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Madhur Mittal
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'Our cameraman made shit look brilliant on the screen'

So how was working with Danny Boyle like?

I have worked with many people but the most that I have learnt cinematically is from Danny. He is an institution in himself. We had a lot of script reading sessions and workshops before we started shooting. The more you read the script, the better you understand your character.

The best thing that I learned from Danny is that he believes in emoting through the eyes rather than too many facial expressions.

Before the actual shoot started, we had 15 days of pre-shoot. We had 200 people working on it which is not incorporated in the movie. Those scenes were just for us so that we could get used to the atmosphere, the camera and the people. I though it was an interesting concept. Our cameraman Anthony Dod Mantle is brilliant. He has made shit look brilliant on the screen.

How did you prepare for the role of Salim?

To get into the skin of the character, I hung out with lots of guys who hang around at street corners and played games like carom, cards and snooker. I took Dev with me when he was here, and we got acquainted with those guys.

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