín case the H1 B workers come back to India, things in India will worsen out. Day by day there are many people who are dreaming for IT, in India itself. what about them. Be strong enuf to fight your fate in US itself, coming back to India is a coward act. YOu have paid the taxes to US so you have every right to ask for returns from US govt.

Wed Apr 18 15:19:44 2001
Name:y v s sarma
Views:according to my view this will no be for so longer time.our dreams may fulfil in a due course.though the present situtation is not so much of our favour but certainly it will move towards us

Wed Apr 18 15:29:12 2001
Views:Yeah ofcourse if in a foreign Land there is a slowdown in economy then immigrants are the first to br thrown out from the I think this is fair.The only option they have is look out for other alternatives and be positive and optimistic. No way they can't return back to India Because our country is the badlt affected country so please stay over there and Lookout for other options and try to get Green card over there by hook or crook... In US Hire and Fire policy is adopted so no one over there is secured in his job..

Wed Apr 18 15:35:10 2001
Name:abhishek tiwari
Views:i need more information regarding what to do if laid off.i am a software enginner from india working in US and H1B visa holder

Wed Apr 18 15:36:53 2001
Name:Abhay Kashinath Muley
Views:In my opinion, the situation of the H1-B Visa holders who r asked to leave U.S. has become very aweful. The american IT companies have used their talents and thrown them away. Its like use it and throw policy. Secondly, the american citizen would have to fight for the great talents who have the working capabilities of 10-12 hrs habiting of working.According to the policy there the person is suppose to work ideally for 5 hrs. daily. The brain drain which India has faced in the last 10 yrs or more will be withdriven back home. On the Contrary, Indian IT company should make use of their talents who are US returned stamped.

Wed Apr 18 15:52:07 2001
Name:Rafique Pirani
Views:I Think the situation will improve soon. one should not loose the hope but accept the truth. either fight with situation if god close one door he open another.

Wed Apr 18 16:17:06 2001
Name:ashraf ali shaikh
Views:the employees who are working for any bodyshopper should come back to india because i think their job is not secured there. those who are working for reliable companies should continue it.

Wed Apr 18 16:25:27 2001
Name:vishal sinha
Views:Hi! I am an Indian working on working visa in Australia. Now Shortly I would be getting my permanenet residency here. I have two skills so I do not have any problems finding jobs even if IT is going down. I am basically a marine engineer and can always go back to shipping where I make similar kind of money a bit less though. But My point is that Its the problem with Indian Culture and Indians who are facing this HIB Visa deportation. If you want to stay in America for ever you must live like an american. You can not be an Indian there and say I want all the facilities of an American. You people just take the name of your fake culture and show very conservative and mean attitude towards human being. So you need to suffer accordingly. BR>

Wed Apr 18 16:27:15 2001
Views:After Every Night there is Sunlight. don't lose hope get on. there will be some solution

Wed Apr 18 16:33:28 2001
Views:Its now seems to be heading towards equillibrium state.

Wed Apr 18 16:38:53 2001
Views:For those who planned their career and earned their future, this provides a wonderful chance to move closer towards God. Such persons can overcome this setback with courage and faith. Obviosuly, God will never put them down cos they earned their living. For those who were lucky or who could fulfil their only dream of visiting the US, it is time to return from the holiday. Isn't this a relief for those who could not stand their political approaches at work ? In the long run, the whole thing is cleaning the industry and will help India to get back the good resources esp at the Team Lead's level.

Wed Apr 18 16:52:27 2001
Name:meetesh m. mahajan
Views:in my opinion the companies of usa and other r totally business minded they have nothing to do with any other people except their own.

Wed Apr 18 16:53:50 2001
Name:Dipayan Kar
Views:I think those asked to leave US need to look at other countries. As because they are not welcome even in India. Once you have left your owm country. STAY OUT.

Wed Apr 18 16:55:57 2001
Name:M.Khaleel Ahmad
Views:its con't imagine they should give some time to see some other alternatives

Wed Apr 18 17:10:13 2001
Name:Shahbaz Ansari
Views:If the market condition goes like this then it is very sure that even those guys are going to be fired because if there are no projects then there are no points for these Americans to keep Indians employed.

