HSR asked: Hi Anushka, how was your first day in front of camera? What was the first scence/dialogue? I am from bangalore. How was your experience with first bollywood movie that to with Mr King Khan, Bollywood Badshah Shahrukh Khan...! Please share with us..Thank You!!
Anushka Sharma answers: Hi HSR. On the first day I had no dialogues.... Luckily because I was really nervous :) .... But the first dialogues I said were the talk Taani and Suri have when she tells him that she wont be able to love him. It was awesome working with him. He is simply great and lots of fun to be around. Good luck to you :)
akt asked: Taaniji, do you think heroines are sinply glamour items in bollywood?
Anushka Sharma answers: According to me, how one looks on screen, be it female or male actors depends entirely on the nature and kind of film one is doing. Like for eg. Rab Ne .... was a simple film hence both Suri and Taani were presented simply.
gajinder asked: Lot of praise for you from all quaters, keep your cool and be yourself, what about the time you took to ride the bike or was it your duplicate who has done it for you
Anushka Sharma answers: Hey gajinder, actually I learnt to ride the bike for the Dhoom chase scene especially. And the wheeley (hope that is correct ;)) was done with the help of wire work.
Surinder singh sahni asked: Yarr anushka ji. My parents do not know dat I'm in cyber cafe and if they know they are going to kill me please batta do ki apka nature asli life me bhi yahi hai naaaaa
Anushka Sharma answers: In more ways than one I am like Taani but right now you go home. And do not ever lie to your parents Mr Surinder singh sahni. It is not correct :)
salman] asked: Hi I am Salman Khan
Anushka Sharma answers: hmmmmm nice name ;)
AjayKumar asked: Hi Anushka, you have a great smile, Rab Ne was a great movie... What are your future movies
Anushka Sharma answers: thank you Mr Ajay Kumar. Glad you liked the film
paranoid_v asked: I haven't seen the film, I have a tiff between Ghajini and Rab Ne for tomorrow, what do u say?
Anushka Sharma answers: What would you expect me to say? I'd say watch Rab Ne .... but you should watch what you think you'd enjoy. Good luck with the decision ;)
RohitB asked: So you always wanted to become an actress?
Anushka Sharma answers: No Rohit ... never thought about it.
raj11111 asked: Wish you very Happy New Year Anushka. Dear anushka you are a real beauty in fact. I think SRK was lucky to get you as heroine of Rab Ne. What do you say. So confident in your first movie itself. Have you taken some acting training. All the best for your professional achievements in this new year.
Anushka Sharma answers: Thanks raj !!
Also Read: Playing Shah Rukh's Taani