After her mass communication from Sophia College in Mumbai, Mandira thought of doing her internship with Prahlad Kakkar.
"While doing that, I was offered Shanti. Then came Aurat, and Extraa Innings. We were trying to take cricket to all sections of people, especially women. I still have a contract with Sony, but it hasn't got the rights for the last few matches, which is why I haven't been seen on the cricket front lately. There will be matches by October though, for which Sony has rights.
When I got the offer for Extraa Innings, I began reading about cricket and became well-versed with the statistics. I soon realised, however, that no matter how much you prepare, it is of no help because on the day of the game, you just have to speak about that day's play.
I started promoting women's cricket because matches for men do not need much of a boost in India. When my name got attached to women's cricket, we could organise funds and attract sponsorship.