After 'don'ning many avatars, Shah Rukh Khan will be seen as a hockey coach in the upcoming film, Chak De! India. And not just any coach, but that of a team of a gaggle of girls!
Girish Rao tracked down the actor for a lowdown on the film and why he's scared of it.
Chake De India doesn't look like a typical Shah Rukh Khan film -- no songs, dance or romance...
(Smiles) Yes, it's a non-Shah Rukh khan film with 16 actresses and no love angle. But sports, as a genre in films, is also not popular.
The concept for Yash Raj is a new thing. Director Shimit Amin's last film was Ab Tak 56, which is nowhere near to what Yash Raj or I did. It's a mix of unusual things.
There were so many reasons not to do the film but I think there were the same number of reasons for doing it.
Also Read: Chak De creates Bollywood record!