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Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 13:22:01 -0500
From: Anand Tiwari <>
Subject: Salman arrested

I hope the stars do not get away with the killing. The fact that they knew poaching was not allowed in that area shows that these stars did not care for the law, or the sentiments of the local Bishnoi community. They should be given the harshest possible punishment.


Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 12:24:59 -0600
From: Raghavendar Bhavansikar <>
Subject: Salman arrested

The ways of the rich and famous are strange. It is tough to comprehend the utter lack of compassion for animals, or the disrespect for the law on the part of Salman and others. The transgressors should be dealt with firmly and they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent according to the law.

I hope that they will get what they deserve.


Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 22:01:15 +0200
From: "s.l.sharma" <>
Subject: Salman arrested

I know they are innocent and they deserve to be released from jail. I know that they are very nice. They cannot be locked up in prison. All their fans want them released and we love them a lot. We will stop watching films if they stop acting. They are our favourite film stars. We want to tell the lawyers that they have the support of their fans, friends and families.

Date sent: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 01:03:13 +0530
From: rajivc <>
Subject: Salman arrested

The star should be booked. Hunting is a crime -- that too of endangered species. Everybody is equal before the law, no matter who.


Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 11:35:57 -0700
From: "Nishit Rao" <nrao@systems.DHL.COM>
Subject: Salman arrested

Great. Influential people in India have always made a mockery of the law. If reports are true, they should be convicted and sentenced to six full years. This will be a step in the right direction.


Date sent: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 07:57:54 +0530
From: "Sanjay Rao" <>
Subject: Salman arrested

These days many youngsters from rich families exhibit an alarming contempt for the law. And Salman and Saif are examples of this disturbing trend. Since many of our young folks look up to these stars and try to emulate them, they must be punished and given maximum penalty for their crimes.

Else, other youngsters will be tempted to emulate them.

Sanjay Rao

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 20:52:39 EDT
From: <>
Subject: Salman arrested

They should go to jail. Shame on them. Tell me what difference it will make to our society if they are imprisoned even for 100 years? Their presence or absence from society will not make a dime of a difference. They are the weeds of our society, misleading our youngsters. As far as I am concerned they should be sent to jail...

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 15:03:37 -0400
From: "Srikant Rachakonda" <>
Subject: Salman arrested

Is this real? I hope not.

Srikant Rachakonda

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 20:42:26 -0500
From: "Sushil Muzumdar" <>
Subject: The Giriraj Kishore interview

It is difficult to understand why fanatics from the VHP are given so much importance by the press. Their sickening acts have come out in the open and every patriotic Indian should condemn this organisation and what it stands for. I hope in future you'll focus on important people who really matter.

Sushil Muzumdar
Texas, USA

Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 07:51:53 -0500
From: "Ismail, Raja M (Raj)" <>
Subject: Tata domestic airlines project - want of a decision

I think any of the governments should have taken a decision on this matter. If projects like this are abandoned for want of a decision, I fail to understand what could be achieved in India and what progress could be achieved, not only for want of a right or wrong decision, but for want of a decision itself, on the part of the governments in power.

Raja Ismail

Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 14:39:49 -0400
From: Gopala Tumuluri <>
Subject: C M Ibrahim's interview

Is it even worth interviewing irresponsible people like him? It is the most idiotic thing I have read in a long time.

Date sent: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 03:19:03 -0700
Subject: Superb report

I was really fortunate to study your report on the just concluded Test between India and Zimbabwe. It was really superb and it clearly picturised the agony of a true Indian cricket fan. More than anything else the way of analysing and the corrective methods indicated were really excellent.

I wish our cricketers read this. Let your pen continue to do stellar service in guiding the Indian cricket team and provide an excellent treat to the Indian cricket followers all over the world.

May god bless you, sir.

Senthil Kumar
Kuala Lumpur

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 16:33:52 -0400
From: "Shariq Ahmed Tariq" <>
Subject: Azhar needs to go

You have pointed out the glaring inadequacies in Indian cricket and frankly speaking, they will continue to persist as far as the BCCI is involved. However, India needs a change of captain. One who will not let things stagnate a la Azharuddin and basically motivate the players into performing more consistently. Also my vote would go to a player who can command a regular place in the Indian side and deals with pressure well.

In my humble opinion such a player is Saurav Ganguly who has made drastic strides in both his attitude and his game from the time he started out, and he has the kind of no-nonsense personality that Indian cricket so badly needs.


Date sent: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 11:42:18 -0700
From: Kali Sanyal <>
Subject: Your comment on the Harare campaign

My goodness, you've written what I've been feeling over the weeks! My only thought was that we've been betrayed by a team-ballooned over its success in Indian theatre. But now I realise that the problem lies not on the field, but in the plan and thinking of the team captain, as well as with the team management.

The role of the present coach seems weird, you need to think about hiring an overseas coach, whose authority will be exclusive. I think that will save India from disgrace of the sort that they brought forth from Sahara and Harare.

K K Sanyal

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