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A scene from Taxi No. 9211
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'I deliberately tried to be different from John Abraham'

It has been almost a year since Anjathe was released and we saw you here in Tamil. Why the long gap?

Soon after Anjathe was released, I got an opportunity to act as Mohanlal's younger brother in Matambi. As it was a very important character, I grabbed the role and didn't take up any Tamil film immediately afterwards.

It is true that because of the success of Anjathe, I got quite a lot of offers in Tamil. But I believe in doing different kinds of roles and not getting stereotyped. When I say I prefer different kinds of roles, I really mean it. A newcomer like me can take a place in the mind of people only if the character I portray is strong enough.

So, I was waiting for a good character to come by. A couple of films which I committed to in Tamil after Anjathe did not take off. Luckily for me, Matambi happened in the meantime.

How did you feel stepping into John Abraham's role?

They say that Taxi No 9211 changed the phase of John Abraham's career. But I accepted the film not because it was done by John Abraham but because I had lots of stuff to do in the film. I have played the role of a rich Tamil guy in my own style. I am really happy that the film and my role have come out well.

After I signed the film, I watched Taxi No 9211 again to make sure that I had done the role differently. As we are from south India, we should behave like those from the south which is quite different from how they behave elsewhere. So, I deliberately tried to be different from John Abraham.

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