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Of pickles, Rs 6 crore and Tihar Jail

February 13, 2008

There has been an increase in the wages paid to prisoners. Earlier, they were paid Rs 10, Rs 12 and Rs 16 for performing unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled labour, respectively. The wages have now been raised to Rs 40, Rs 44 and Rs 52 per day.

In 2007, the Tihar Jail gave computer training to 843 prisoners, imparted carpentry skills to 760, taught weaving to 456, and taught envelope making to 404 inmates. 4,729 prisoners were given vocational. This included 176 women inmates. Women were given training in creche culture (15), beauty culture (10), incense making (17), pickle and gums (15), candle making (18), tailoring (25), weaving (33) and computer (23).

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