Wed Apr 18 17:22:20 2001
Views:When these people left their motherland for want of dollar salaries, they should have also thought about the risk. Greater the risk, Greater the reward might be a cliche but it has certainly turned out to be true in these cases It is really sad that this has happened to our young and talented brethren who have just begun their career.

Wed Apr 18 17:31:25 2001
Name:narasimharao konjeti
Views:The software boom will be come again in u.s. without s/w they can't improve their economy.

Wed Apr 18 17:33:09 2001
Views:I think they have to get a job.Here everybody is looking for the same.Wil it continue in the future.What will be the scenario if the the situaion continues.

Wed Apr 18 17:47:05 2001
Views:I like know about more H1B visa situation in US.

Wed Apr 18 17:51:56 2001
Name:vr datla
Views:hi folks.i symapthize with all out there..but there is something more look about. now that java fever is over,traning institutes are now fleecing gullibles on something called siebel saying there is a great market for this crm what u guys say about there really a job market for siebel in this slowdown..

Wed Apr 18 17:52:52 2001

Wed Apr 18 18:03:21 2001
Views:I think the market will come up again, because technology is never going to die. I beleive there are still lack of real technical professionals. The non-technical people have occupied the technical market. And hence the production came down. Specially in the field of software. I believe the company should ask to leave only to those people who are non-technical and non-productive. There should not be any politics. Still my question is: Whether US will require technical profesional and there will be a mass recruitement and if so,when?

Wed Apr 18 18:13:18 2001
Views:Couldn`t even think that the guys who pushed US ahead of others in IT will be treated that way.

Wed Apr 18 18:22:31 2001
Views:ITS better for the H1 consultants to come back home as no one can predict the economy or the market when its going to be good again one thing is sure that the hype as we call the boom like this will not come in near future and its waste of time and mostly money with out a job there its very difficut to get on this is opinion of peopel who stay in san jose i mean most of the layoffed consultants.

Wed Apr 18 18:25:18 2001
Name:Against H1
Views:It is really interesting to note the reactions to the "use and throw" policy of the US, particularly as it is coming from folks who have used the same policy against their own country. I know I am being a bit nasty, but then the naked hypocrisy that is on display is really quite gross. Didn't every one know that US policies for allowing Indian software professionals to work in India were not due to the compassion of US citizens for an under developed country? Moreover, every professional visiting US on an H1 was doing that for his or her own self and not for charity! So my dear ABCDs please wake up to the rude realities of life! High returns don't come without high risks and if you are being booted out with a kick on your butt, it shouldn't come as a surprise. Fortunately for you, your country and your people have large and warm hearts and they will still accept you even if you deserted them all like rats jumping off a sinking ship.

Wed Apr 18 18:28:30 2001
Name:Kavindra Vora
Views:The HIB workers should be allowed some time in the US to find another job. Some news articles relate that we (H1B holders) have only about 10 days to find another job. I do not know how far this is true. But is the very difficult (if not impossible) to find something in 10 days with your visa papers filed again. The status violoation may also cause some problem when some of them apply for their permanent residency. The INS should quickly resolve this confusion and should protect workers, who had come here to become a part of the American dream, by some means.

Wed Apr 18 18:44:48 2001
Views:what i feel about this H1b visa problem is that we (the software pros)should come up with an agreement their software firms.... there should be liberty and power to those who shape the economy of the biggest nation that U.S. is.... this hiatus would end in a compromise which may be a prerogative of the pros!!

Wed Apr 18 18:46:27 2001
Name:Chandra Sekhar Kalva
Views:For this position we can blame only Indians particularly Hyderabadis. With out knowledge and stuff with the base of Engineering degress and post graduate many people after doing only 3 and 6 months certificate courses of java and c they flied to usa. Then with these people how the software market survive. How many days.

