Human interactions refer to how you relate to other employees, customers, and management. This is sometimes clubbed with communication skills, since people who have good work relationships with their peers are often good communicators. You also may be adept at supporting others and providing motivation for your peers.
People skilled in relating to others are often good at judging situations, being sensitive to the needs of other employees, being empathetic, and having the ability to cooperate on group work.
a. Communication
While English language is an important aspect, more so if your work involves global interactions; there is much more to communication than just spoken English. The skill of communication means your ability to understand information, take part in discussions and get the task accomplished.
b. Ability to work with others
The work environment involves interactions with several entities: peers, managers, cross functional teams, clients etc. Working effectively with others is a critical success factor. You should be able to manage one-on-one or group interactions, decide what you want to achieve and work with others to achieve your aims. Managing feedback and conflicts is an important part of this skill.
Also see: 10 ways to be a happy employee