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November 29, 2002
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'Removal of sops on housing loans will ruin many a dream'

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Fri Nov 29 15:10:19 2002
Your Views: Though its good in some respects still its not focussing on tapping the loopholes and leakage. There should be conrete steps for stopping tax avoidance by linking bank accounts with tax system. The non-salaried (business class) goes untaxed to a great extent. They manipulate the figures and escape with payment of meagre tax. Whats the meaning of all these schemes (one by six etc) unless the same can be implemented objectlively. What is happening is that 2-3% people are paying tax for the whole population. Its all due to inefficient system and policies. It all are made to pay, then tax rate would come down to about 10% or so. If tax is 10%, incidence of avoidance would come down significantly (as tax avoidance also has its cost and risk).

Fri Nov 29 15:10:27 2002
Name:Ajit Singh
Your Views: Up to Rs. 1,50,000/- should be tax free , because of lower salary class, and up Rs. 5,00,000/- should be taxed @ 10% and above five lacs it should be @ 20%. HRA and LTA exemption should remain as per the present rules and regulations of Tax.

Fri Nov 29 15:10:48 2002
Your Views: Why can't govt raise money by arresting corruption? Everytime it is more taxes for salaried common people who pay their tax without an issue. 2. And by not allowing the savings to continue what does govt think people should hand over that money to Govt ? 3. And where does all the money collected go ? on people lasting for 5 year. 4. It is high time that so called leaders (read MPs) should be charged for every facilities and amenities that are offered free and for every MP there should be a dedicated Income Tax person and ACB person to get hold of all the assets owned by that fellow. 5. I think if Govt can do that within 1 year it can raise enough money that next year it will not think of fresh taxes.

Fri Nov 29 15:11:00 2002
Your Views: I think all these measures will not yield much .. ultimately he is also doing the same thing like others.. squeeze already obedient service class.. revising slabs will not attract tax evading people.. after all nobody likes to shell even pebbles.. I think he should also look at British system .. and adapt a approach to make taxes as per the wealth acuumulated and not earned during a period.. also this would bring rich politicians and parties under tax slab.. I know this can not be done in a democracy.. (after all apne paav par kulhaadi kaun marega..) but in summary.. please taras khhao on service class.. kitna khoon aur chusogey.. instead target those who are not paying anything.. after all only 25% of total is the honest tax paying class is just... I hope someone atleast pays attention to this.

Fri Nov 29 15:11:14 2002
Name:PK Baranwal
Your Views: Proposal is unfair as far as rebate on savings are concerned because it will be cheating by the Govt. to the person taken huge amount of loan for housing purpose keeping the rebate in mind. Also LIC policy, ULIP etc. are taken just for tax rebate and there is no other reason. Govt should keep this in mind while finalizing the proposal.

Fri Nov 29 15:11:19 2002
Your Views: The removal of tax sops on housing is really a terrible blow to the middle class.It will ruin many an Indian's dream of having a house.When the real estate sector seems to pick up it would seriously dampen Housing Companies growth followed by a chain reaction on the Indian cement,steel,paints and other related industries. When there are little avenues left for investment Housing seemed to be a better one but now Mr. Kelkar is trying to get rid of that too !!Mr. FM are you listening ?? I am the Common Man speaking!!

Fri Nov 29 15:11:55 2002
Name:Vineet Kumar
Your Views: The proposal is unfair to the middle class since with the cost of living in metros rising the only way to save for old age and the children future is by the various tax saving schemes which he recommends should be abolished. If this and the future governments promise to provide social security and old age benifit to Indian citizens (without corruption comming in the way as bottlenecks - the way it is happening now), then his proposal should be welcomed with open arms. Incase this level of comfort feeling cannot be given to the middle class then the proposal should be scrapped without any further thoughts.

Fri Nov 29 15:11:56 2002
Your Views: simplifing taxlaws is very much essenial and concessions to retired people should be continued.every other recomandation can be made a law

Fri Nov 29 15:12:16 2002
Email: msyadaw
Your Views: Proposal is very good,there should be no exemption country like india where very few percentage of people have got job .Every person who has got Job should pay tax irrespective gross annual income but percentage should be lower.Person WHO HAS TAKEN HOUSE LOAN AS PER PRESENT SCHEME TO SAVE TAX MAY BE GIVEN SOME TIME SAY FIVE YEAR.