Wed Apr 18 18:53:00 2001

Wed Apr 18 19:02:15 2001
Name:Dr Girish S Hiremath
Views:It is very rightly said that what goes up very fast, comes down even faster(though a lot premature),IT is one such thing.IT is here to stay , but not at the same intensity and same level, this is a process of natural attrition wherein every Ram, Syahm and Ghanshyam made it big leaping into IT pool,but now is the teat of knowlegede, charecter , inner strenght and integrity.The saddest part in the whole current episode of 'laying off'Ram ,Shyam and Ghanshyam in Uncle Sam's land has brought out the greed in these IT whizkids wherein they dont mind to look for opportunities in Europe, Australia etc.Am sure in a couple of years they will be kicked out of that country and then they will look to migrate to Mars and Venus,but the idea of giving something back to their motherland shall come to their minds only after they have their pockets full.

Wed Apr 18 19:13:27 2001
Views:Hi folks! I am in this country for the last 6 yrs(studying).. Let me tell this.. i hv seen so many desis backing big deal about thier shallow knowledge.. claiming that US needs them. Now when they say.. u r not they hv problem. C'mon dudess think about ur technical skill(3 months crash courses), fraudulent papers.. paid H-1 visas and so on so forth. People who hv real talent will survive and wont complain. Think about one simple truth. We are from India and we all made fortune here and u complain US. Thats bullshit. In India its hard even to find a job in next state. Then why cry. Shut up and pack the bag. If u guys claim you hv worldly talent. then u shouldn be complaining. There are plenty of oppurtunities all around the globe. Good luck whiners.

Wed Apr 18 19:23:02 2001
Name:SP Mohpal
Views:They can register any company regarding consultancy in their skills and can sponsor themselves for H1B visa and start finding a job and later they can Sponsor themselves for greencard too.

Wed Apr 18 19:24:15 2001
Views:Things are a bit unclear right now to me, but i suppose that is how it is usually!! When the dust settles down, we will know, but till then, all kinds of speculation will gain credence and float around. I think we usually make much ado about nothing. However, this may not be nothing!!! That is what is confusing. There seem to be companies that are doing alright still. I suppose its the fundamentals that matter in times like this. All those building castles in air have had a crash landing, but those who were gliding are still doing the same. As for me, am still not sure whether i am gliding (drifting may be a better way to put it), or hurtling towards the ground. We are all going to find out the hard way, sooner or later.

Wed Apr 18 19:42:38 2001
Views:I cannot understand why only indians are crying loud. it's happening everywhere in world but none is crying out like indians. i am not pointing out , but there is a reason for it as follows. indians are really mad about "AMERICA" most of them only learned the subjects which have a high demand say a person X learned java , servlets . that's all he knows about computers jumps to us. what if they are no needed or they get outdated . he simply has to return back or be silent and should not make a loud cry on industry he made a decssion for himself . do u think a that a course less than 6 months will give a life long career. it's all bull shit. he made a mistake . what do u think all engineers from IIT REC's Universities are FOOLS and they people who make a short term course should prosper i suggest enough of this and let not waste u r time on those pitiable persons

s Wed Apr 18 20:02:26 2001
Name:sanjeeva reddy GAYAM
Views:i staying in mississipi usa. regarding to opnion here no problem.before only one langauge this time u learn multiple langauges. New comers will face the problem .we have no problem,no job security. if job lost we will come india.i had confidence i loss job also i get within 30 days.that stuff we face here.all h1b holders prepare and come no problem. Ur indian media creating more they are making business.especially news papers they populated what they written is not true.any one field up and downs come thats naturall. no problem of h1b holders.

