Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday held an exhaustive meeting with top Cabinet colleagues, including Pranab Mukherjee and P Chidambaram, to explore all options to salvage the scam-tainted Satyam Computer.
"We are looking at different possibilities. . .," Corporate Affairs Minister Prem Chand Gupta said.
Commerce and Industry Minister Kamal Nath, who had yesterday said that the government was open to consider a financial package for Satyam, and Planning Commission deputy chairman Monetk Singh Ahluwalia also attended the review meeting held a day after the first meeting of three-member government appointed board.
"We appraised the prime minister and other ministers of the situation and what action has been taken; what is being done and what will be done," Gupta told reporters.
Text: PTI
Image: TPrime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh
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