Fri Nov 29 15:12:30 2002
Name:Vilas Mahabal
Your Views: Mr. Kelkar has done a great job. He has been very bold in giving these bold recommendations to the finance Minister in his interim report. The report is not final and hence it calls for countrywide debate on this very sensitive issue which can make far reaching impact on future course of Indian Economy. Although some of the suggessions made by Mr. Kelkar are not a new concept, the manner in which it has been brought before the tax payers attracts praise. Surely his suggessions are going to make an impressive impact on our economy. Especially he has not hesitated in saying that all the tax exemptions need to be abolished without any exception. He is ready to accept any changes after he gets positive feedback from the responsible citizens. Go ahead Mr. kelkar. You deserve support.

Fri Nov 29 15:13:10 2002
Your Views: Kelkar porposals on tax reforms are highly unfair to the salaried class.on one hand it deprives them of the opportunity to save for a rainy day on the other it tighens the tax noose on them. getting rebate on taxs was a motivation to save which will go and the hard pressed middle class otherwise is hardly in a position to save. the recommmendations are not balanced also as it propsup one section at tdhe cost of the other. middle class is equal stake holder in the process of nation building as industry or any other section. all sections should be meted out a fair and equitable treatment. kelker has treated the middle class patriculary salaried class as if they are helpless "servants' and not government servants who deserve some honour and diginity. the recommendations if implemented will lead to a lopsided policy which will have to be reviewed immediately after implementatio. apartmemt from above other recommedations, by and large are reasonabdle particularly one relating to imposition of income tax on agricultural income. reasons for exempting this from income tax are no longer valid. this provision is rather now being exploited to evade tax agriculture urgently.

Fri Nov 29 15:13:25 2002
Your Views: The proposal of two tier tax structure is OK but removal of the deducations is unfair to the Salaried Class People with Bank Interests going down and the Share Market in Dumps . In fact all the Government is bent upon squeezing the Middle Class Salaried People by closing down all doors of investments for small investors just to please few rich people. The Rich are growing Richer and the Poor are growing Poorer By the Day. This is Liberalization. There seems to be no relief for the middle class salaried people. May God Help Them.

Fri Nov 29 15:13:54 2002
Your Views: Kelkar's fundamental argument about tax exemptions(sops) is that it raises the real rate of interest in the economy. Well, so what if it does? Tax Sops are one of the biggest reasons why people are forced to put aways 60k-70k per year in LIC /PPF etc. It encourages long term savings and provides much needed money for infrastructure development. If these sops are removed, who will save ?? Where is liquidity ? Again funds will dry up and result in high rates of interest. IN AN ECONOMY, EVERYTHING IS LINKED, MR KELKAR. PLS study the full impact and then recommend. Why do you want us to put more money in the hands of corrupt politicians and bureaucrats by removing the tax sops ?

Fri Nov 29 15:14:05 2002
Name:Vinayak Dhopeshwarkar
Your Views: Lifting of exemptions will hit the salaried middle class. As it is, after considering various savings which provides tax exemptions, the salried employee can fill Nil returns upto 1 Lakh of Rupees. So, Dr Kelkar has not done any favour by increasing the limit to Rs. 1 Lakh. In fact, there is no reason to hike the lowest slab of 10% and making it directly 20%. This is another blow to the middle class, which is already smashed by different innumerable taxes imposed by different taxing authorities.

Fri Nov 29 15:15:23 2002
Name:Ch V Kalyan
Your Views: For the government, Direct Income Tax is a cash cow that can be used and misused without having a direct effect on its"vote bank". why not tax farmers and their likes?The govt has no courage and instead atacks the middle cclass, a community it can take for granted, as we have no champions. One such effort is the Kelkar commission. By having made public the Kelkar commission report, the FM have already created a pschye. In the budget, the FM would increase the taxes and then tell people that he has not fully implemented the Kelkar report and we should be happy for what we get. Thus Kelkar report would be a weapon for the government against u why should I pay 30% of my salary to a body that abuses me, my money and swindles all my money? By removing all the exemptions, the kelkar commission has clearly proved that the government is nothing more than a hungry money guzzling machine , a sick one at that

Fri Nov 29 15:15:27 2002
Name:Tarun Patra
Your Views: i dont know why everybody is talking abt less than 5 lacs braket...what abt the salaried people who are earning more than 8 lacs..that to in pvt sector where there is no job security and they have to pay the highest tax..if they loose their job then who will feed him..the govt ????? we the people are not getting any extra benefit by paying more tax..the govt should give us extra privielege card show that we get some good facilities..

Fri Nov 29 15:15:47 2002
Your Views: Kelkar's fundamental argument about tax exemptions(sops) is that it raises the real rate of interest in the economy. Well, so what if it does? Tax Sops are one of the biggest reasons why people are forced to put aways 60k-70k per year in LIC /PPF etc. It encourages long term savings and provides much needed money for infrastructure development. If these sops are removed, who will save ?? Where is liquidity ? Again funds will dry up and result in high rates of interest. IN AN ECONOMY, EVERYTHING IS LINKED, MR KELKAR. PLS study the full impact and then recommend. Why do you want us to put more money in the hands of corrupt politicians and bureaucrats by removing the tax sops ?