Wed Apr 18 20:02:40 2001
Name:Pandurang Shastri
Views:I hope and pray that the job market in the valley gets even worse and H1-B Indians lose their jobs and pack their bags to India soon. To begin with, I would like to differ from your views expressed in the opening remark for this column. While many of us indeed come to the US to pursue the "great American dream", the reality is that most of the H1-B workers not even aware of this. Young graduates (especially from South India) are forced to come to US because of "peer pressure". It is a social status thing if a family member is in the States. Every body expects our boy to go to the States. The poor guy is branded a loser if he shows some love for the motherland and decides to stay back. For people from Andhra Pradesh, the dowry amounts sky rocket multi-folds as soon as the eligible bachelor sets foot on American soil. No later than "our boy" gets admission to one of the third-rate engineering colleges, parents are off making grand plans to send their beloved son to States and day dreams about spending outrageous dowry amounts. I firmly believe that the tech-boom in the valley has only fuelled this social evil. More the Indians coming to valley, more and more poor households with daughters suffer from this atrocity. In their interest (and perhaps the interest of a nation), I sincerely hope and pray that all of them go back to where they came from. Unless there is a paradigm change in the outlook and attitude of families in India regarding this situation, our country will continue to suffer.

Wed Apr 18 20:13:40 2001
Name:Sridhar Kothamasu
Views:It suppose to happen like this, otherwise no value for good people. We see lot of stupid and uneducated people coming over here(USA), who don't have real degree and skills.

Wed Apr 18 20:15:33 2001
Views:Awh!! It is really painful for those whose families r with them. They can't settle and have a nice home in fear of some day they can be thrown out. And one day in their mid 30's they r thrown back, It's painful!!!

Wed Apr 18 20:31:52 2001
Views:It is a known fact before that all those going to the States may have to leave and be ready for that, before getting the green card, if they are so lucky to be. The only thing is to make up the mind and try to search for alt jobs (may be in their core fields, such as mech/elect/civil etc if they can) as soon as possible. Nothing else can be feasible than this, for those financially not sound or who got this situation so early after going there.

Wed Apr 18 20:38:26 2001
Views:It's embrassing when it cames to the option of lay-off - but still it has to be taken in our own stride and survive to take on the world

Wed Apr 18 20:39:11 2001
Views:Look guys....Those of you who loast jobs's not the end of the world..If you're good enough you can still make it.. why don't all the whiners take a good look at themselves..and at the other 90% of the work force that haven't been laid off..obviously there was a reason you were targetted ...So buckle up ..shaprpen your skills and pipe down .

Wed Apr 18 20:40:31 2001
Name:Intelligent Indian
Views:Its a matter of sour grapes.People stay cool.Cool people survive difficult condition be it slavery or injustice. Time and tide will wait for noone.You gotta surf out of it . Stay calm, practise Yoga , drink lot of water, avoid alcohol and cigarettes and be a vegeterian.

Wed Apr 18 20:51:15 2001
Views:Go to , it has the latest information regarding H1 B and what happens if they are fired.

Wed Apr 18 20:53:57 2001
Views:How wonderful, reading these thoughts of righteous indignation. My dear fellow citizens, it is about time that you realize that H1B, green card or citizenship; the country of your birth is India, and that is the country of your eternal citizenship. Thank your stars that you were fortunate enough to be born in that country. Dint you guys with dreamy eyes realize that H1B workers were deemed to be use & throw objects? The US law says that, the companies that hired said that, so why crib now? Its time to go back home and rightly so because they dont need us. Isnt it an irony, that the country we thought we could be citizens of, in the distant future, throws us out at the bat of an eyelid? Well it is, if you ever dreamt of it. I DID NOT and am happy to be outta this country as soon as they dont require me. As they have made use of me, I have made use of them too and that is a fair balance. I have had an "education" which I will never forget and hopefully will be able to use it when I return to India...and that is my TRIUMPH.

Wed Apr 18 21:06:08 2001
Name:Salil Kulkarni
Views:I feel this is a temporary slowdown in the US economy. Though it has hit the H1B workers in the US, it should not be long before they are called back to the US.

