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Anushka Sharma
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'I never thought Rab Ne was far fetched'

devanshmathur asked: What do u think about Brad Pitt and Edward Norton's acting in Fight Club?

Anushka Sharma answers: Actually I haven't watched Fight Club :( ..... But I want to watch it. Maybe tonight.

nashk asked: Hi Anuskha.. Who do you think is the most beautiful actress (besides u)?
Anushka Sharma answers: They are all so beautiful .....

amaresh asked: Hi anushka, do u think you can carry the success ahead?
Anushka Sharma answers: One must just do their best in whichever field of work, success is something that follows. That should not be the driving force. Love and passion for your work should be.

anush asked: Your Lucky Charm?
Anushka Sharma answers: Parents and my older brother.

vista asked: Did you watch Ghajini? How do you rate it?
Anushka Sharma answers: Hi vista, no I have not seen it yet.

sna asked: Hi Anushka, Rab Ne seems a far-fetched fantasy. Do you beleive in this kind of stuff?
Anushka Sharma answers: Hi sna, I never thought Rab Ne was far fetched. And the fact that I have done the film I believe in it one hundred percent. But we all realise that once a film is made it is left to the audience for whom the film is made in the first place to form their opinions :)

bakhruv asked: Hi Anushka..Varun here.. I wanted to say that looking at you anyone would say tujme rab dikhta hai and would love the tiffin made by you. Do you really know how to cook?
Anushka Sharma answers: ha ha ha thanks ..... I can cook but haven't done it too many times. But whenever I have my victims have liked it :0

Prasanna asked: What was your reaction working with an old guy who is 20 years elder than you like your fater?
Anushka Sharma nswers: Hi prasanna. You know I feel that one must detach the actor from the person. If an actor is convincingly playing a role younger to his real age where is the problem? One must respect this and try not to be over cynical.

shobhitkapoor asked: Hi Anu, I am Indian but basically living in Japan. Did you really come there :-) i.e. Kyoto, Mt Fuji, Tokyo, Shinagwa. If yes then I really missed that :-(?
Anushka Sharma answers: No actually those were taken in the studio. Kudos to our still photographer :O

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