Fri Nov 29 15:15:58 2002
Your Views: Salaried class are badly discriminated against consultants, practising CAs, doctors and advocates. (not to speak of business men/politicians who never pay tax in proportion to their earnings). Only fail proof tax payers are taxed mercilessly. I suggest two slabs- 15% upto 5 lacs and 25% for over 5 lacs. Basic exemption limit must be 1.5 lacs considering the cost, distance of habitation in metros and urban cities in discharge of official duties. Tax exemptions can be structured and limited to two/three heads for simplification

Fri Nov 29 15:16:08 2002
Name:a k singh
Your Views: proposal is good

Fri Nov 29 15:16:16 2002
Name:M.S.Pavan Kumar
Your Views: Hi, Unless the commercial tax rates are increased and strict verification mechanisms are in place for Tax evaders, I Strongly feel that the kelkar's proposal is unfair and common man will be on roads. Regards Pavan

Fri Nov 29 15:16:55 2002
Name:R R Shrivastava
Your Views: I think in India Tax Advisor , Politican can only plan to dig grave for job serving middle class . They don't have innovative ideas to bring business man in the tax slab or to get due tax from them. Please Please for Humanity sake plan some thing rationaly

Fri Nov 29 15:17:20 2002
Name:O.G.Ravi Shankar
Your Views: The honest tax payer is the salaried class. This class also gets harssed by Tax authorities. By putting proposal to further burden them are you doing the right thing ? Business income is full of loopholes of benefits like depreciation etc which a salaried person does not enjoy and you proposal to give relief to business income and increase burden on honest tax payer looks very biased in favour of business class

Fri Nov 29 15:17:22 2002
Name:Deepu Mathew P
Your Views: I think the middle class salaried income are the most taxed category in India. Though we dont mind contributing to the nations cause , I feel that Govt Employees particularly should not be taxed since the nature of work for which they get paid is service to the people.This can be made appliocable to profit making Public Sector companies also since if any of them are making profits , its sheer ability of the employees for which they should be rewarded by less taxation.

Fri Nov 29 15:18:11 2002
Your Views: Yes, it is really unfair. the govt. cannot collect taxes from Business people, Industries, shop keepers, film starts, cricket players and so on and so forth. it is like milching a cow which cannot give any milk. already middle class people are overburdened by inflation, fall in rupee value, interest rates etc. As such there is black money in the economy, if the govt. can bring them back then the tax proposal is not required. In fact we can even finace the World bank. 2. So i feel that mr. jaswant singh is no way better than is predessor. 3. if the govt. does so i think in the next election, it will not only loose the elections, i am afraid the MPs will loose their deposits also. For any country wasteful expenditure like Iftar party, free foreign trip for MP/MLAs, so on and so forth should be avoided.

Fri Nov 29 15:18:24 2002
Name:kk nandwani
Your Views: 1)tax deductions u/s 80-L & 88 should be retained.

Fri Nov 29 15:19:12 2002
Your Views: The proposal should be balanced one. While withdrawing pleathora of exemptions is on the right direction, tax on salried class is still very high compared to SE Asian nations. So Government should have a look on this and slash tax rate further.

Fri Nov 29 15:19:26 2002
Your Views: Yes, the proposal are unfair for middle class. Actualy No Tax liability upto 2,50,000/- for service class.

Fri Nov 29 15:19:49 2002
Your Views: India never has a long term plan for anything be it fiscal policy or economic growth. Housing sector was given top priority just years back. The mammoth middle class put their life time earnings in housing while borrowing huge sum in the process. Always the salary class is hit by these psuedo rationalisation of taxes for the simple reason that administration is easy. Our law makers have to understand one thing - is it wealthier to be taxed? This recalls police-thief running race. In which case why not agriculturists be taxed for their income. There are crorepathis among agriculturists. Is agriculture income not money going into the individual's kitty. No planner is prepared to think. Middle class people suffer end to end - by cascading effect of price rise, inflation,lifestyle and taxation as well. Just because interest rates are ruling low, exemptions are unnecessary - is the panel's contention. Interest rates are lying low for many reasons. Why don't they pass on the benefit to public? One simple question - Why not parlimentarians be taxed for their salary income? We have criminals as law makers and what else can we expect as public. Everything is looked with ulterior motive.

