This is not for the first time an Indian artiste has been cast in a Pink Panther film. When director Blake Edwards, the creator of Pink Panther series starring Peter Sellers, sought to revive the franchise in 1993 with The Son of Pink Panther he cast Shabana Azmi as a queen mother.
The movie, which had Italy's Roberto Benigni as the bumbling detective, was a box office disaster and also outraged the critics.
Meanwhile, Anil Kapoor's Slumdog Millionaire, which is showing in some 1,700 theatres in North America, was also on the top 10 chart.
While Pink Panther 2 was at number four, Slumdog, which came down by just about four percent from last week and grossed $7.5 million over the weekend, was at number seven. Unlike Ash, Anil Kapoor has a substantial and well-regarded role in the movie.
Ash at the The Pink Panther 2 premiere in New York.
Photograph: Paresh Gandhi
Also Read: The Pink Panther Pretties before Ash