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Mandira Bedi: Up close and personal

She began her career with a substantial role in Shanti and went on to become a household name. Extraa Innings gave her a glamorous image, and her noodle-strap blouses were the talk of the town. Meet Mandira Bedi, who recently participated in Fear Factor. And won.

"I participated in the celebrity episode, and it was great being a contestant for once. Winning was the most exciting part, not because the prize money was Rs 10 lakh but because I host sporty events and felt that I had to prove myself, in a way.

We had three games and shot for three days in Malaysia. The first game involved being handcuffed underwater and finding a key as quickly as possible. The second -- the yuckiest -- had us in a coffin-like box, covered in centipedes, rats and spiders. We were asked not to have a bath as that would irritate the creatures. When I finished that round, I was in tears. I never knew I had it in me to do something like that. The third round was a proper stunt involving a helicopter. It was dangerous, but I did it smoothly.

With Fear Factor, you know you are risking your life, but there hasn't been a single casualty to date. The only thing is you should have the guts to go through it all."

Text: Patcy N | Design: Uday Kuckian

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