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Can Reliance win 100 million mobile users?

January 21, 2009

Many expect RCom to loose its CDMA subscribers to its own GSM service, so there might not be any big real addition in its mobile subscriber base.

"If RCom continues with this fabulous offer, its CDMA subscribers will feel cheated and shift. With number portability (which allows users to migrate from one service provider to another while retaining the number) coming in, it will be easier to do so. So these numbers are too ambitious," says a senior executive of a competing mobile company.

Industry experts say the company itself might offer free or cheap GSM handsets to its CDMA customers to goad them to switch, so that it has to manage just one network.

But RCom executives say they are technology-neutral and there is a market for both the products. Those who want data functions would prefer CDMA, while those looking for predominantly voice usage and handset flexibility would prefer GSM.

Image: More takers for mobile phones. | Photograph, courtesy: World Wide Web Consortium

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