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The top 10 email scams

August 28, 2008

7. Time to travel?

You're planning a much looked forward to holiday and -- stroke of luck! -- some interesting emails land in your mail in-box, offering you bargain holidays to these really exotic locations. It may even be a reasonably priced, decent sounding time share arrangement.

You click, send in your requirement, get a positive reply and even sign on the dotted line.

And then discover. . .

  • That, quite simply, the whole thing was a scam and the money you've already paid is lost forever.
  • There are certain rather expensive charges you have to pay that you were told nothing about.
  • That the time-share is on, but the dates that are available to you are the ones that no one else wants because they are not convenient.

    These scams peak just before, or during, the holiday season, so beware!

    Remedy: Ignore these guys and book through a real travel agent, a state-run travel agency, or a reputed Web site.

    Also read: World's 10 most women-friendly companies
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