Wed Apr 18 21:09:36 2001
Name:Amitesh Sinha
Views:In all fairness, this is a situation which had been coming in..... and not many could see thru the mirage of JAVA AND WWW AND WEB PROTOCOLS. People had landed jobs in the US based on their skills in Java programming and WWW technology skillsets. They all forgot that the backbone is the most important part of the body and the body cant function without it. If you draw a parallel here with the IT world, the backend programming is the backbone of IT projects. Without the knowledge of backend you cannot think of surviving in this complex programming world. Just Java or ASP or any other web technology cannot land you with the dream job anymore. For all those aspirants who are here and who have gone back to India, they need to concentrate on backend programming and study hard. If you know Java then understand Java servlets and XML and UML Technology also. If you are with HTML then study for JDBC and Database programming. The list is endless. The bottomline is get your backbone (BACKEND) strengthened else you will collapse!!! THINGS ARE NOT BAD AS HAS BEEN PRESENTED IN THE MEDIA, PEOPLE ARE STILL HAVING JOBS BUT THE LESSER MORTALS HAVE HAD TO SUFFER RESULTING IN A RECESSION IN THE INDUSTRY.

Wed Apr 18 21:09:48 2001
Views:Apply for Canadian Immigration and do what the situation demands.

Wed Apr 18 21:13:09 2001
Name:sridhar mandava
Views:I think we don't have to go back..I would expect US govt to give H1B's a chance to stay and look for new jobs when the economy gets better..I think this would be a great tribute to H1B's for the contributions they have made to the valley and whole software industry.

Wed Apr 18 21:35:52 2001
Views:How secure are those who still have jobs in amarica? How long will the situation be like this? what is the solution?

Wed Apr 18 21:36:56 2001
Name:Bellapu Mahidhar
Views:It is fair for the American s to ask the alien Indians to leave, would the Indians have allowed the Americans to stay back if the same thing has happened. The H1B persons should goback and do some good to the motherland as the government would have spent considerable amount towards the education back home.

Wed Apr 18 22:00:11 2001
Views:I have a few suggestions to non-immigrants , especially H1B holders in the IT industry who have been complaining about layoffs. It is not that you are being replaced by locals. A layoff is a layoff and affects both non-immigrants and local employees equally. Unfortuantely h1 b holders are obviously the first targets. If you are considering layoffs I must say that one must consider that non immigrants on H1 visas at least have their homeland to fall back upon, a home to go back to which is not so bad. There are so many Americans who have been laid off with an hour's notice and it is difficult for them to survive on whatever meagre salary they get. Believe me high tech professionals in the IT industries are being paid a very very decent salary as compared to any other profession. So if there has been a good planning to cater for all eventualitites, one should be able to survive without complaining for at least 2-3 months. That si one's own problem of course. Secondly when one comes to a foreign land, it is wrong to assume that everything is going to be fine, all worries gone. You have to abide by the rules of that country. You cannot dictate things and go beserk if things are not in your favour. If they need you, you need the money too, and that is why you came here . So instead of complaining against layoffs, think positive and learn a lesson, to face the worst at all times. Stop taking things for granted. It will help. This comes from experience believe me. This unfortunate situation has a lot to teach everyone. Learn from it. Last but not the least I wish everyone all the best for the future .

Wed Apr 18 22:00:51 2001
Name:Nirmal B.Karmarkar
Views:Obviously there are no takers for the greedy and traitors,but these can become angles if they set up examples of getting technology back to our country and help others to develop their talents here.

Wed Apr 18 22:02:32 2001
Views:I read most of the comments here. They all reflect shock and denial in different flavors. We should take this as a positive experience and look for better opportunities elsewhere. We should consider ourselves as guests and not berate our hosts for the dictates of the economy. Following quote should serve to guide our future "It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up." - Vince Lombardi

Wed Apr 18 22:05:54 2001
Views:In theory, when some one comes to USA on H1 Visa, he is expected to leave US when it expires/cancelled. That is the risk one takes for the rewards($) he gets. It is true that people came here in the past manages to survive here for long time but if some he gets an impression that he could continue here for ever than he is misinformed. On a moral ground, one should be hessitant to go back to the motherland and participate in its ecconomy, for good or bad!

Wed Apr 18 22:07:48 2001
Name:Sudesh Salunke
Views:This has to improve after sometime or else it will have a very bad affect on the dreams and carear of tech professionals all over the world.

Wed Apr 18 22:32:48 2001
Views:I feel,there was total miscalculation of IT industry opportunities in US. s today.Any way the future Indian expatriates in US is not secure.

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