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Madhur Mittal
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'The prospect of working with Danny Boyle was daunting'

How did Slumdog Millionaire happen?

A friend who worked with me in Shaka Laka Boom Boom had gone to audition for Slumdog, and he told me about it. So I decided to go too. It took eight months to know the results, as the auditions were held in many cities.

Initially, I auditioned for the character who rapes Laitka, which is done by another actor in the film. After the auditions, I read the script many times. Around this time I met with an accident and had to get 12 stitches on my chin. That changed my look, and helped me look like the character I had to play in the film.

Later, I came to know that (casting director and co-director) Loveleen Tandan had shortlisted me. She told me that I had the potential to do a movie of this stature. Still, the prospect of working with Danny Boyle was daunting.

I learned that Danny had selected the three main characters for the film and they were much more older -- around 24 and 25. But once he got Dev Patel and me, he changed the script. He made the film younger (we play 18 and 19 years in the film). That, for us, was the biggest compliment.

The movie is based on a novel, Q & A by Vikas Swarup. Have you read the book?

No, not yet.

Have you watched any of Danny Boyle's movies before you signed this role?

I saw The Beach, as I am a huge Leonardo Di Caprio fan. I have also seen Trainsporting.

Also Read: Rahman, on what drew him to Slumdog

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