Fri Nov 29 15:20:12 2002
Name:mahesh sharma
Your Views: We are shocked to know this because the Govt. only prompted us to take housing loan & now suddenly they are backing out this is really non-sence on Govt's part what will happen to our forced savings then why will we save in our PF & other savings. Now we want to ask Govt what about the taxing shopkeepers & business men,who have income in crores & thay do not pay even a panny as tax. I think BJP Govt has lost its mind & they are preparing the ground themself that the people should not vote for them. If this proposal is approved then its all over for the BJP. This Govt should not try to copy US because thet have different system of working we should follow our own ways ,we would like to hi-light the Govt tries to copy US in every feild than we are forced to say that in US there is no Jambo ministery in US.This BJP govt has broken all the records who so ever speckes sgaint the Govt he is given ministership! What is this? our Govt should try to copy efficiency,sincerty,honesty & all good qualites from US & not only they should dance to US tunes. Thanx

Fri Nov 29 15:20:24 2002
Name:Ashok Kumar
Your Views: Proposal is totally unfair. It has targeted only fixed income salaried honest taxpayers while no effort is being to tap surplus amount from tax evader businessmen. Abolition of tax benefit on house building loans will be a jolt to the middle class people and financial institutions besides the related slump in related housing industries and unemployment in labour sector.

Fri Nov 29 15:20:45 2002
Name:George Thomas
Your Views: You seem to have made up your mind that the proposals are unfair, from the way you have worded your introduction!!

Fri Nov 29 15:21:04 2002
Name:Gopal Iyer
Your Views: There has to be consistancy in policy matters. Income tax is no different. The retired and middle class struggle to manage their day to life when there is increase in cost of education to children, monthly outgoing on account of electricity, water, transportation, etc. They plan for 10-15 years on housing loan and if they find that the tax exemptions are withdrawn, they do not know where to look out for making up for their additional tax deduction.

Fri Nov 29 15:21:35 2002
Name:Ramavatar jaju
Your Views: it is unfair ! tax rates should be like below from 1.5 to 2.00 lakhs 10% flat 1.00 to 1.5 lakhs 5% 2.00 to 2.5 lakhs 15 % 2.5 to 3.00 lakhs 20% 3.00 onwords 30% flat. it will get more revenus from big salaried people & help middle class people to get some relife .

Fri Nov 29 15:21:41 2002
Name:Edwin Manohar
Your Views: We work at private firms sweating blood and we get occassional breaks also in once career on top of it we today we are burdened by this hefty tax.It looks like that the government is trying its best to kill the middle class segment.

Fri Nov 29 15:21:43 2002
Name:Mohan Kumar KL
Your Views: Indian Tax laws have traditionally been against the salaried class. This is one set of people who are falling easy prey to every Finance Minister for mobilizing extra tax. No Finance Minister has made a serious attempt to go after the people in the business who evade taxes brazenly. The current proposals in Kelkar's report have done precisely the same. Salaried class, especially in the lower brackets of tax would be severely affected on account of withdrawal of standard deductions and the rebates on investments.

Fri Nov 29 15:21:44 2002
Your Views: The incidence of income-tax should increase with the increase of income. Kelkar committee recommendations on personal taxation does not further this pheneomena vis-a-vis the current status. However the report is welcome to the extent that it will go a long way towards simplification, if all its recommendations are implemented.

Fri Nov 29 15:21:49 2002
Name:Lidwyn Aranha
Your Views: I too feel that the proposals are unfair. The middle class is always targetted to the maximum. The Baron and enjoying to the maximum.

Fri Nov 29 15:21:55 2002
Name:Ruchir Sharma
Your Views: the Kelker proposal is unfair & not considering the facts. I don't understand how the slabs are decided in our tax system. A person Earning 200,000Rs, by the end of the year, actually getting less then the person earning 199999 because he is in a higher slab & paying more tax then the later. but the person paying less tax would have more money to spend.

Fri Nov 29 15:22:05 2002
Your Views: The incidence of income-tax should increase with the increase of income. Kelkar committee recommendations on personal taxation does not further this pheneomena vis-a-vis the current status. However the report is welcome to the extent that it will go a long way towards simplification, if all its recommendations are implemented.

Fri Nov 29 15:22:09 2002
Name:Ramavatar jaju
Your Views: it is unfair ! tax rates should be like below from 1.5 to 2.00 lakhs 10% flat 1.00 to 1.5 lakhs 5% 2.00 to 2.5 lakhs 15 % 2.5 to 3.00 lakhs 20% 3.00 onwords 30% flat. it will get more revenus from big salaried people & help middle class people to get some relife .

