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Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 13:47:19 PDT
From: "Mohan Marette" <>
Subject: Salman arrested

If the story is proven to be true, I hope they are imprisoned for six years. They seem like an arrogant bunch. On the other hand, knowing how things work, I doubt if anything will happen to them. As far as I know, it is still all about 'connections' and the size of one's bank account.

Mohan Marette
USA & Kerala

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 14:02:48 PDT
From: "sai Sivanand tunuguntla" <>
Subject: Salman arrested

Some of our film stars try to project a 'cool' image through such sick and senseless acts. Hopefully, the law-enforcing authorities will get them to book without much legal hassles and 'dharnas.' This should teach such people a lesson not to go overboard on the popularity wave.


Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 12:38:34 -0700
From: Biplab Bhawal <>
Subject: Salman arrested

This is a very good report and I would like to keep a track of future events, and see how effective our judicial system is.

I would request you to inform your readers from time to time on how the cases proceed.

Dr Biplab Bhawlal
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 12:44:30 -0600
From: Kishor Gujarathi <>
Subject: Salman arrested

In India if you have money and political contacts, nothing is going to happen to you. I think since all actors meet this criteria, they will be released soon.

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 17:40:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mani Thothadri <>
Subject: Salman arrested

They should be arrested, thrown in prison and made to pay for their arrogance and mindless behaviour. They must definitely be seen as an example, but then, as is usual in such high profile cases, the media will quietly let the whole issue wane and they will go scot-free. India bleeds.


Date sent: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 00:48:03 EDT
From: <>
Subject: Salman arrested

Salman, Saif, Tabu, Sonali and Neelam have acted like animals in this case.

Date sent: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 07:57:32 +0300
From: Satya Dayanand <>
Subject: Salman arrested

It is high time that the common man saw the law of the land being implemented across the board. It is sickening to see how the rich and famous get away with no remorse or caring. Whether it is Laloo or Salman, the law must take its course and they must be held accountable.

S Dayanand

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 15:21:21 -0400
From: Kaushik Raj <>
Subject: Salman arrested

In case these stars are found guilty, they should be imprisoned for more than six years.

Kaushik Raj

Date sent: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 11:13:51 +0800
From: <>
Subject: Salman arrested

This is just another example of how the rich and famous think they can get away with any crime they commit. This incident only shows their utter disregard for the laws of the state, the principles and traditions of the local people, and above all, total contempt and cruelty to wildlife.

Such people deserve to be punished to the maximum extent permissible by the laws of the state and the country. These days when more and more species of animals are becoming extinct, we cannot afford to lose more endangered animals to the whims and fancies of these rich, spoilt and pampered 'stars' or anyone else. But it is obvious that these 'stars' will use all their money and muscle power, and get out of this through their usual unethical and illegal means.

These people deserve to be arrested and jailed for six years as described in the article. They deserve every moment of it.

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 16:39:18 -0700
From: Subbu <>
Subject: Salman arrested

What is there to say? When the president of the USA can be brought to court and can be booked for a *known-case*, why not these movie stars? I think they should be punished to the maximum possible extent allowed by an appropriate law and this should serve as a serious lesson to all other so-called *influential people* in India.

Date sent: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 09:19:25 +0900
From: venkat <>
Subject: Salman arrested

This is really preposterous. The actors seem to think they are living in the land of maharajahs, where hunting was the ultimate symbol of aristocracy.

The love and affection that people bestow on stars is for the positive image they portray as good men on screen. What Salman has done, knowing it is illegal and also inhuman, is probably what his fans should take note of. The law may take its own course, but it is for the audience to shun such characters and drop them off the high pedestals they are placed on.

R Venkataraghavan
Seoul 137-140

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 15:23:15 -0600
From: Suhas Gadekar <>
Subject: Salman arrested

Good news... If he wanted to hunt, then I guess he should have opted to join the army in Kashmir to hunt militants, rather than hunting innocent black bucks and chinkaras.

Shame on Salman, Saif and all those women who accompanied them to enjoy poaching. It's disgusting to know what they do in movies and what their real ethical values are! Culprits should be severely punished, to put forward an example and to uphold the sentiments of animal lovers.

Suhas Gadekar
Denver, CO<

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 17:13:52 -0500
From: SABRE Employee <>
Subject: Salman arrested

This was really very bad on their part. If the incident is true then they should be punished. I had such a good opinion of these actors but now everything is gone. On one hand is Amla, who is so active in Blue Cross and on the other hand are these foolish actors who are defaming the very profession. No one who reads this article will ever feel comfortable seeing them do heroic acts or any good things on screen. I really feel ashamed that these things should happen at all.

Ravi Kanth

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 12:50:26 -0600
From: "Veerabhushan K. Hatte" <>
Subject: Salman arrested

They should be punished.

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 13:32:05 -0400
From: "Saravanakumar Natarajan" <>
Subject: Salman arrested

No efforts should be spared to bring the culprit to book. Let 'justice' take its own course and show the common man that no one is above the law. This act should be taken as a golden opportunity and the culprits (read actors and actresses) should be punished so that it sends the right message to everyone concerned.

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 12:31:33 -0700
From: parag phadke <>
Subject: Salman arrested

Splendid reporting by Rediff. I am ashamed of these so-called stars. For long we have ignored the politics of the stars of Bollywood. It turns out that their values are as trashy as their acting. I think all conscientious citizens should just not watch their movies.

Keep it up, Rediff. Thanks for the report.

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 13:07:36 -0500
From: Murthy <>
Subject: Salman arrested

If it were the United States, we would have seen them cool their heels in prison for some time, at least. I doubt whether there is going to be even a trial against these 'stars'. You can blame them for lack of talent and brains, but not arrogance.

Srinivas Murthy

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 17:30:32 EDT
From: <>
Subject: Poaching

It is regrettable that actors who get fame, wealth and undeservedly also get respect and admiration, in most cases are so arrogant that they violate laws. There should be no different standards for ordinary criminals and the actors or actresses who deliberately violate laws. All criminals should be prosecuted and punished if found guilty. In fairness, there should be no consideration for the gender either and all criminals should be punished equally if found guilty.

Rasik Sanghvi

Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 13:10:31 -0400
From: Shashi Kant Sharma <>
Subject: Salman arrested

If they are not booked then this will encourage others to follow their path. I wonder if justice will be done to the animals. If the government and the law fail to put them behind bars then the present government will need to do some rethinking. We hope double standards don't come into play here. I am particularly concerned about wildlife.

Let us hope they will be punished according to the law.

Shashi Kant

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