Amitabh Bachchan has spent 40 years of his life in Mumbai. Yet, in the past two years, he has been asked repeatedly to prove his loyalty to the city that made him a superstar, vis a vis his hometown, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh.
Jaya's off-the-cuff remarks at the music launch of Drona seemed to fuel the Bachchan clash with Maharashtra Navnirman Sena, as its head Raj Thackeray asked for a public apology and threatened to ban all Bachchan films in the state.
But the Bachchans apologised, and Thackeray withdrew the agitation. Now, Amitabh Bachchan gives Girish Rao his uncensored views. Over to the Big B:
What is your take on the Jaya Bachchan-MNS clash?
It's really unfortunate that this controversy started. We had no any intention of degrading any language. We have been living in this city for the past 40 years and whatever my family and me have earned is only because of this city. I am really proud of this city. Why will I degrade anything about this state and its language? We would love to live peacefully.
Now when off-the-cuff remarks are being distorted, people are protesting. Common people, who are innocent, have got nothing to do with this issue. So they should not suffer. Because of this we cancelled the premiere of The Last Lear.
Photographs: Pradeep Bandekar
Also Read: Jaya Bachchan's controversial clip