Fri Nov 29 15:22:11 2002
Name:Jeo Joseph James
Your Views: From the article which I have read in the Rediff, I feel itz totally unfair

Fri Nov 29 15:22:36 2002
Name:Mukul Sarkar
Your Views: The basic requirement of any tax policy is that it should be equitable and it should protect the purchasing power of an individual against inflation. Our taxation policies fail to achieve both.In a country of 1000 mn why only few millions of middle class should bear the burden of income tax? If people other than the salaried class cannot be made to pay tax then the tax should be scrapped in the first place. Instead expenditure tax should be used as the effective tool for collection of tax. Now, if income tax is to be continued, the limits have to be linked to inflation. Just because one likes the round figure of say 1 lac, no tax will be paid upto this limit has no scientific basis. It should be clearly linked to Consumer Price Index and the limits should change automatically every year instead of depending on the whims of the FM. In a country where there is no pension system, doing away of the tax benefits for savings can only be thought of by the bureaucrats who enjoys pension system guaranteed by GOI. Another matter is that when we compare our income tax rate with other developed countries we forget that those countries are taking care of the medical needs and pension.

Fri Nov 29 15:22:39 2002
Name:R C Lakhotia
Your Views: Yes,this proposal is unfair. there will be no tax liability upto 2,50,000/- and rebate on saving will be continue.

Fri Nov 29 15:22:39 2002
Name:Edwin Manohar
Your Views: We work at private firms sweating blood and we get occassional breaks also in once career on top of it we today we are burdened by this hefty tax.It looks like that the government is trying its best to kill the middle class segment.

Fri Nov 29 15:23:05 2002
Name:Ravi Shankar K
Your Views: As a middle class Indian, who pays his IT promptly and fully and who represents just 2% of the population that does so, Kelkar's proposals are prepostrous. We(the middle class) dream of building houses and withdrawing the exemption here is nothing short of ridiculous. Withdrawing savings expemtions - really this man is all messed up. Why cant the there be a very basic IT for all shops & Establishments ??? If the govt were to insist that that there has to be a minimum IT of say 2000/- for all small shops etc - can one imagine the Income that can be easily generated!!! What about public transportation ?? Taxis & autos. Gee the govt would have its coffers all filled up for sure. And money in the pocket of the middle class would fuel expenditure which will benefit all. How do guys like Kelkar work I wonder ? Are they all locked up in ivory towers ? I am sure there are lots of simple ways of getting hold of all the biz who dont pay taxes - cant he find those ways ? Give the hard working middle class a break.Just because we need to be honest doesnt mean that we bear the cross.

Fri Nov 29 15:23:10 2002
Name:kirpal Singh
Your Views: Mr. Kelker had gone insane. He is not plugging the holes in Govt Expenduture but wants to cut heads of middle class salary people. The entire salary income is in white and salaries class is the more volunerable. He is not catching the big agricultarists, farm house owners, big industrialsits who never show income and evade the tax. Shame on the Govt and on Mr Kelkar. They must be bold enough to catch the big fish instead of poor middle class people.

Fri Nov 29 15:23:44 2002
Your Views: Repeatedly everyone making such proposals never ever takes into consideration the salaried middle class. This is the class of people who have no way of saving tax by any means. Especially, the proposal for abolishing the tax rebate on Housing Loans is ridiculous. Just hope that someone would come to the rescue of salaried class and try to empathise with them. Thanks. Manoj.

Fri Nov 29 15:24:12 2002
Your Views: Thank U for providing this opportunity. In my view let the Government formaulate any policy/ strategy, but what I want is let the DISCRIMINATION RAJ should go. If the Govt. want take out one Eye of people, let it take out one of ALL THE INDIANS. Why there should be a descrimination based on Income,Race,Religion,Cast, Organizabliity etc.. Next Question will be what the Govt. will do with SO MANY EYES? THANK U MADHU

Fri Nov 29 15:24:26 2002
Name:Vikas Vijaywargiya
Email: affssg@sgfdg.aff
Your Views: Yes they are unfair

Fri Nov 29 15:24:39 2002
Name:Laxmi Shankar
Your Views: I feel that the middle class is the scapegoat most of the time. Even though the salary increases more than quarter goes as tax. What is the benefit of increase in salary? It's the salaried class who pay the full tax and they are the people who are burdened the most.

