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The Demographic Dividend

Dr William T Wilson says that India's huge population -- till now considered its biggest stumbling block to big growth -- will be its biggest strength in the future.

1. India's population is likely to surpass China's by 2030.

2. India's population will rise by almost 350 million, twice as much as the United States, Western Europe and China combined.

3. China's population currently exceeds India's by over 200 million. By 2050, India's population is likely to exceed China's by 200 million.

4. India's proportion of urban population is projected to rise from 29% currently to 41% by 2030.

Growth in the labour force

1. Growth in India's working age population will exceed its already high population growth until 2015.

2. While China's working age population declines between 2020 and 2050, India's continues to grow until 2045.

3. China's current working age population dwarfs India's by 230 million. However, by 2050, India's working age population will exceed China's by the same amount.

An unidentified Indian vendor gestures as he waits for customers with his basket full of snacks at a tourist spot in Bangalore.

Photograph: Dibyangshu Sarkar/AFP/Getty Images

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