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'Where is the law and order in India?'

E-mail from readers the world over

Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 08:32:03 +0530
From: Akshay <>
Subject: Nun raped

Where is the law and order in India? Not just the nun, I think such miscreants would do that to any woman. These rapists shouldn't be let lose.

Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 11:10:36 +0000
From: "h.k.datta" <>
Subject: IEP

Rape of any female is an extremely abhorrent act. I understand, mostly by reading the Indian English Press (IEP), that rape has become quite a common occurrence in Indian urban as well as rural areas, perhaps an inevitable bad side-effect of industrialisation. I'm sure that there are also non-Hindu perpetrators of this crime when the victims are Hindu women. However, you and the other English press do not give prominence to rape incidents when victims are Hindu females. But I fail to understand why crimes against the so-called 'minorities' creates so much heat in the IEP when compared with crimes committed against the 'majority.'

Minorities are unlike any other minorities in any other country, when one considers the shear numerical strength of Christians (30 millions) and Muslims (130 millions), influence in terms of considerable political clout and obvious press bias. Is the death of a Hindu regarded as less important perhaps or even as a non-event since foreigners won't show much interest? It is time the IEP and your idiotic patrons started to treat everyone equally irrespective of race, creed, cast or religion. Otherwise, you will be consumed in the fire of hatred that is generated by your obvious biased reporting which ignores the plight of vast number of people in the land you claim to represent.

Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 17:24:45 +0500
From: manirupa <>
Subject: Shock

I, being from a peaceful state like Goa, having studied my entire life in a Catholic missionary school for almost free and having experienced the hospitality of Catholics as a race -- am deeply shocked at the kind of treatment being given to that section of the Indian community. Catholics have been involved in developmental work. I pray the culprits be punished most severely.

I think Rediff should have a nationwide protest column over the net, to gather opinions from like-minded people about various atrocious activities plaguing our so-called democracy, to complement their news reports. It's high time someone revolted against such barbarism.

Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 22:21:50 +1100
From: Brian Hard <>
Subject: RSS activists attack pastors in Kerala

It is apparent that the RSS has admitted by their actions, and now their words that they feel inadequate. The fact that they are attacking the Christian minority, rather than their traditional adversary the Muslims indicates the lack of direction they now have under a thorny Thackeray bush.

As one realises the truths of the Bhagvad Gita, one does not need to pick on a small but traditional ally as the Christian community has been. With a frustration born from not knowing how to perpetuate the traditional Vedic, violence has become the enacted teaching of the RSS. May the Hindu communities again find the real meaning of their rich teachings and reject the leadership of the Bombay power-broker who has spent his last anna. A Hindu afraid of the Christian teachings is unaware of the influence Hinduism had on Jesus of Bethlehem.

Brian Hard

Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 16:30:47 -0000
From: <>
Subject: Rushdie's visa

It is high time Muslim fundamentalists stopped trying to dictate government policy. Unfortunately, we had weak minded leaders like Rajiv Gandhi, who tried to be more loyal than the king on the matter of appeasing Muslims. Do these minorities object when missionaries come to India with the objective of proselytising Hindus? The government must ensure that Muslim fundamentalists don't get too big for their boots.

Ruchira Raghav

Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 09:42:56 PST
From: "" <>
Subject: Rushdie gets visa -- Bukhari loses mind

It was amusing to hear Bukhari say, "...We are opposed to the government giving him security or welcoming him. The government must stay away completely..." Doesn't the uneducated man realise that protecting people is the government's job? Yes, the government need not "welcome" him, but protecting the man is the government's duty. Thus, it is simply impossible for the government to "stay away," while hordes lay siege at the airport when he lands. The government should come, with riot gear if needed -- and be ready (and willing!) to use it.

Abhi Mitra

Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 10:00:19 -0800
From: "Ashish Hanwadikar" <>
Subject: Subject: Imam Bhukari is welcome to defame Ram

I am really glad that at last Imam Bukhari has poured out what he has in mind. What have they done to people who denigrated Ram? E V Ramaswamy garlanded Lord Ram with chappals in Tamil Nadu. Still DK has a good following there. Even if Bukhari does this, his followers will only be happy.

India is a secular country and these communists and real communalists like DK, DMK, SJD, RJD will not allow the Hindus to take revenge. Please go ahead Mr Bukhari. You have every right to denigrate Ram. I don't understand what Ram has to do with Rushdie defaming the Quran.

Amudhan S

Date: 04 Feb 99 10:54:10 +0500
From: "Rev. Dr. Alwyn D'Souza" <>
Subject: Schoolmates thrash dalit boy

This is truly barbarous. The manager must be jailed and the school put into the hands of more humane educators.

Rev Dr Alwyn D'Souza
Bangalore - 560 046

Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 17:13:35 +0530
From: Suja Joseph Moolayil <>
Subject: Schoolmates thrash dalit

I read the report that a school boy was thrashed by his classmates for not wearing a uniform. I accept that it was wrong on the part of the students as well as the manager to go to such an extent. But why should it be mentioned in the headline itself that the boy was a dalit? You haven't mentioned anywhere in the report that he was thrashed because he was a dalit.

I feel such reports are misleading and result in unnecessary reactions. Why does the media nowadays seem very keen in highlighting the caste as well as the religion of a wronged person, even if the assault bears no connection whatsoever to his or her religion or caste?


Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 20:51:31 -0800
From: srinivas murthy <>
Subject: 'Dalit boy' thrashed by classmates

Perhaps the news worthiness of this item would have not been what it is, if not for the 'D' word used. Did you have to mention that the beaten boy was a Dalit? Is it not possible that the victim incidentally *also* happened to be a Dalit? Are you sure that he was beaten because he was a Dalit? There have been worse instances where teachers have thrashed students to death for failing to do home work. Would you have made a Dalit student -- higher caste teacher case out of this? You guys are going to divide India on caste lines, if it does not happen on its own.

Srinivas Murthy

Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 14:40:09 -0500
From: Milind Diwan <>
Subject: Tara Shankar Sahay's article on CTBT

More immature and wishful thinking from the Indian elite. The P-5 (US, Russia, China, UK, and France) have developed a relationship over the last 50 years. During this time India was irrelevant and at most an irritant. Yet Indian politicians and officials keep thinking they have finally found a way to get some importance. Let's get a few things clear:

1. There is zero chance of India getting any attention (except as an irritant) in the international security scenario anytime soon. Nuclear weapons or no nuclear weapons, India will never get any importance, until it shows some unity on crucial national issues and stops acting like a petulant child.

2. There is zero chance of putting a significant wedge in the P-5 hegemony. Remember that the P-5 foreign ministers are on a first name basis. They send Christmas cards to each other and talk to each other on the phone whenever they like.

3. If you think there is a division in the P-5, they are most likely playing good cop/ bad cop with you. One guy beats you over the head, and the other says nice things to you and gets you to do what they want.

4. The P-5 are no longer enemies of each other. The scientists and policy makers get together all the time and exchange ideas on security. They have essentially divided up the world in spheres of influence. Unless you evolve a process of making fast national decisions on important economic and security issues, you are doomed to be a poor, neglected nation in the Chinese or US sphere of influence.

Milind Diwan

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