Fri Nov 29 15:24:59 2002
Name:Nalin K Purohit
Your Views: Dear Sir, The report prepared & submitted under Dr.Vijay Kelkar is one of the boldest suggestions made in the last two-three decades. What are salaried class & others doing at present? To avoid taxes they invest in PPF/NSC & LIC's. Most of them whose cash-flows do not permit to do so, initially invest in such schemes & borrow from banks against pledge of the same. What happens from I.T. Office angle? More people filing returns, but no taxes being paid as most of them claim exemptions. In the changed scenario, if the suggestions are implemented, people will be free to do whatever they want with their spare money. Whatever they do, the Govt. & economy will be benefited. Most with additional cash-flow will still invest in Govt. Securities as usual & eventhough few of them do not do the same & spend the money, it will be circulated in the market as the demand for commodities will go up. The Income-Tax Dept. will have spare staff to do thorough scrutiny at higher level & some more critical jobs than scrutinising the returns in the range of 50000 to 100000. Hence this step will increase the revenue in the long run & the fear of loss of revenue is baseless.

Fri Nov 29 15:25:51 2002
Name:Ruchir Sharma
Your Views: this is in cont. to my previous view. I think the tax system should not be devided in slabs but it should be in the %age of the money a person is earning and should be same for all. I've already given the reason in my previous view

Fri Nov 29 15:25:53 2002
Your Views: Respected Str, Kelkar and his task force should have recommended taxable limit from existing Rs.50000 to Rs.200000 (two laks). only then he can recommend the removal ofstandard deduction and all exemptions on savings. THIS method will ease middle class and retires persons and face the ongoing spiralling increase in electric bill, petrol price and its effect on allessential commodaties. THANKING YOU, SINCERLY YOURS, K.S.SUNDARRAMAN

Fri Nov 29 15:26:21 2002
Name:ashok kumar
Your Views: -Exemptions for housing & savings should not be abolished in single step. Other exemptions must go. - To take care of most critical aspect of tax collection , govt must appoint tax collection / consultation agents similar to insurance / UTI agents , recruited from unemployed graduates , who will undertake door to door data collection , help in filling tax forms , collect tax cheques and provide informations / data / help to tax deptt . these tax agents should get about 1-2 % of tax collected by them . one tax agent can roughly cover about 1000 house holds and 100 establishment /shops / firms. the above measure along with low tax rates can provide 50 to 100 % jump in tax collection .

Fri Nov 29 15:26:31 2002
Name:Laxmi Shankar
Your Views: I feel that the middle class is the scapegoat most of the time. Even though the salary increases more than quarter goes as tax. What is the benefit of increase in salary? It's the salaried class who pay the full tax and they are the people who are burdened the most.

Fri Nov 29 15:27:41 2002
Your Views: till the corruption is eradicated and also lavish spending by vips there is no use of broadening the tax net or removing concessions. since everything is going to robber's packet the amount doesnt matter.

Fri Nov 29 15:28:24 2002
Name:T Pradhan
Your Views: standard deduction and all exemptions on savings should not be lifted. this will bea great blow to the middle class family

Fri Nov 29 15:29:28 2002
Name:A Venkata Chenulu
Your Views: Roti, Kapada aur Makan are essential for People to live satisfactorily. The tax benefits given by the Govt for housing in this regard are commendable. Also investment in this sector has triggered the growth in the Core sector viz., steel, cement, etc. This benefit should continue till every Indian has a home over his head, which may take 15-20 years. For instance I would have never gone in for a house on my own but for the tax benefits. This is the best way for the Govt to drive people indirectly to own a Makan. Similarly taxes on food and food processing both for capital investment as well as revenue expenditure should be reduced/made nil so that there is incentive for people to produce enough and consume enough in an affordable way for every one to have Roti. The same is applicable mutatis mutandis to Kapada also. In other words a holistic approach has to be taken. Both the direct and indirect taxation laws should be in such a way that in a natural way the three bare necessities of life reach every Indian to make mera Bharat really Mahan!

Fri Nov 29 15:30:11 2002
Your Views: I strongly oppose the whole concept of lifting the exemptions. It is well known fact the Employees,pre-dominantly private the domain which i belong, are already overburdened lot will get crippled under new regime. I am virtually a BIG full stop to my dream plans owning a house under the prevailing scheme. Let me tell this is only tip of the iceberg of seachanges to happen. Please review whole process.

Fri Nov 29 15:30:16 2002
Name:nandakishor yeolekar
Your Views: yes, it's quite unfair. one cannot compare US tax rates with indian one. as US doller is 50 times expensive or stronger than indian rupee. for example a person earning 1000 USD per month, how much IT he is paying in USA. now if you compare the same salary, tax rates then how many folks get Rs.50000/- per month in INDIA. very very few persons. i don't think person earning 1000USD per month paying 30% IT in USA. hence expenditure of Govt. has to be reduced. Govt must come out from day to day administration of PSU's and reduce the losses. Let PSU's management be handed by professionals. No interference in labour management/unions etc.

Fri Nov 29 15:30:56 2002
Your Views: Yes, the committee totally forgotten about the middle class and as usual hitting hard the Salary class the people who is declaring their 100% Income. If this continue that class people also will find a way to hide their income in thier return.

