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The top 10 email scams

August 28, 2008

8. Money can't be minted. . . or can it?

It's the classic scam and there are so many versions of it going on, both online and offline.

At first reading, or hearing as the case may be, it all sounds pretty plausible. The email will contain a list of people. You will be asked to send a certain amount of money to the person whose name tops the list. You will also be asked to forward the list to a certain number of people you trust.

The opportunity to make a good deal money, with minimal investment, will be impressively detailed. There will be quotes given, along with email addresses, of happily satisfied people who've already made their bundle. There are repeated guarantees and double reassurances that nothing, absolutely nothing, can go wrong.

If things go according the method listed, you may actually stand to make some money. But this, remember, is a scam. Most of the time, the mail is manipulated in such a way that the name of the scamster, or his friends, is always on top.

Even if the scheme is genuine, it works only if more people get added to the list and if they send money. And all such schemes have a strange tendency of fizzling out; only those who get in early make some money. This is the much prevalent Ponzi scheme. . . and sometimes even multi-level marketing schemes fall into this category.

Remedy: There's no easy way to make money. The easier way out is to aim for the delete button.

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