Stand up straight. Place feet close. Inhale, going up on your toes. Exhale and drop heels back to ground (see left image). Repeat ten times.
Benefits: Encourages lymphatic drainage, promotes blood circulation and prevents oedema of the feet. It also refreshes the mind and improves posture.
Tadasana 2 (see image on the right)
Stand up straight. Place feet close. Inhale as you go up on your right heel. (If confident or with some firm support, like a chair, you may also go up on both heels together. For the latter, you need a sense of balance. That requires training. As you exhale, place foot flat on the ground. Repeat ten times for each foot.
Benefits: Same as above. Apart from improving posture and rectifying defects, it also improves sense of balance and co-ordination.
Also see: Power your legs with yoga