Fri Nov 29 15:31:12 2002
Name:T. Tilak Raj
Your Views: remove everything as per khelker's recommendation but keep the slab rate as 10 & 20% for the Ist and second slab.

Fri Nov 29 15:32:56 2002
Name:Atul Agrawal
Your Views: It is a strange way of bringing reforms. All the direct tax refroms (?) are always targated to fleece salaried class more. There is no appreciation of the real tax problems.

Fri Nov 29 15:33:24 2002
Name:Chris Fernandes
Your Views: While the working class has been further burdened with tax, it would be advisable if they rope in small/big businessmen in the tax net.

Fri Nov 29 15:33:39 2002
Your Views: As a whole the tax proposal is in line with the requirement for the development. However, a slight variation in the proposal could have been more meaningful, i.e., each and every one who earns should contribute to the ex-chequer in the form of tax irrespective of the income he receives. The tax rate cold be even 5 or 10%.

Fri Nov 29 15:33:58 2002
Name:Amol kawale
Your Views: If Mr. kelkar wants to reduce the actual rate of interest then he can do so by reducing interest rate on tax saving structures. Or else he can lower present Exemption limit. But his proposed tax regime would crush lower income 1-2 lakh salaried grade. also this will dramatically work against saving tendency which india cant affort to lease at this stage.

Fri Nov 29 15:34:12 2002
Your Views: So far the revised tax structure on direct taxes on individual has lesser outgo, irrespective of tax rebates , latter only inducing savings culture, the salaried class has the flexibility under proposed structure to improve living standard with more disposable income at hand, when savings can also be considered, voluntarily, as a means . Overall, raising the tax icome limits is a very pragmatic approach as, psychologically as well as economically, the present limits are obsolete.

Fri Nov 29 15:34:24 2002
Name:dr. ramesh gangurde
Your Views: our present it act is complicated and hence honest tax payer is generally being penalised . it also fails in preventing black money and corruption.there should be eqality in charging it after exempting income group of say ruppees one lakh and of salaried class be deducted from source.pensioners be exempted as a token of gratitude to them.

Fri Nov 29 15:34:27 2002
Your Views: Sir, I think Mr.Kelkar sincerely believes in garibi hataho programme.With the implimentation all middle class and lower class will be wiped out. It is a good proposal. A.S.Devrajan

Fri Nov 29 15:34:28 2002
Your Views: So far the revised tax structure on direct taxes on individual has lesser outgo, irrespective of tax rebates , latter only inducing savings culture, the salaried class has the flexibility under proposed structure to improve living standard with more disposable income at hand, when savings can also be considered, voluntarily, as a means . Overall, raising the tax icome limits is a very pragmatic approach as, psychologically as well as economically, the present limits are obsolete.

Fri Nov 29 15:34:43 2002
Your Views: So far the revised tax structure on direct taxes on individual has lesser outgo, irrespective of tax rebates , latter only inducing savings culture, the salaried class has the flexibility under proposed structure to improve living standard with more disposable income at hand, when savings can also be considered, voluntarily, as a means . Overall, raising the tax icome limits is a very pragmatic approach as, psychologically as well as economically, the present limits are obsolete.

Fri Nov 29 15:35:27 2002

k. n. kohale
Your Views: Dear sir, I would like to say that this proposal made by dr. kelkar is injustice to the middle class people.Today the prices of all items have gone up so high and people in this perticular class already realise hard to fulfil their mere requirements, so if again they have to face this burden of taxes, either they will have to end life or do some antisocial work to earn something to fulfil daily needs. If he wanted to increase the revenue of this conntry, there are so many ways but not doing this type of unfair mean.

Fri Nov 29 15:36:15 2002
Your Views: Middle class with limited income resources will be severely affected by Kelkar proposals. The reforms suggested are unwarranted

Fri Nov 29 15:36:25 2002
Name:Anshul Mohan
Your Views: Though the proposal does put forward some radical changes, but all it does is to try squeezing more out of the current taxpayers, most of which being salaried, are sitting ducks. The proposal to bring agricultural income into the tax net is laudable but the commission should have found better way of correctly assessing the taxes for small businesses most of which do not pay any taxes at the moment. Also sops like housing are prevalent in the US economy as well and have been a key driver of the economy in the recent past where most of west is hit with recession. Again if promises are reneged upon, the government might find it hard to win people's trust for any of the future schemes. Finally, when so much radical changes were proposed by committee won't it be nice if the salaried people could also claim depreciation on the assets they buy to keep them going :)

Fri Nov 29 15:36:45 2002
Your Views: Tax reforms should not be justified just by comparing the taxation in developed countries. If Mr Kelkar is doing so, he should first build the social Sucrity scheme as par with developed countries. I have very serious apprehension on implementing such a scheme in India, if the Social Security is implemented in India, the money collected in the name of social security will be used( read misused) as social security of our great Political leadsers. I Strongly feel that saving benifits should not be removed/reduced. Further the reforms should be done not to squeeze the sevice class but catch hold for Bussineess men who are making crores of rupees and paying a very paltry amount as Income tax.

Fri Nov 29 15:38:03 2002
Your Views: I do not know whether anybody is going to pay any attention. Even then I would say that Taxation requires some special attention. It should be properly justified based on burden borne by the individual subject to his/her liabilities towards parents,brothers and sister if they are dependents. There should be some slab and should also be common for all levels.

Fri Nov 29 15:38:42 2002
Your Views: Thank U for providing this opportunity. In my view, Let the Govt. formaulate any Policy,But the DISCRIMINATION RAJ should go. If the Govt. want to take out ONE EYE of people, let it take out ONE EYE of ALL THE INDIANS,why there shoud be a DISCRIMINATION based on INCOME,RACE,RELIGION,CAST, INFLUENCE etc. The next question will be What the Govt. will do with SO MANY EYES? Regarding our subject,I prefer to have a lowest possibe but uniform TAX RATE for all the 100 Crore Indians. Let the Surplus be spent for the Real Sufferrers. Thank U. Madhu THANK U. MADHU

Fri Nov 29 15:39:20 2002
Your Views: Middle class people are the most affected people now. From one side job security itself is bad,overand above people are really frustrated by these kind of actions.Totally this kind of attitude towards middle class people will lead them to act adversely by affecting badly their family life. Middle class people have to work hard for 12 to 14 hrs. a day over and above their journey by crowded trains in Mumbai to reach their working places. Here again to avoid family tension, people try to own a house of their own, where also if government put more restrictions, definitely it will affect their life very badly. Definitely in the present situation government should try to help the middle class people.

Fri Nov 29 15:40:48 2002
Name:Suresh Naloor
Your Views: There are two basic objections to his proposals; The first objection is to his approach of taxing further the existing tax-payers rather than spreading the net wide. Of course, kelkar alone is not responsible for this and entire political class is to be blamed for this mess. However, Kelkar has not proposed anything to change this bias. Second and more serious objection is his idea of abolishing all exemptions (both corporate and individual) Where is the law of land then? Is there no sanctity to the exemptions granted in earlier years and because of which people took decisions(whether building a house in case of individuals, or, in case of corporates, decisions such as opening the factories in backward areas etc) Now all of sudden, if exemptions are withdrawn, what about the decisions taken by everyone in good faith, assuming continuity of existing laws? If BJP wants to lose entire Middle-class votes, let the finance minister go ahead and implement the suggestions. All the best !!

Fri Nov 29 15:41:16 2002
Your Views: Excellent proposal.

Fri Nov 29 15:41:36 2002
Your Views: Thank U for providing this opportunity. In my view, Let the Govt. formaulate any Policy,But the DISCRIMINATION RAJ should go. If the Govt. want to take out ONE EYE of people, let it take out ONE EYE of ALL THE INDIANS,why there shoud be a DISCRIMINATION based on INCOME,RACE,RELIGION,CAST, INFLUENCE etc. The next question will be What the Govt. will do with SO MANY EYES? Regarding our subject,I prefer to have a lowest possibe but uniform TAX RATE for all the 100 Crore Indians. Let the Surplus be spent for the Real Sufferrers. Thank U. Madhu THANK U. MADHU

Fri Nov 29 15:42:53 2002
Name:Nitesh Taneja
Your Views: This is absolutely not the right thing.

Fri Nov 29 15:43:05 2002
Name:sanjay poyarekar
Your Views: Govt. is collecting taxes for the development of nation. They are collecting the same by way of direct tax and indirect tax.They are collecting direct taxes / indirect taxes from company as well as individuals. In case of indirect taxes, companies are passing the same to their customers and that of individual has to absort it within his / her income. Secondly companies are getting various expenses deduction and that of individual are not getting deduction from their earnings. The idea of proposal are not unfair. it is unfair because it has not considered the cost of living in metros and other part of the country and their problems. There should be standerd deduction which will take care of cost of living difference between metros and other part of country.For metros, it should be 75000/- and for other part of country, it should be 50000/-. Govt. should not be tax on individual income upto 100000/-. From income 100000/- to 250000/-, income tax should be 15%. From salary income 250000/- to 500000/- should be 20% and above 500000/- should be 30%.

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